Mastane Mohajer

Mastane Mohajer

Nascimento : 1974-05-05, Tehran, Iran


Mastane Mohajer


Pegando a Estrada
Uma família caótica e afetuosa viaja por uma paisagem acidentada, mas para onde? No banco de trás, o pai parece estar com uma perna quebrada, mas ela está realmente quebrada? A mãe tenta rir ao mesmo tempo em que não consegue conter as lágrimas. O filho mais novo fica agitado no karaokê coreografado que fazem no carro. Todos eles estão preocupados com o cachorro doente e irritando uns aos outros. Apenas o misterioso irmão mais velho permanece quieto.
Mahmoud is a very very short man, just one meter tall, who wishes to play a two meter tall instrument like a Contrabass. He finds he cannot reach until …
Hava, Maryam, Ayesha
Três mulheres afegãs vivem em Cabul, cada uma vinda de diferentes origens sociais e religiosas: Hava é uma mulher tradicional que vive com a família do marido. Apesar de estar grávida de oito meses, ela tem que fazer todas as tarefas da casa e sua única alegria é conversar com o bebê em sua barriga. Maryam é uma jornalista educada que quer se divorciar de seu marido infiel. Ayesha é uma garota de 18 anos que sempre desejou se casar por amor, porém seus planos são erradicados quando engravida do namorado e ele desaparece depois de ouvir as notícias.
A Bigger Game
This movie is about a group game and there is some new persons in game that will make them pay.
3 Faces
Uma famosa atriz iraniana recebe um vídeo perturbador de uma garota implorando por ajuda para escapar de sua família conservadora. Ela então pede para seu amigo, o diretor Jafar Panahi, ajudá-la a descobrir se o vídeo é real ou uma manipulação. Juntos, eles seguem o caminho para a aldeia da menina nas remotas montanhas do norte, onde as tradições ancestrais continuam a ditar a vida local.
When Mahi's son dies in a car accident, Behrouz who has returned to Iran to sell his properties, attends the funeral. Their old romance catches up while Behrouz has planned to marry Sara and go back to Canada with her.
آبنبات چوبی
Maral (played by Hengameh Hamidzadeh) intends to go abroad with her boyfriend Mehrdad (played by Milad Kiomram). The Maral family has a traditional mindset, and his brother Morteza (played by Karim Amini), who is violent, is also in conflict with him. This causes Maral to run away from home. At the same time, Morteza, with the help of Farhad family's son-in-law (played by Reza Attaran), who is the husband of his cousin, is trying to find Maral. They first go to his old classmate and then to Mehrdad and find out that Mehrdad has been unaware of Maral for the past four years.
Two friends, named Shahrokh and Siavash, have paved a criminal path. By the help of a girl who helps them in their cons, they set a trap for a rich criminal and rob him of all his fortune and send him to jail. Shahrokh is addicted to gambling and cheats the table to win a lot of money. But Siavash is against it. Shahrokhs cheat is exposed and the gambling mafia gives him 24 hours to either give the triple of the money he had taken, back or he would loose his life. And thus begins a dangerous game of cat and mouse between these two and the mafia.
The Man Who Became a Horse
An old man living with his only daughter tries to keep her close to him by any means, although she is married. With longing for what was, the daughter becomes attached to the one thing she has left of her deceased mother, a horse. Jealous of her affections, the old and stubborn patriarch sets the horse free, leading to his daughter’s despair... This evocative and at times frightening power game is about isolation, vulnerability and how we can become too dependent on those we love.
An Adopted Movie From Orginal Title 'Lipstick"
Minoo takes her husband, Hamed, to meet his ex-sweetheart, sepideh. This meeting revives old memories...
Minoo takes her husband, Hamed, to meet his ex-sweetheart, sepideh. This meeting revives old memories...
Soil And Coral
A man has left his country when his wife was killed during the war. Now he must go back to Kabul for wedding of one of his daughters. Unwillingly he gets involved in an internal conflict...
Aghaye haft Rang
The Guest
A young taxi driver who is a happy man encounters lots of different stories through his daily life. One day, he is driving a young American woman and he enters an unusual and protracted adventure which he should follow to the end. The American woman has lost the address she is going to refer and it is almost impossible to reach her relatives. The young driver believes that he should help the woman until she finds her relatives and this issue causes many problems between him and his fiancee. He also has other problems regarding the American woman and his unusual friend.
E Buda Desabou de Vergonha
Baktay tem seis anos e vive com sua família em Bamian, cidade em que tesouros da cultura local, como as estátuas de Buda, foram destruídas pelos talibãs. Instigada por seus vizinhos que já sabem ler, ela faz de tudo para poder estudar em uma escola para meninas que abre do outro lado do rio. Quando segue para a escola, no caminho encontra um grupo de garotos acostumados a brincadeiras de guerra, que resolvem prendê-la como prisioneira.
Men at Work
A political allegory on four middle-class guys who pile into their car for a ski weekend. A brief stop at a picturesque vista leads to their chance discovery of a prominent rock formation it seems would be oh so easy to tip over, but...
Cães vadios
O pai está preso por ser soldado talibã. A mãe se casou de novo e foi presa por adultério. As crianças ficaram na rua, lutando pela sobrevivência dia após dia.
An old Iranian man disappears while searching for a friend who's been dead ten years, so his agitated daughter enlists her estranged husband to look for him; the husband puts his foot down at first but soon finds himself cruising the streets of Tehran with his best friend, searching for the old rascal and cursing all the way.
O Caminho para Kandahar
Nafas (Niloufar Pazira) é uma jovem afegã que fugiu de seu país em meio à guerra civil dos Talibãs e hoje trabalha como jornalista no Canadá. Até que sua irmã mais nova, que ficou no Afeganistão, lhe envia uma carta avisando que irá se suicidar antes da chegada do próximo eclipse solar. Nafas resolve então retornar ao Afeganistão a fim de tentar salvar sua irmã.
Mokarrameh, Memories and Dreams
Mukarrama is an old woman in one of the villages of Mazandaran who cannot read or write and suddenly turns to painting. In his memoirs and dreams, he depicts the relationship between a man and a woman, master and servant, man and God in a special style.