Ring: Espiral (1998)
Gênero : Fantasia, Terror, Mistério, Thriller
Runtime : 1H 37M
Director : George Iida
O patologista Mitsuo Ando é convidado a realizar uma autópsia em seu amigo e colega Ryuji Takayama. Ao investigar as circunstâncias da morte de Takayama, Ando descobre que era um amigo de Reiko Asakawa e que ambos acreditavam na existência de uma transmissão de um vídeo que assombrada e poderia matar as pessoas, após de sete dias de assisti-lo. Ando rejeita esta ideia, mas depois de receber e assistir a uma cópia da fita ele começa a acreditar, e em seguida ter sonhos com Sadako aparecendo para ele.
Night of the Living Dead II takes place on a remote island where a small group of survivors of the zombie apocalypse take shelter, only to face fresh terror when the flesh-eaters find their way ashore.
Alex and Lucy are an expecting couple, when Alex’s antisocial uncle leaves his will to be sorted alphabetically upon his mysterious death, Alex is left with this Victorian “fixer-upper” and a desire to do family life right. Lucy, however, finds the house makes her uncomfortable, and begins to question if she is ready to become a mother. 'THE HOUSE THAT BLEEDS' is a short film made during the COVID19 Pandemic, originally intended to be a live action film it was adapted into using puppets instead, being one of the first live action horror shorts to use Jim Henson-style puppets for the protagonists.
Saint Drogo is a supernatural slowburn thematically inspired by 70s horror like Rosemary's Baby and Wicker Man. A gay couple, whose relationship has grown a bit strained, take an impromptu trip to Provincetown, Cape Cod in the off-season. Caleb, one half of the couple, has been plagued by nightmares of his ex, who had been working in Provincetown for the summer. When they arrive to town, it appears Caleb's ex has gone missing. As disturbing hallucinations continue to haunt Caleb, he becomes more determined in finding him. But the closer he gets, the sooner he nears the sinister secret the town is hiding.
Uma garota comete um crime brutal e decide entrar em seu subconsciente.
A collection of shivering psychic images received by general posts; including 'Series Surveillance Camera Vending Machine', 'An album', 'Evidence video', 'Prospective platform', 'Ayutayu', 'A beast', 'Gyokutsuki collision', 'Track Record Part 2' and 'Follow-up record, Part 2'.
Juju Stories tackles juju in contemporary Lagos through three stories. In Love Potion, by Omonua, an unmarried woman agrees to use juju to find herself an ideal mate. In Yam, by Makama, consequences arise when a street urchin picks up seemingly random money from the roadside. In Suffer the Witch, by Obasi, love and friendship turns into obsession, when a young college woman attracts her crush's interest.
Mick, uma celebridade, se complica quando recebe uma oportunidade profissional irrecusável no mesmo dia do seu casamento. Agora, a data do casal está em perigo.
Overnight at a hotel, one man finds a gateway in his closet
Two screenwriters, working on a deadline on Halloween night, creatively disagrees with deadly outcome.
Puppy Dog Tails is a horror about a backpacker who stays at a home in the east end of London, only to find there is a sinister person living in the basement.
The 3rd installment in James A. Burkhalter's QUEER ROOTS trilogy: After years of his mother begging him to do it, James decides to finally review and erase 10 years' worth of phone messages. It tells the story of James' "roaring twenties," constructed solely through the voices of friends, family, and lovers.
Mountain biker Benny Jones sets off on a weekend ride to remote Crow Valley but is knocked off his bike in a brutal hit and run. He wakes badly injured in an abandoned cabin where he meets young hiker Greta. When her lies and sanity start to unravel he finds himself in a desperate fight for survival.
Reiji's final mission is to prevent the smuggling of 600 billion yen of drugs. For his mission, he gets on luxury passenger ship and he faces his strongest enemy to date.
Cinco jovens atores viajam para uma casa isolada, cercada por uma floresta, por um final de semana para gravação de um filme. O que eles ainda não sabem é que esse será o cenário de acontecimentos misteriosos. Será que eles conseguirão terminar o filme antes que terminem com ele?
The year is 2020, the middle of the corona crisis. Art student Itsuka has her graduation exhibition canceled and must take home the piece which she had been working on for a year. In a whirlpool of emotions she clashes with her worried parents, her little sister overreacts to the virus and even her usually calm friend Hirai starts to build up frustration. In the middle of all that, she re-unites with Tanaka, who gave her the opportunity to absorb herself in painting, clashes with Hirai over their true feelings and tries to face her own future.
O poderoso Kong e o temível Godzilla se unem contra uma colossal ameaça mortal escondida no mundo dos humanos, que ameaça a existência de sua espécie e da nossa. Mergulhando profundamente nos mistérios da Ilha da Caveira e nas origens da Terra Oca, o filme irá explorar a antiga batalha de Titãs que ajudou a forjar esses seres extraordinários e os ligou à humanidade para sempre.
Khalid, a wannabe vlogger, travels with his wife and best friend from Saudi Arabia all the way to Southern California, hoping to catch some great footage of paranormal happenings. When his wish comes true, will the three of them have the presence of mind to turn the cameras off and flee? Director Maan B plays Khalid himself and narrates the story, creating an atmosphere of suspense from the moment they set off into the unknown.
A man finds a picture frame that allows him to see through a different dimension.
A estudante Mai Takano tenta encontrar a verdade por trás da morte misteriosa de seu amado Ryuji. Ela começa a procurar o vídeo supostamente possuído pelo espírito de Sadako, o qual, acredita-se, tem o poder de matar qualquer pessoa uma semana depois de tê-lo assistido.
Após a morte de Tomoko Oishi, uma repórter, Reiko Asakawa, ouve histórias de um vídeo que mata quem o vê uma semana exatamente após assisti-lo. No início não dá importância aos rumores, mas ao descobrir que um amigo de Tomoko, que assistiu o vídeo, morreu exatamente uma semana depois ela começa a investigar. Após ver a fita estranhas coisas começam a acontecer.
Depois de muita procura, a repórter Akiko Miyaji finalmente consegue encontrar a menina Sadako, trinta anos após os acontecimentos do primeiro filme. Esperando encontrar uma menina de sangue frio e má, ela encontra uma frágil e que faz aulas de teatro em Tóquio.
Every university must have mysterious tall tales in the past, where students die before graduating. Someone wants to create a class to help the spirits graduate college. Surprisingly, the class attendants are growing significantly, and no one wants to teach the class. Star, a popular student, Otaku, a nerd and ghost photography enthusiast, as well as students Moo, Meuk, and Kung, and Fay the chubby clown, have to participate in the class. What kind of terror and romp will they have to go through?
Filme baseado em uma lenda do folclore asiático na qual ‘Krasue’ é um espírito feminino meio humano, que vive uma vida comum durante o dia, mas, à noite, sua cabeça se separa do seu corpo e flutua em busca de carne e sangue para consumir.
Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) é um assassino que possui uma marca registrada: ele deixa em suas vítimas uma cicatriz em forma de quebra-cabeças e faz com que elas cometam atos agonizantes para se salvarem. O detetive David Tapp (Danny Glover) é designado para investigar os assassinatos, bem como a capturar seu autor. Porém o esguio Jigsaw leva o detetive a desenvolver uma obsessão por capturá-lo.