
Nang by Nang (2018)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 40M

Director : Richard Fung


Nang has written her own script. Born in the Trinidadian village of Basse Terre in 1934, she grew up poor, illegitimate, mixed-race and female, but she survived by defying convention. She left the first of five husbands when he cheated on her. With no formal training, she danced with choreographer Geoffrey Holder, who later won Tony Awards for The Wiz. In her twenties, she went to work in the Orinoco delta in Venezuela, and saved enough to buy a house. She started university in New York in her 40s. Stubbornness, resourcefulness and resilience have allowed Nang to surmount life’s scars and tragedies. As her many changes of first and last names suggest, she was constantly reinventing herself. In this vivid portrait, filmmaker Richard Fung gets to know his first cousin at her current home in New Mexico and on the road in Trinidad.



Richard Fung
Richard Fung


American Pie: Revealed
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Trabalho Interno
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Thinking XXX
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Batman Desmascarado
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Avatar: Criando o Mundo de Pandora
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Marvel Renaissance
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Batman Tech
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Avatar Spirits
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Zumbis Uma História Viva
A maioria das pessoas acredita que os zumbis são um fenômeno recente, que surgiu a partir das histórias em quadrinhos, de filmes e da televisão. A verdade é muito diferente. Este especial de duas horas explora a sua verdadeira história desde os primórdios da civilização até a atualidade. Veremos como o Antigo e o Novo Testamento da Bíblia revelam inúmeras histórias de mortos-vivos, e vamos detalhar como a Peste Negra na Europa tornou-se um dos períodos mais prolíficos em mitos e lendas sobre zumbis. Examine conosco ainda outras lendas sobre essas criaturas, incluindo as histórias secretas da China e os rituais do vodu no Haiti.
Cidade de Deus: 10 Anos Depois
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The Fear of God: 25 Years of The Exorcist
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Jackass 3.5
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Titanoboa: Monster Snake
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Katy Perry O Filme: Part of Me
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