María Fiorentino

María Fiorentino

Nascimento : , Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina


María Fiorentino


Vigil in August
In the dead of winter, just a few days before her long-awaited wedding, Magda is witness to a series of tragic events that involve her groom. Shocked, she decides to keep quiet, but soon her body will start speaking for her.
O Mistério da Felicidade
Santiago (Guillermo Francella) e Eugenio (Fabián Arenillas) são companheiros de negócios e melhores amigos há décadas. Eles se entendem sem precisar emitir palavras, preocupam-se e precisam um do outro. Um dia, Eugenio desaparece sem deixar pista. Santiago decide procurar o amigo, contando com a ajuda de Laura (Inés Estévez), a esposa de Eugenio.
Schafhaus, casa de ovejas
Boca de fresa
Matar a Videla
Julián's mother
Julian plans to leave a legacy to society. The murder of genocidal dictator Jorge Rafael Videla. Result of a violent society, making a decision violent, Julian run huge risks, but the key is to not become the same monster that wants to kill.
Los Condenados
Two ex-guerrillas meet again 30 years later in an illegal excavation, where they will search for the body of a third companion who disappeared at the time. The tension and secrets hidden during that time will surface as you approach the unpredictable final solution, where not everything will be what it seemed.
Lugares Comuns
Tutti Tudela
Professor universitário de Buenos Aires é obrigado a se aposentar por idade. Com o pouco que recebe de aposentadoria, ele e a esposa vão morar em uma fazenda. Enquanto se adapta à vida rural, o casal renova a esperança no futuro.
Cinzas do Paraíso
O respeitado juiz Costa Makantasis morre ao cair do topo do Palácio de Justiça de Buenos Aires. No mesmo dia, seus três filhos, Alejandro, Nicolás e Pablo declaram-se, separadamente, culpados pelo assassinato de Ana Muro, filha de um grande empresário. Cabe agora à juíza Beatriz Teller resolver esse sombrio quebra-cabeças, que envolve dinheiro, sexo e uma grande disputa pelo poder.
Historias Breves 3
La ciudad oculta
Después del último tren
The Way South
Signora / Maruja
A thirty year old man returns from South America to his native village, in the mountains of Yugoslavia, to find his spouse and take her along. He chooses the youngest daughter of self-supporting Jewish woman. The deceit gets discovered on the way to South America. Seven poor girls, among whom is his future wife, are imprisoned in ship's deck. He took them, promising rich marriage, and his real intention is to employ them in bordello houses of Buenos Aires, where the girls, not knowing the language, would be left to his mercy.
Sentimientos: Mirta, de Liniers a Estambul
Chechechela, una chica de barrio
High Heels
A prostitute falls in love with a painter with whom she believes she can save her life.
High Heels
A prostitute falls in love with a painter with whom she believes she can save her life.