
路考 (1965)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 0M

Director : Yu Zhou



Chen Qiang
Chen Qiang
Xiang Shi
Xiang Shi
Jianhua Wang
Jianhua Wang
Na Lin
Na Lin
Yi Ren
Yi Ren


Yu Zhou
Yu Zhou
Tianmin Zhang
Tianmin Zhang


A Caverna
Quando um sistema de cavernas desconhecido é descoberto debaixo de uma abadia romana do século 13, uma equipe de profissionais, em busca de emoções, é enviado para fazer buscas na área, a fim de detectar sinais de um novo ecossistema. A boa notícia é que eles encontram vida; a má notícia é que podem não viver tempo suficiente para contar a alguém.
A Casa Profunda
Ao mergulhar em um lago remoto da França, alguns YouTubers especializados em vídeos de exploração subaquática descobrem uma casa submersa em águas profundas. O que era inicialmente um achado único logo se transforma em pesadelo quando descobrem que a casa foi palco de crimes atrozes. Presos, com suas reservas de oxigênio caindo perigosamente, eles percebem que o pior ainda está por vir: eles não estão sozinhos em casa.
Maré Negra
Kate(Halle Berry) é uma aventureira acostumada a nadar com tubarões brancos na costa da ilha de Guadalupe. Durante um mergulho que dá errado, o marido dela escolhe sua ambição profissional no lugar da segurança de Sara, e o casamento desanda. Um ano depois, ela retorna à ilha e passará pelo teste de sobrevivência definitivo.
Viagem ao Fundo do Mar
Uma expedição científica de rotina ao Pólo Norte transforma-se em uma corrida para salvar a vida na Terra, quando um cinturão de radiação no espaço se inflama e começa a aquecer o planeta de maneira incontrolável. O Almirante Nelson e a tripulação do submarino atômico Seaview enfrentam sabotadores, criaturas marinhas gigantescas e ataques de outros submarinos durante sua corrida para evitar a catástrofe global.
The Midnight Swim
Spirit Lake is unusually deep. No diver has ever managed to find the bottom. When Dr. Amelia Brooks disappears during a deep-water dive, her three daughters travel home. They find themselves unable to let go and become drawn into the mysteries of the lake.
Little coastal town is being terrorized by deadly Barracudas.
Último Suspiro
Preso no fundo do oceano com pouco oxigênio e sem esperanças de resgate, um mergulhador profissional tenta se salvar sozinho
Me Mate, Querido
Atolados em dívidas, um casal se estranha cada vez mais. Tudo muda de figura quando eles ganham na loteria e decidem ficar juntos — até que a morte os separe.
A Lenda da Estátua Nua
Phaedra is a poor sponge diver on the lovely Greek isle of Hydra. While diving, she discovers an ancient brass and gold statue of a boy riding a dolphin, which is said to have the magical power to grant wishes. Her shiftless boyfriend wants to sell it to an unscrupulous art collector, but Phaedra wants to give it to anthropologist Jim Calder, who would return it to the Greek government.
The Pearl
A poor Mexican diver discovers a valuable pearl in the ocean, but it brings his family only trouble
Great Barrier Reef
Mysterious and only superficially explored by generations of the native Aborigines, Australia's Great Barrier Reef is one of the world's most extraordinary natural life systems. Twelve hundred miles long and made up of coral, it is the Earth's largest structure built by living things, in some places extending 120 miles into the sea. So many varieties of life call the reef home that more than a dozen species can be found within any square meter of its surface. This IMAX film brilliantly captures the visual splendor of this environment with splendid underwater photography typical of the format. Sharks, sea turtles, anemones, and the coral itself are the living subjects of the camera's probing eye. Overall, this documentary is a comprehensive look at this long-studied web of life that leaves a lasting impression of its depth and beauty.
Uma Noiva em Cada Porto
Os marinheiros Spike e Salami vivem metidos com mulheres e aventuras, sempre bebendo de bar em bar. A rivalidade deles concorrendo por mulheres vira uma amizade, mas quando um deles decide se acomodar, uma mulher jovem e misteriosa se coloca entre eles.
Divers at Work on the Wreck of the
Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.
The Land That Devours Ships
For almost a century and a half, Her Majesty's Ship Breadalbane lay wrecked and forgotten under the Arctic ice. In the spring of 1983, noted undersea explorer Dr. Joseph MacInnis led a team of twenty men on one of the most difficult, dangerous and unforgettable undersea adventures of the century--to put a diver on board the sunken vessel and recover some artifacts. This film, introduced by H.R.H. Prince Charles, provides a stunning visual account of this historic expedition.
One Last Dive
In the morning's small hours, a police diver in search of evidence at a cold underwater crime scene makes a final effort to further investigate and goes for one last dive. The Chief wants to wrap it up in twenty minutes, however, what the diver is about to discover is utterly unexpected and fiendishly gruesome.
Der tote Taucher im Wald
A crime comedy about the urban legend of the dead diver in the forest.
The Sea Bat
The sister of a sponge diver killed by a stingray loves an escaped convict posing as a priest.
The Breath Connection
A portrait of free diver Kathryn Nevatt, former World Champion and current New Zealand record holder in all three disciplines.
16 Fathoms Deep
A bitterly jealous sponge fisherman tries to sabotage a fellow diver.
The South Seas 3D: Bikini Atoll & Marshall Islands
The South Pacific – the ocean between the American continent and Asia, stands for endless vastness, an infinite stretch of water and pristine nature. For many, the South Pacific is synonymous with paradise sun, beaches and of course, the bikini. But the bikini, or rather the island Bikini, also stands for a disastrous series of nuclear tests, carried out by the USA immediately after the Second World War. To this end, numerous ships of different sizes and categories were brought together. The remnants of these vessels have found a watery grave at the bottom of the lagoon: in depths of up to 60 metres, practically inaccessible for the average diver. Until recently, the region could not be visited for decades, due to radioactive contamination. But how have nature and mankind developed? Accompany us to a very special ships cemetery. Explore a region untouched by human hand for more than 60 years and experience the magic of the South Seas.