Le premier joueur
Daniel sai da prisão. Ele retorna a Marselha, onde Mathilda, sua filha, acaba de dar à luz. Nicolas, seu marido, um motorista autônomo, está exausto, enquanto Mathilda é assistente de vendas em caráter experimental. Mas uma noite, Nicolas é assaltado por taxistas determinados a reduzir a concorrência desleal.
Le père d'Amelle
Amelle and Noom are two young thirties are total opposites and that fate will bring. Serious She manager at Starbucks, and dynamic IT dilettante, smart, and apprentice comic. Both victims disappointments in love, they swore that it does take longer. So how do when despite all these opposites attract? A game of seduction then sets up for our greatest happiness. But all is not so rosy, families, friends, colleagues get involved, wars are declared, quarrels explode. Caught between the roots of their education and the fire of their feelings, which side will they choose? The love he will triumph? One thing is sure, they will make us have a good loads of fun and excitement ...
Sob um baobá, um velho conta às crianças a história da amizade entre Maki, de apenas 10 anos, e Zarafa, uma girafa órfã. O animal foi dado ao rei francês Charles X por Muhammad Ali, do Egito. Em meio a uma longa jornada que vai do Sudão até Paris, Maki e Zarafa vivem diversas aventuras.
Dir Yasin
James Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) é o assistente pessoal do embaixador americano na França e leva uma vida pacata e confortável em Paris. Seu sonho é se tornar um agente da CIA, onde poderia ter mais ação ao realizar seu trabalho. Sua vida muda quando é designado como o novo parceiro de Charlie Wax (John Travolta), que precisa deter um ataque terrorista. A partir de então Charlie guia James em uma perseguição pelo submundo parisiense, para cumprir sua missão.
Le père d'Alain
Gilles de Maistre's political thriller Féroce (Ferocious) is about a man seeking revenge. Arab Alain (Samy Naceri) decides to join a fascistic French political party in order to assassinate the leader, Legle (Jean-Marc Thibault). Alain comes to this decision when his girlfriend's brother is murdered after he had defaced some of the party's paraphernalia. To improve the party's public stance on immigrants, Alain is hired as a security guard. Legle's daughter is attracted to Alain, who is tempted enough by the girl to abandon some of his religious convictions.
Famous TV news anchorman Pierre Nivel left Algiers for France in 1962. That's been a secret; his Paris co-workers have never known that he was formerly an Algerian pied noir. An Algerian delivers an urgent message to Pierre from a Leïla Jalal... Algiers, 1962. The Nivels live in the same apartment building as the Moslem Jalal family. Lycée student Pierre is in love with their daughter, Leïla. The civil unrest in Algeria is heating up and violence is spreading in Algiers. At school, Pierre is friends with a Moslem student, Issam, but he is made fun of for that... Pierre's jet arrives in Algiers. As a celebrity, Pierre is met on arrival by a government official, Nader Mansour. Because of the civil war raging between the government and Islamic terrorists, they drive into the city in a heavily armed convoy. Pierre does not tell Mansour his real reason for returning: Leïla has asked him to help her daughter Amina escape to safety in France.
When a man's best friend is shot in cold blood by two corrupt policemen, he must track down the only eyewitnesses, who have deported to Mali.
In Paris , Commissioner Stan Jalard and Inspector Simon Lecache plan to quit the police to go and enjoy a more peaceful life in the West Indies. In a nightclub, during a routine visit, they spot Schneider, a dreaded gangster and public enemy. At the time of his arrest, Simon is killed at close range by the criminal. Stan then decides to stay in the police to avenge Simon. Being the godfather of Christian, Simon's son, who sometimes lives in a boarding school, sometimes at home, he takes charge of his education. Two years later, Stan has been promoted, and he's told that Schneider had resurfaced in the capital. A long hunt begins.
Rivas' Gang
Wisconsin farm girl Elizabeth Carlson leaves family and her English teacher lover behind and escapes to New York. There she soon makes a career for herself as a fashion model. During a vernissage she's approached by a mysterious man whose motives are unclear...
Lounès, le père
A family or Algerian origin comes back to Algeria after having lived in France for a long time. The children, born in France, have a hard time adapting to Algerian society, and the contrast between traditionalist mentalities and youth wanting to have fun clash, reaching havoc in the village.
Two little criminals without major, dream of adventure and easy life. They agree to go to work in the Poitou as representatives of musical encyclopedias luxury. But their friend Valerie arrive from Paris and just changes their life.