Elizabeth Haffenden

Nascimento : 1906-04-18, Croydon, Surrey, England, UK

Morte : 1976-05-29


Elizabeth Haffenden (18 April 1906 – 29 May 1976) was a British costume designer who won two Academy Awards for the films Ben-Hur in 1959 and A Man for All Seasons in 1966 Oscars. She designed the costumes for most of the Gainsborough Melodramas of the 1940s.


Conduct Unbecoming
Costume Design
A company of British soldiers in colonial India is shaken when the widow of their most honored hero is assaulted. A young officer must defend a fellow lieutenant from the charges in an unusual court-martial, while investigating the deepening mystery behind the attack.
Costume Design
One sixteenth-century clergyman's view breaks the Catholic Church apart.
O Regresso
Costume Design
In a dreary North London flat, the site of perpetual psychological warfare, a philosophy professor visits his family after a nine-year absence and introduces the four men - father, uncle and two brothers - to his wife.
O Dia do Chacal
Costume Design
Um assassino profissional conhecido pelo codinome "Chacal" é contratado para matar Charles de Gaulle, presidente da França. É o início dos anos 60 na França. Os sobreviventes restantes da extinta Legião Estrangeira Francesa, agora numa organização terrorista, a OAS, fizeram repetidas tentativas de matar o presidente francês Charles De Gaulle. O resultado é que ele se tornou o homem mais bem protegido do mundo. Em um ato de desespero eles contratam O Chacal, o codinome do assassino de aluguel que se compromete a matar De Gaulle em troca de meio milhão de dólares. Ele começa então a planejar a morte do famoso presidente francês para o dia 25 de agosto de 1963. Veremos os preparativos do assassino que são tão minuciosos que nos perguntaremos como ele poderia falhar, mesmo quando vemos a tentativa da polícia francesa de achar seu rastro. A situação é historicamente precisa. Houveram muitos desses atentados e o filme segue de perto o enredo do livro. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Joana, A Mulher Que Foi Papa
Costume Design
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
Um Violinista no Telhado
Costume Design
Violinista de aldeia ucraniana e seus habitantes de origem judia são intimados pelo czar a deixar o país em apenas três dias. Começa assim o sofrido êxodo para os países ocidentais, onde são mostrados os dramas individuais de alguns personagens. Baseado no livro "Tevye's Daughters and play Tevye der Milkhiker", de Sholem Aleichem, por sua vez levado aos palcos da Broadway por Joseph Stein.
O Calhambeque Mágico
Costume Design
Na primeira década do século XX um carro de corrida, que tinha ganho três grandes prêmios, sofre um acidente e fica totalmente queimado. Algum tempo depois duas crianças, Jemima (Heather Ripley) e Jeremy (Adrian Hall), os filhos de Caractacus Potts (Dick Van Dyke), um inventor fracassado, vêem a carcaça deste carro de corrida, que seria vendido por 30 xelins. Eles imploram ao pai que o compre, mas Potts está sem dinheiro e o avô das crianças (Lionel Jeffries), que mora com eles, se encontra na mesma situação. Após uma tentativa desastrosa de vender uma de suas invenções para o Lorde Scrumptious (James Robertson Justice), o fabricante de doces da região, Potts consegue acidentalmente dinheiro suficiente em um parque de diversões. Potts compra o carro e, milagrosamente, transforma um veículo que estava caindo aos pedaços em um carro novo em folha.
Half a Sixpence
Costume Design
The joyous screen version of the Broadway and London musical hit. "If I had the money, I'd buy me a banjo!" says struggling sales clerk Arthur Kipps. Soon he'll inherit enough to buy a whole bloomin' orchestra. But can his newfound wealth buy happiness? Multi-talented Steele brings his London and New York stage smash to the screen in this big, cheerful tune-filled production based on H.G. Wells' charming novel "Kipps."
O Homem Que Não Vendeu Sua Alma
Costume Design
Na Inglaterra do século XVI, Henrique VIII (Robert Shaw) planeja se separar de sua primeira esposa para se casar com Ana Bolena (Vanessa Redgrave), mas não recebe a aprovação de Thomas More (Paul Scofield), um fervoroso católico que se tornou Lord Chanceler, um altíssimo posto que ele preferiu renunciar a trair suas convicções. Entretanto, a importância de Sir Thomas é tão grande que mesmo após sua renúncia o rei continua lhe perseguindo. Até que surgem “provas” que o incriminam como alta traição, um crime punido com a morte.
Assassinato Por Encomenda
Costume Design
Coronel Mostyn é o chefe de uma seção do Serviço de Segurança britânico de serviços quando estão embaraçados pelo número de espiões e deserções. O Chefe diz-lhe para fazer algo sobre ele para que ele contrata Boys Oaks de agente L - O síndico, para assassinar pessoas para causar problemas. Embora os meninos gosta de carros e as meninas que sua nova posição atrai ele não é nenhum bom para ele. Ele também tem uma fobia sobre o vôo que faz jorrar fora a lugares exóticos um pouco de constrangimento.
