Amber Jaeger

Amber Jaeger


Amber Jaeger


Uma Carona Para o Amor
Thom (Sam Jaeger) esta desempregado e sem dinheiro. Para tentar pagar suas contas ele trabalha ilegalmente como taxista. Quando um dia uma mulher entra em seu carro e pede para que ele apenas dirija, sua vida vira de cabeça para baixo. Eles começam, então, uma viagem através do país, para chegarem à Califórnia, mas no caminho até lá muitos segredos e obstáculos terão que ser ultrapassados.
Sara Ballard
Sara (Amber Jaeger) suffers from agoraphobia, an obsessive fear of open spaces that renders her a virtual captive of her own home. When her husband, Mark (Kieron Elliott), disappears unexpectedly, Sara unravels emotionally and begins to panic. Turning to her estranged sister (Kristine Sullivan) and a psychiatrist (Andrew Qamar) for support, Sara soon begins to wonder whether the doctor is trying to help her or is plotting her demise.
Shiloh Falls
Shiloh Falls is an exhilarating tale of good versus evil set in the untamed wild west. Gritty lawman John Gaffney has finally tracked down the murderous Dalton Taggert and his gang to the outpost town of Shiloh Falls. But before the fugitives can be brought to justice, a mysterious stranger appears in town, more powerful than any man. When there is no escaping his powers, the sworn enemies must pull together to fight true evil. The heart racing quest rides from the majestic frontier to a pulse pounding main street shoot-em-up for divine retribution
Hearts and Hotel Rooms
Hotel Manager (as Amber Mellott)
Brian and Jimmy go their separate ways after an unforgettable night. Will their hearts lead them to each other again? When Jimmy returns to room eight of a charmingly convenient hotel, he reminisces on a one-night stand that took place there. Flashbacks from a year earlier-- checking in, simple conversation, discovering love-- bring into question whether or not Brian will return as well