
Homo Erectus (1995)

Gênero : Romance, Comédia

Runtime : 1H 27M

Director : Joe D'Amato


At the beginning, there was only the naked earth. Then, the humans came. This is the amazing tale of the fightings for something really really precious: WOMEN!


Gerry Pike
Gerry Pike
Stefania Sartori
Stefania Sartori
Roberto Malone
Roberto Malone
Roxanne Hall
Roxanne Hall
Laura Palmer
Laura Palmer
Kethrin Brut
Kethrin Brut
Francesco Malcom
Francesco Malcom
Cindy Scorsese
Cindy Scorsese
Silvio Evangelista
Silvio Evangelista


Joe D'Amato
Joe D'Amato


A Era do Gelo
Vinte mil anos atrás, na era do gelo, três criaturas completamente diferentes se juntaram por obra do destino. Sid, uma cômica e falante preguiça, Manny, um peludo mamute ranzinza, e Diego, um sinistro tigre dente de sabre relutante em se juntar ao grupo para devolver um bebê humano a seu pai. Antes desta incrível jornada terminar, este diferente trio irá passar por lavas ferventes, escapar de traiçoeiros túneis de gelo e conhecer um pré-histórico esquilo chamado Scrat, uma criatura compulsiva por sua noz. Junte-se ao mais fantástico e engraçado grupo da história, na aventura mais legal de todos os tempos.
O Homem do Gelo
A team of Arctic researchers find a 40,000 year-old man frozen in ice and bring him back to life. Anthropologist Dr. Stanley Shephard wants to befriend the Iceman and learn about the man's past while Dr. Diane Brady and her surgical team want to discover the secret that will allow man to live in a frozen state.
A Tribo da Caverna do Urso
Tribo de Neandertais encontra a menina Ayla (Daryl Hannah), uma Cro-Magnon órfã.Iza (Pamela reed) e Creb (James Remar), o curandeiro e sábio da Tribo da Caverna do Urso, praticamente adotam Ayla e a educam como uma Neandertal, apesar das objeções de outros membros. Ayla cresce diferenciada de todos, hábil, inteligente e determinada, o que incomoda Broud (Thomas G. Waites), futuro líder da tribo. Cabe a ela agora, defender sua identidade e encontrar seu espaço. Baseado em best-seller de Jean M. Auel.
A Guerra do Fogo
A reconstituição da pré-história, tendo como eixo a descoberta do fogo. A saga de uma tribo e seu líder, Naoh, que tenta recuperar o precioso fogo recém-descoberto e já roubado. Através dos pântanos e da neve, Naoh, encontra três outras tribos, cada uma em um estágio diferente de evolução, caminhando para a atual civilização em que vivemos.
Two cutting-edge scientists give 'birth' to a Neanderthal—the first to walk the earth for some 35,000 years—in order to attempt to answer these questions. Part 'normal' child, part science experiment, William’s 'parents' struggle with the best way to raise him. As William grows toward adulthood, he is educated in the human experiences of love and intimacy. But his primitive impulses begin to emerge the more he tries to conform to human expectations, leading to tragic consequences for him and his loved ones.
The Neanderthal Man
A scientist develops a formula which will cause animals to regress to the form of their primitive ancestors, and tries it on himself with disastrous results.
O Monstro Sanguinário
A college paleontology professor acquires a newly discovered specimen of a coelecanth, but while examining it, he is accidentally exposed to its blood, and finds himself periodically turning into a murderous Neanderthal man.
Neanderthal Apocalypse
40, 000 years ago the steppes of Eurasia were home to our closest human relative, the Neanderthals. Recent genetic and archaeological discoveries have proven that they were not the dim-witted cave dwellers we long thought they were. In fact, they were cultured, technologically savvy and more like us than we ever imagined! So why did they disappear? We accompany scientists on an exciting search for an answer to this question and come to a startling conclusion …
Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard
Sir David Attenborough joins an archaeological dig uncovering Britain's biggest mammoth discovery in almost 20 years. In 2017, in a gravel quarry near Swindon, two amateur fossil hunters found an extraordinary cache of Ice Age mammoth remains and a stone hand-axe made by a Neanderthal.
The Tribe
A family tribe of Cro-Magnons faces hardships, such as hunger, animal attacks, Neanderthal attacks, and death from injuries as they migrate to find a more bountiful land to live on.
