A Cage Fight Christmas Special (2020)
Gênero : Comédia, Família
Runtime : 23M
Director : Jake Edwards
It hasn't been the kindest holiday season to James Hainwell, yet things would only get stranger when James is given the task of delivering a package deemed vital to saving Christmas, to Santa Claus himself.
Jack Skellington é o Rei das Abóboras na cidade de Halloween mas está entediado após anos a repetir sempre as mesmas coisas na Noite das Bruxas. Certo dia, por acaso, descobre a cidade do Natal e fica tão impressionado que decide trazer o espírito natalício para as festas do Halloween.
Após 8 anos ocupando o posto de Papai Noel, Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) é considerado a pessoa mais indicada para o cargo. Entretanto, Scott enfrenta problemas. Além de estar perdendo peso inexplicavelmente, seu filho Charlie (Eric Lloyd) entrou neste ano para a lista dos meninos maus, que não receberão presente no próximo Natal. Preocupado, Scott decide voltar para casa para saber o que está acontecendo com Charlie, deixando em seu lugar um substituto. Porém, logo após a viagem de Scott o Papai Noel temporário começa a tomar medidas arbitrárias, que modificam com as definições de bom e mau para os garotos e pode acabar estragando o próprio Natal.
Capitã Marvel, parte do exército de elite dos Kree, uma raça alienígena, encontra-se no meio de uma batalha entre seu povo e os Skrulls. Ao tentar impedir uma invasão de larga escala na Terra, em 1995, ela tem memórias recorrentes de uma outra vida, como Carol Danvers, agente da Força Aérea norte-americana. Com a ajuda de Nick Fury, Capitã Marvel precisa descobrir os segredos de seu passado e pôr um fim ao conflito intergalático com os Skrulls.
O Farol do Natal está chegando é um marco importante em Ponyville - é o sinal que orienta o Papai Noel a encontrar o caminho para a cidade. Mas quando Minty quebra acidentalmente o farol, uh - oh! Parece que Ponyville está destinada a um desanimado Natal. Minty está decidido a fazer de tudo para salvar o natal de seus amigos pôneis.
Tom, um menino de nove anos amante do natal, descobre que Papai Noel está escondido em sua garagem, após bater o seu novo trenó. Disposto a ajudá-lo, Tom pede auxílio ao seu pai, que concorda em levar o Papai Noel de volta para casa. Mas tudo tudo parece desandar quando o saudoso velhinho é perseguido pela polícia.
Uma jornalista de moda workaholic de uma cidade grande é enviada para uma pequena cidade obcecada pelo Natal para descobrir uma nova história, mas acaba se vendo no meio de uma trama sinistra que pode destruir o famoso feriado.
An up-and-coming attorney risks it all to help defend Santa when Christmas is in jeopardy of cancellation.
Ettore has spent the last five years in jail for a robbery. Once out of prison, he has nowhere to go, his wife broke up with him and doesn’t want him to meet their little daughter who was born right before he was arrested. Alone and desperate, Ettore roams the streets of Rome and meets a strange old man, Nicola. He decides to take advantage of him and rob him. But after breaking into his house, Ettore realizes Nicola doesn’t have anything worth stealing and furthermore, the old man tells him a rather stranger thing: he affirms to be Santa Claus…
Uma família moderna e fragmentada vive demasiado ocupada com suas carreiras e ambições para se preocupar com festas. Mas quando o Papai Noel parte do Pólo Norte um dia antes, cai no teto de sua casa, e perde a memória bem como o seu saco mágico de presentes, as prioridades mudam.
When Princess Morebucks finds out that she's been put on Santa's naughty list (in fact, she's the only one on it!), she does a quick re-write, resulting with Bubbles, Blossom, and Buttercup with nothing but coal for Christmas! On top of all that, Princess gets the one thing she wants for the holidays: super powers! Now, the girls have to stop Princess and make sure that Christmas is saved for children everywhere.
The Christmas Board of Directors has decided to cancel Christmas since children everywhere have lost the true spirit of giving. But Santa Claus, not willing to give up his favorite holiday without a fight, demands 30 days to prove them wrong. The board assigns him what seems like an impossible mission: he must change the hearts of two self-absorbed kids and make them see the true meaning of Christmas.
“A Christmas Tree Miracle” is a warm-hearted tale that reminds us that in the holiday season, the best gifts in life are the simple ones, and that miracles do happen, if you believe.
When the Professor and Rock Bottom plot to create the world's biggest blizzard in order to ruin Christmas, Felix the Cat and Poindexter must travel to the North Pole to help Santa Claus and save Christmas.
At an orphanage, the children are sad because they received used defective toys as gifts. Professor Grampy sees the children while passing by in his sled and has an idea on how to give them a merry Christmas.
When a family can't be together on Christmas, they bring their dysfunctional family Christmas online.
New York City, 1897. A little girl named Virginia O'Hanlon loves Christmas more than anything else in the world. When a schoolyard bully challenges her belief in Santa Claus, Virginia embarks on a quest across the city to prove he is real. Based on the true story of the most famous newspaper editorial of all time.
The made-for-TV film stars Jack Warden, Lou Diamond Phillips and Stan Shaw as three patients in a Los Angeles-area mental institution. Dressed as the Three Wise Men for a Christmas pageant, the trio is suddenly struck with the delusion that they are really their Biblical counterparts on a quest to find the Baby Jesus. As TV cameras grind away, the three ersatz Kings surreptitiously ride out of the gates of the asylum—on camels—and into the mean streets of LA. As the story draws to its conclusion, the three escapees find themselves providing a Christmas miracle (but not in the form of rap) for a group of homeless people on the outskirts of the city.
Na véspera do Natal, os Super Monstros unem forças para fazer as decorações, encontrar a rena desaparecida do Papai Noel e salvar o fim de ano!
Blanche, the Wicked Witch of the North Pole, is jealous of Santa Claus. She imprisons him and his reindeer in an icy cage on a raging river, so they can't deliver their presents on Christmas Eve. Her timid sidekick, Moose the unimaginatively-named moose, tries to stop her, but she zaps him far away with her magic. The Glo Friends find out what she's done, and they set out to try and save Santa. They rescue Moose from a tree along the way, and Blanche tries to imprison them in ice flowers. But her schemes fail, as they reach Santa anyway, and face her in a final showdown to rescue him.
Mozzman takes a long journey to Mt. Fuji in search for his old friend Kitakitsune.