
Mehret va à l'est (2022)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 25M

Director : Cécil Chaignot



Clara Couturet
Clara Couturet
Roselyne de Nobili
Roselyne de Nobili
Daniel Di Grazia
Daniel Di Grazia
Anto Mela
Anto Mela


Cécil Chaignot
Cécil Chaignot
Cécil Chaignot
Cécil Chaignot
Victor Zébo
Victor Zébo
Director of Photography
Pauline Archange
Pauline Archange
Alexandre Bouissou-Serra
Alexandre Bouissou-Serra
Production Design
Lola Bernard
Lola Bernard
Assistant Director
Jean-Charles Bastion
Jean-Charles Bastion
Sound Mixer
Theodore Celardo
Theodore Celardo
Sound Editor
Bastien Cornet
Bastien Cornet
Boom Operator
Andria Vivarelli
Andria Vivarelli
Sound Engineer
Samira Sanoussi
Samira Sanoussi
Location Manager
Kévin Rousseau
Kévin Rousseau
Jean-Mathieu Massoni
Jean-Mathieu Massoni
Production Manager
Marie Léa Regales
Marie Léa Regales


Lugar Nenhum na África
Em 1938, pouco antes de estourar a 2ª Guerra Mundial, a família Redlich foge da Alemanha e se instala no Quênia, na África. Lá o advogado Walter Redlich (Merab Ninidze) passa a trabalhar numa fazenda, enquanto sua mulher Jettel (Juliane Köhler), filha de uma família burguesa, tenta se adaptar à nova vida. Regina (Lea Kurka), a filha do casal, cresce e aprende a língua e os costumes locais, encontrando no cozinheiro Owunor (Sidede Onyulo) um amigo. Quando a guerra está acabando Walter recebe uma proposta para atuar como juiz em Frankfurt. Depois de tantos anos em que aprenderam a amar o novo país, Jettel e Regina começam a duvidar se voltarão para a Alemanha com ele.
Was lebst Du?
Aqui e Ali
Robert, a jaded middle-aged New Yorker, travels to Belgrade to make some quick cash by marrying someone for U.S. immigration papers. The plan goes awry when the money never arrives, leaving Robert stuck in Serbia. Meanwhile in New York, Banko, the young Serb whose girlfriend Robert is to marry, fights to come up with the cash.
Fronteira da Violência
Charlie Smith (Jack Nicholson) é um policial que vai morar na fronteira dos EUA com o México, porque sua mulher tem uma amiga por lá. Querendo satisfazer todos os gostos da esposa, Charlie acaba se endividando, o que faz com que ele entre em um perigoso esquema, para faturar um dinheiro a mais e, assim, poder continuar a fazer suas vontades.
Crossing Borders
In 1960, Martín and Marcos are forced by their difficult personal circumstances to travel to Switzerland in search of work, leaving their families in the Madrid of Franco's Spain. But they undertake more than a simple journey; they begin the road to a new life.
O Voo das Noivas
A história da Última Grande Corrida Aérea em 1953, de Londres até Christchurch, que levou a bordo 26 noivas alemãs a se encontrarem com seus prometidos estabelecidos na Nova Zelândia. Baseado no livro de Marieke van der Pol.
Nueba Yol
Balbuena is a genial illegal immigrant who makes his way to New York City to take a bite out of the Big Apple. But his hopes of finding a better life soon begin to fade as Balbuena encounters one obstacle after another in the hardscrabble, uncaring metropolis.
A Bela e o Gato
When Jim Fletcher is told by his firm, that his new furniture designs, are not in keeping with the firms image. he threatens to resign, and decides to uproot his family, and emigrate to Australia. but his problems are only just beginning.
A Separação
Simin deseja mudar-se para garantir um futuro melhor para a família, mas seu marido Nader não quer por causa do pai doente. Ela entra com um pedido de separação e Nader contrata Razieh para cuidar de seu pai enquanto trabalha. Certo dia ao voltar para casa encontra o pai sozinho, desmaiado e amarrado à cama; Razieh aparece e os dois discutem, na sequência Nader empurra a mulher e dias depois, é notificado que Razieh estava grávida e teria perdido o bebê. Os dois terão que resolver a situação na justiça, e tem pontos de vista muito diferentes do que aconteceu durante a briga.
As Cinzas de Ângela
