
Stephen Shore (2010)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 50M

Director : Ralph Goertz


The American photographer Stephen Shore is internationally best known as one of the leaders of the 'New Color Photography' movement in the US in the 1960s and 70s. This film starts with his early Warhol photographs Shore made during his school time in the 60s. After he did start shooting in black & white, Shore did start shooting in color with his 'Mick-a-Matic camera' and his 35mm camera. It ended up with his famous series 'American Surfaces' and - after changing his format into 8x10 - he created his 'Uncommon Places'.


Stephen Shore
Stephen Shore


Ralph Goertz
Ralph Goertz


Icahn: O Bilionário Incansável
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Nos Bastidores de Gavião Arqueiro
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Rewind and Play
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See You Friday, Robinson
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Jews of the Wild West
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Waters of Pastaza
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Ten young women who used to live on the streets of Bogotá close their eyes and conjure Alis. This documentation of delicate conversations depicts the imaginary friend evolving into a surface for the projection of personal experiences and a proxy for nascent dreams.
Kalle Kosmonaut
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Born in Damascus
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O Fascinante Mundo dos Corais
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Sandarmohin suru
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Um cativante documentário em longa-metragem, com acesso inédito à vida e à carreira da estrela desportiva mundial e maior ponta de lança inglês de sempre. Um olhar privilegiado à ascensão meteórica de Wayne, numa viagem das suas origens humildes ao estatuto de um dos mais icónicos nomes do desporto mundial.
Nothing Lasts Forever
Hidden from public view, a war is raging inside the diamond industry. When filmmaker Jason Kohn infiltrates this highly secretive world, he uncovers a vast, far reaching crime that threatens the value of every diamond ever mined. At stake is nothing less than the universal symbol of love and commitment - the engagement ring.
The Zama Zama Project
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On a remote coast of the Russian Arctic in a wind-battered hut, a lonely man waits to witness an ancient gathering. But warming seas and rising temperatures bring an unexpected change, and he soon finds himself overwhelmed.
Almost 250 years ago, an Indigenous noblewoman named Tomasa Ttito Condemayta gathered together over a thousand women to fight against the Spanish colonial rulers. In present-day Peru, female followers of all ages bring gifts to her resting place where they dance and celebrate together to draw strength and courage or request protection and good grades. A mockumentary in tribute of this special heroine.