
4 Horsemen: Apocalypse (2022)

The end is here.

Gênero : Ficção científica

Runtime : 1H 26M

Director : Geoff Meed
Escritor : Geoff Meed, Joe Roche, Lauren Pritchard


A small team of scientists must race against time to stop what seems to be a cascade of global disasters signaling the possible apocalypse and end of days.


Dominique Swain
Dominique Swain
General Bridget Norris
Arie Thompson
Arie Thompson
Dr. Lynise Hughes
Eric St. John
Eric St. John
Major Oakley Jones
Eva Ceja
Eva Ceja
Dakota Lenna
Brandon Alan Smith
Brandon Alan Smith
Elliot Rodney
Isaac J. Cruz
Isaac J. Cruz
Preston Geer
Preston Geer
Bridger Buckley
Bridger Buckley
Sgt. Irv Shockley
Stamaur Mitchell
Stamaur Mitchell
Junior Alabi
Junior Alabi
Marco Neves
Marco Neves
Rodrigo Brand
Rodrigo Brand


Geoff Meed
Geoff Meed
Geoff Meed
Geoff Meed
Joe Roche
Joe Roche
Lauren Pritchard
Lauren Pritchard
Joe Roche
Joe Roche
Lauren Pritchard
Lauren Pritchard
Eva Ceja
Eva Ceja
Line Producer
Paul Bales
Paul Bales
David Michael Latt
David Michael Latt
David Rimawi
David Rimawi
Executive Producer
Mikel Shane Prather
Mikel Shane Prather
Anthony Jensen
Anthony Jensen
Line Producer
Cameron Ames
Cameron Ames
Brayton Austin
Brayton Austin
Director of Photography
Amanda Farmer
Amanda Farmer
Production Design
Cambria Hankin
Cambria Hankin
Monique Paredes
Monique Paredes
Key Makeup Artist
Kaleigh McMillan
Kaleigh McMillan
Costume Design
Kristin Moody
Kristin Moody
Makeup Artist
Sasha Burrow
Sasha Burrow
Visual Effects Coordinator
Glenn Campbell
Glenn Campbell
Visual Effects Supervisor
Neal Sopata
Neal Sopata
VFX Artist
David R. Morton
David R. Morton
VFX Artist
Tammy Klein
Tammy Klein
Visual Effects Compositor
David Lawrence Allen
David Lawrence Allen
Supervising Sound Editor


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Inside Hope
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Left for dead on an abandoned earth, a struggling man must accept his situation and reconcile with his unsettling past.
2012 - O Ano da Profecia
No dia 21 de dezembro de 2012, quatro estranhos em uma jornada de fé são levados para um templo antigo no coração das selvas do México. Esta é justamente a data em que os ancestrais Maias acreditavam ser a data do juízo final. Para os cientistas, trata-se do dia de uma grande catástrofe que poderá acabar com toda a humanidade. Para as pessoas comuns, é o verdadeiro dia do apocalipse. A verdade sobre essa terrível data será revelada em 2012: Fim dos Dias!
A Noite do Cometa
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O Fim do Mundo
Cole Henderson (Larry Keating) é um cientista que alerta que um planeta está em um rota de colisão com a Terra. Ninguém crê na história de Henderson, com exceção de Sydney Stanton (John Hoyt), um milionário que financia a construção de uma astronave gigantesca, construída para transportar sobreviventes selecionados da Terra para outro planeta. Logo fica claro que as predições de Cole se tornarão realidade, assim uma loteria mundial é feita para selecionar as pessoas que serão salvas do catástrofe pela astronave de Stanton.
O Diabo, A Carne e o Mundo
Ralph Burton is a miner who is trapped for several days as a result of a cave-in. When he finally manages to dig himself out, he realizes that all of mankind seems to have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. He travels to New York City only to find it deserted. Making a life for himself there, he is flabbergasted to eventually find Sarah Crandall, who also managed to survive. Together, they form a close friendship until the arrival of Benson Thacker who has managed to pilot his small boat into the city's harbor. At this point, tensions rise between the three, particularly between Thacker, who is white, and Burton, who is black.
When three orphaned brothers Jack, Chafe and Harv, who live in an apocalyptic wasteland known as Estramia decimated by a decades long war, find evidence of their deceased father’s final message to them, they recruit a mysterious hoarder and his acquaintance Tax to help them find it. While Harv and Chafe are on board, Jack may not be so trusting…
All End?
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Misterio en Marbella