Based on the best selling autobiography by Irish expat Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the poverty endemic in the slums of pre-war Limerick. The film opens with the family in Brooklyn, but following the death of one of Frankie's siblings, they return home, only to find the situation there even worse. Prejudice against Frankie's Northern Irish father makes his search for employment in the Republic difficult despite his having fought for the IRA, and when he does find money, he spends the money on drink.
It's Winter
The struggle to survive, for a generation, torn between wanting to leave its country, yet bound by blood to home.
Novo Mundo
O siciliano Salvatore decide deixar sua terra natal com seus dois filhos e partir numa longa jornada com outros companheiros em busca de uma vida melhor no novo continente. Porém nem todos conseguem atravessar as portas do paraíso.
A Viagem da Hiena
A cowherd with a skull-mounted motorcycle and a university student meet in Dakar; put off by life in Senegal, they plan to make money in Paris.
17 Milagres
Como parte da Willie Handcart Company, Levi Savage (Jasen Wade) temia que sair no final da temporada levasse ao desespero e à morte. O que ele descobriu foi que, para cada tragédia, há uma infinidade de milagres. Baseado em eventos reais inacreditáveis, e trazido a você pelo cineasta T.C. Christensen (Louvor ao Homem, O Trabalho e a Glória), 17 Milagres abrirão seus olhos para as histórias dos Pioneiros Mórmons como você nunca os viu antes. Algo extraordinário está prestes a acontecer.
Juventude Em Marcha
After the Portuguese government demolishes his slum and relocates him to a housing project on the outskirts of Lisbon, 75-year-old Cape Verde immigrant Ventura wanders between his new and old homes, reconnecting with people from his past.
¡Vente a Alemania, Pepe!
Peralejos, a quiet village in Upper Aragon, is a place where nothing ever happens. One day Angelino returns home to spend the holidays, an immigrant who drives a Mercedes and tells great wonders of Germany and their women. Pepe, fascinated by the stories of his friend, decides to immigrate, but his dream begins at five o'clock, cleaning windows, and ends at twelve o'clock pasting posters.
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich
At the end of his life, Wilhelm Reich - psychiatrist and experimental scientist searching for the fundamentals of life - finds himself on trial, charged with deception. His dream of liberating human individuality makes him a dangerous opponent of an American system that is striving after 1945 for global hegemony, using all available means. Was it madness to believe in man's liberty or was Reich simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and, being a holistic global thinker, accurately observing far-reaching socio-political linkages? Ten years after his mysterious death, his writings, once burnt by the US FDA, become an important source of inspiration for a '68 generation in revolt. Written by Novotny & Novotny
La vida no vale nada
Pablo, a wandering laborer, has imprisoned himself in a hell of alcoholism. Cruz, a widow, reaches out to the troubled man, but even her compassion may not be enough to save him.
Stas is a young third generation Koryo-saram, a member of the Korean minority in Central Asia that was deported from the Russian Far East by Stalin. He and his three friends Kasoy, Shin and Said try to escape from the grim life in Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, and one day, they also try heroin. Then, however, Kasoy gets killed by a gang. 6 years later, Shin has emigrated to South Korea, Said has become a drug addict and Stas is now a police officer. Said commits suicide by overdosing and Stas, who has has since then also become a drug addict, decides to turn over a new leaf. He follows Shin to South Korea, but can this be Hanaan for him, the Promised Land?
German Laura follows her husband and moves to Finland with their baby girl. Her days at home are lonely as her husband is constantly working.