As Aventuras Escandalosas de uma Ruiva
Costume Design
A bawdy story of how a poor damsel surrenders her virtue again and again to get to the top of society.
A Voz do Sangue
Costume Design
Manuel Artiguez (Gregory Peck), um famoso bandido durante a guerra civil espanhola, tem vivido em exílio na França há 20 anos. Quando sua mãe está morrendo, ele resolve visitá-la secretamente na sual cidade natal espanhola. Mas seu maior inimigo, o policial espanhol Viñolas (Anthony Quinn), preparou uma armadilha no hospital para finalmente pegar Artiguez.
I Thank a Fool
Costume Design
After mercifully killing her terminally ill lover, Dr. Christine Allison loses her medical license and spends two years in prison. Once she has completed her sentence, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine, Stephen Dane, hires her to care for his emotionally unstable wife, Liane. Christine takes the job, but when Liane's allegedly dead father reappears, Christine sets out to reveal the family's dark secrets.
Peregrino da Esperança
Costume Design
No Outback Australiano, a família Carmody - Paddy, Ida e seu filho adolescente Sean - levam uma vida nômade, são tropeiros de ovelhas, sempre em movimento. Ida e Sean querem sossegar e comprar uma fazenda. Mas Paddy quer se manter em movimento. Um concurso de tosquia de ovelhas, o nascimento de uma criança, bebidas, jogos e um cavalo de corrida terão um papel na decisão final.
Costume Design
Na Judéia invadida pelos conquistadores romanos, o príncipe Ben-Hur tenta conduzir seu povo rumo à liberdade. Mas isso gera um conflito de interesses com o seu amigo de infância, Messala, agora um severo comandante dos exércitos de Roma. Preso, o príncipe é enviado para trabalhar como escravo, longe de suas terras, família e sua amada Esther (Haya Harareet). O pacífico Ben-Hur transforma-se em um guerreiro forte e corajoso, disposto a enfrentar seus inimigos e restabelecer a paz.
I Accuse!
Costume Design
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
Amanhã Sorrirei Outra Vez
Costume Designer
Londres, Inglaterra, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após uma trágica experiência de vida, a jovem Violette Szabo se junta ao Executivo de Operações Especiais e atravessa as linhas inimigas alemãs como agente secreto para ajudar um grupo da Resistência francesa.
Costume Design
The Mad Morgans are a family song and dance act touring the British Music Halls. Young Davy is the star of the act but should he stay with his family or strike out on his own ? The last comedy to be produced at Ealing Studios.
Carga Perigosa
Costume Design
An Australian "swagman" finds his wife with another man, so he takes the daughter, Buster, with him. On the road together, going from town to town and from farm to farm, father and daughter explore new depths of understanding and bonding.
O Céu é Testemunha
Costume Design
Em 1944, no Pacífico Sul o náufrago Cabo Allison, um fuzileiro, chega em uma balsa na Ilha Tuasiva, onde ele encontra a irmã Angela. Ela lhe diz que ela é a única pessoa na ilha e foi deixado para trás pelo barco de fuga para as Ilhas Fiji enquanto procurava o padre local. Encalhados na ilha, mas com água, peixes e frutos, sua vida paradisíaca termina quando os japoneses chegam para construir uma base, forçando Allison e a freira se esconderem em uma caverna. O fuzileiro rústico fornece o abastecimento necessário para a sobrevivência dos dois e se apaixona pela freira.
Moby Dick
Costume Design
Consumido por uma raiva completamente insana, Capitão Ahab (Gregory Peck) tem apenas um objetivo na vida: Vingar-se de Moby Dick, a grande baleia branca que o feriu e desfigurou. O obcecado capitão de um baleeiro usa seu poder de comando como uma desculpa para navegar pelos Sete Mares em uma busca sem fim pelo seu objeto de ódio. Lutando contra uma tripulação amotinada, o calor tropical e tormentas violentas, Ahab finalmente encontra com sua inimiga e começa um confronto que irá culminar em uma luta épica de uma fúria sem fim…
Convite à Dança
Costume Design
Three completely different stories are told through dance.
A Encruzilhada dos Destinos
Costume Design
Anglo-Indian Victoria Jones seeks her true identity amid the chaos of the British withdrawal from India.
O Príncipe Negro
Costume Design
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
O Belo Brummel
Costume Design
Lavishly told story of George Bryan Brummel, a commoner born in the era of Napoleon who uses wit, brilliance and sartorial flair to align himself with the future King George IV. Lush settings in authentic locations and Taylor in Regency …
Laughing Anne
Costume Design
Story of love affair of captain who runs ship in Java Seas and a French saloon singer. From a story "Because of the dollars" by Joseph Conrad.
The Late Edwina Black
Costume Design
When a sickly Victorian woman dies suddenly, a postmortem reveals that her body contains a fatal dose of arsenic. Suspicion falls on her husband and her companion, who are lovers. Inspector Martin of Scotland Yard solves the mystery of her death... over a cup of tea.
