
Special Action 1005 (2022)

Gênero : Documentário, História, Cinema TV

Runtime : 53M

Director : Ingolf Gritschneder


No one really knows the exact details of Special Action 1005. How many people were killed by the Nazis in the rear of the Eastern Front between 1942 and 1944? There were at least tens of thousands. This is the story of how the criminals covered up the traces of their clumsy and savage crimes.


Hans Henrik Wöhler
Hans Henrik Wöhler
Self - Narrator (voice)


Ingolf Gritschneder
Ingolf Gritschneder
Ingolf Gritschneder
Ingolf Gritschneder
Wilfried Kaute
Wilfried Kaute
Camera Operator
Sergiy Evsrtratenko
Sergiy Evsrtratenko
Camera Operator
Sergey Stetsenko
Sergey Stetsenko
Camera Operator
Edward Hoffmann
Edward Hoffmann
Yuriy Falko
Yuriy Falko
Rainer Speidel
Rainer Speidel
Rainer Speidel
Rainer Speidel
Color Grading
Kai Hoffmann
Kai Hoffmann
Sound Mixer
Fritz Gnad
Fritz Gnad
Graphic Designer
Óscar Valero
Óscar Valero
Graphic Designer
Albert Ribalta
Albert Ribalta
Graphic Designer
Silke Indra
Silke Indra
Production Assistant
Nora Ehrmann
Nora Ehrmann
Beate Andorff
Beate Andorff
Dmytro Kolchynsky
Dmytro Kolchynsky
Wolfram Gumbert-Brewitt
Wolfram Gumbert-Brewitt
Heike Kunze
Heike Kunze
Mathias Werth
Mathias Werth
Commissioning Editor


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