The Neanderthals’ Dark Secret
49,000 year old Neanderthal bones have been discovered by chance in a remote, mountainous region of Northern Spain. The bones may help solve the biggest Neanderthal puzzle of all – why we are here today and Neanderthals are not. ‘The Neanderthals’ dark Secret’ revolves around ongoing investigations deep inside the forbidding subterranean cave system called El Sidrón. Here, Palaeontologist Antonio Rosas and Archaeologist Marco de la Rasilla are in their 11th year of excavation. Bones from at least 12 people and 400 stone tool fragments have been recovered. We’ll bring these people back from the past. Our haunting, hologram-like Neanderthal characters, will communicate to the scientists of today, as they unlock the secrets of El Sidrón. Many mysteries surround the site, foremost, how the bones and tools came to be here in the first place. The remains aren’t weathered nor do they show signs of scavenging from large animals.
2.0 Lucy
Dr Michael O'Brien is a celebrated palaeoanthropologist, but his recently-published book has drawn ridicule from academics while being hailed by crazy conspiracy theorists. With his party-animal sister Alyssa, and her latest boyfriend Dante, he retreats to a rural outback where he obsessively pursues the unorthodox research that led his colleagues to shun him. Here, he makes a mind-blowing discovery that may rescue his career. Trapped in isolation, four flawed characters grapple with their awesome responsibilities and the delusional idea that we humans are the master species.
Decoding Neanderthals
Over 60,000 years ago, the first modern humans left their African homeland and entered Europe, then a bleak and inhospitable continent in the grip of the Ice Age. But when they arrived, they were not alone: the stocky, powerfully built Neanderthals had already been living there for hundreds of thousands of years. So what happened when the first modern humans encountered the Neanderthals? Did they make love or war?
Este é o Meu Garoto
Na adolescência, Donny teve um filho, Todd, e o criou até completar 18 anos. Agora Donny ressurge pouco antes do casamento de Todd depois de anos separados, fazendo com que o mundo do futuro noivo desmorone.
A Nova Cinderela: Era uma Vez uma Canção
Rotineiramente a jovem Katie (Lucy Hale) é explorada e maltratada pela madrasta (Missi Pyle), mas não reclama por temer ficar sem lar. Talentosa cantora e compositora, ela quase perde uma grande oportunidade por conta dos caprichos da irmã, Bev Van Ravensway (Megan Park), e, revoltada, decide finalmente correr atrás de seu sonho deixando de lado as complicadas questões familiares.
O Artista
Na década de 1920, o ator George Valentin é uma estrela do cinema mudo, mas sua carreira está ameaçada pela chegada do cinema sonoro. Enquanto ele luta para manter seus filmes, Peppy Miller, uma coadjuvante, alcança a fama.
Paixão e Êxtase
3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy é refilmagem de filme de Hong Kong, de 1991, baseado em clássico da literatura chinesa do século 17. A história, ambientada na China antiga, durante a dinastia Ming, mostra um estudioso sexualmente frustrado que vai parar no harém de um nobre.
Mr. Vampire II
Modern grave robbing "archeologists" find perfectly preserved specimens from the past of a man, a woman, and their child. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these are vampires immobilized only by the paper spells pasted on their foreheads. While transporting the child to a buyer, its spell blows off and the vampire child escapes and befriends some local children. Eventually, the parent vampires are also awakened and escape, but by now the local herbalist is on their trail to destroy them.
Procura-se um Amigo para o Fim do Mundo
Dodge é abandonado pela esposa em meio ao pânico do iminente fim do mundo, devido à colisão entre um meteoro e a Terra. Disposto a viver alguns dias de amor antes do apocalipse, ele se junta à vizinha, e ambos partem em busca de seus antigos amores.
Scooby-Doo! A Lenda do Fantasmossauro
Scooby Doo e sua turma entram na pré-história, quando encontram um fantasmossauro horrível que é o protetor de um tesouro antigo escondido nas cavernas do deserto. Mas isso não assusta Salsicha e sua turma, que estão dispostos a resolver mais este pré-histórico mistério.