
Brangelina: The Inside Story (2021)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 54M

Director : Roxane Schlumberger


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Brangelina...One of the most iconic and sought-after celebrity couples. For more than a decade, the glamorous pair fascinated and were idolised by many. For a while, it seemed that Brangelina was the perfect love story and that nothing would be able to take away the shine of their romance. But...behind closed doors, behind the glitz, the glamour, and the fame, the golden couple began to crumble. Before it all went wrong, we take a look at the couple that will always be remembered as one of the most charismatic, enigmatic and compelling duos of present-day Hollywood. Out of a movie set encounter, a fictional romance turned into a real-life romance for two of the most famous actors of the modern Hollywood scene. After a decade of hysteria, the world grieved the loss of one of the world's most influential and talented duos. They have come a long way, and they reached an influence never before seen in the industry, both together, and apart.


Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt


Roxane Schlumberger
Roxane Schlumberger
Roxane Schlumberger
Roxane Schlumberger
Roxane Schlumberger
Roxane Schlumberger
Brian Aabech
Brian Aabech
Executive Producer
Jordan Hill
Jordan Hill
Ella Dowling
Ella Dowling
Production Manager
Christian Tanto
Christian Tanto
Sound Mixer
Tom Huxley
Tom Huxley
Graphic Designer


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Jackass 3
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Trabalho Interno
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