
Jackie Speier: Sexual Assault in the Military (2016)

If military commanders sacrifice justice for the good of the mission, then what are we fighting for?

Gênero : Guerra, Documentário

Runtime : 11M

Director : Jannifer Hammer


Congresswoman Jackie Speier explains her approach to protecting victims of sexual assault within the military. Her goal is to take prosecuting powers out of the inner ranks and put it into the hands of properly trained detectives.


Jackie Speier
Jackie Speier
Jackie Speier
Elizabeth Hillman
Elizabeth Hillman
Elizabeth Hillman


Jannifer Hammer
Jannifer Hammer
Daniel L. Bernardi
Daniel L. Bernardi
Soumyaa Kapil Behrens
Soumyaa Kapil Behrens
Robert Thoms
Robert Thoms
Robert Barbarino
Robert Barbarino
Robert Barbarino
Robert Barbarino
Jumana Zahid
Jumana Zahid
Assistant Editor
Andrés Gallegos
Andrés Gallegos
Dan Olmsted
Dan Olmsted
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Sarah Brady
Sarah Brady
John Edward Serafica
John Edward Serafica
Production Assistant
Adan Pulido
Adan Pulido
Additional Camera
Silvia Turchin
Silvia Turchin
Additional Camera
Andrés Gallegos
Andrés Gallegos
Director of Photography
Alexander Zane Irwin
Alexander Zane Irwin
Director of Photography


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