Portrait of Clare
Costume Design
The three marriages of a woman: a young man who is killed, a priggish lawyer and a sympathetic barrister. From the novel by Francis Brett Young.
Angústia de uma Alma
Costume Design
Vicky Barton and her brother, Johnny, take a trip to the 1896 Paris Exhibition. They both sleep in seperate rooms in a hotel. When the sister gets up the next morning, she finds her brother and his room had disappeared and no one will even acknowledge that he was ever there. Now Vicky must find out what exactly happened to her brother.
Christopher Columbus
Costume Design
Christopher Columbus overcomes intrigue at the Spanish court and convinces Queen Isabella that his plan to reach the East by sailing west is practical.
The Bad Lord Byron
Costume Design
Injured and on his deathbed in Greece, Lord Byron imagines a celestial trial with witnesses to determine the worth of his character.
Uncle Silas
Costume Design
Following her father's death, a teenage heiress moves in with her guardian uncle who is broke and schemes to murder his niece for her vast inheritance.
The Magic Bow
Costume Design
Biography of the famous Italian violinist Nicola Paganini which focuses as much on the musician's romances as it does on his craft. Phyllis Calvert plays Jeanne de Vermond, the aristocratic French woman who captures Paganini's heart, and real-life violin virtuoso Yehudi Menuhin supplies the breathtaking Paganini solos.
Costume Design
Bedelia Carrington is living happily, it appears, in Monte Carlo with her husband Charlie Carrington. But a cultivated young artist, Ben Chaney, begins probing into her past with curious concern. Chaney, who is really a detective, learns that Bedelia's obsession for money has led her, in the past, to husband-poisoning for the insurance money.
Costume Design
During the last half of the 19th century writer Richard Darrell saves Don Carlos from two robbers, and is entrusted by Don Carlos to take a valuable necklace to Spain. Richard leaves his fiancé, Oriana, and starts the trip. He meets Wycroft, a henchman for Sir Francis Castteldow, an aristocrat out to steal Oriana from Richard. The latter is assaulted, robbed and nearly killed and, as a result, loses his memory. He marries a gypsy girl, Rosal, while Oriana, thinking him dead marries the dastardly Sir Francis. Everybody will meet again. Complications will arise.
The Wicked Lady
Costume Design
A married woman finds new thrills as a masked robber on the highways.
A Morta Apaixonada
Costume Design
An elderly couple move into an old, supposedly haunted abandoned house. A young girl comes to live with the pair as a companion for the wife. However, soon the girl is possessed by the spirit of another girl, a wealthy woman who had once lived in the house but who had been murdered there.
Madonna of the Seven Moons
Costume Design
In the early part of this century, Maddelena a teenage Italian girl, is attacked whilst walking in the woods. The attack leaves her mentally scarred and our story flashes forward to the 1940s where Maddelena is still troubled. She disappears one day and her daughter vows to find her.
Love Story
Costume Design
After discovering that she has only a short time left to live, concert pianist Lissa travels to Cornwall for the final fling of her life. While there, she falls in love with young mineral prospector Kit, a man whose dark secret prevents him from fighting in the War. Unbeknownst to Lissa, however, Kit's affections are also much in demand from a rival of hers.
2.000 Mulheres
Costume Design
During the Second World War, three downed English airmen hide out with women's internment camp in France.
Give Us the Moon
Costume Design
Set just after the end of WWII (but filmed in the middle of it) in a time of general euphoria at having won the war, with full employment and general happiness for all (or nearly all). Peter, the young wastrel son of a hard working hotel owner doesn't like the idea of having to work for a living. He discovers a society of "White Elephants" who are quite willing to be poor as long as they don't have to work. They are protected and guided by Nina (Margaret Lockwood) and her precocious sister Heidi (Jean Simmons).
Fanny by Gaslight
Costume Design
Returning to 1870's London after finishing at boarding school, Fanny winesses the death of her father in a fight with Lord Manderstoke. She then finds that her family has for many years been running a bordello next door to their home. When her mother dies shortly after, she next discovers that her real father is in fact a well-respected politician. Meeting him and then falling in love with his young advisor Harry Somerford leads to a life of ups and downs and conflict between the classes. Periodically the scoundrel of a Lord crosses her path, always to tragic effect.
Dear Octopus
Costume Design
Three generations of a family gather together to celebrate a golden wedding anniversary, while the family secretary has the unenviable task of smoothing out all the deep-set hostilities and jealousies.
O Homem de Cinzento
Costume Design
Clarissa se casa com o marquês de Rohan, que a trata com cruel indiferença, porém sua amiga Hesther a apresenta a outro patife, o atrevido e imoral Rokeby.
The Young Mr. Pitt
Costume Design
This biopic tells the story of the life of Pitt The Younger, who became Prime Minister of Great Britain at the age of 24.
Ten Days in Paris
Wardrobe Supervisor
Bob Stevens awakens in a hospital with a gunshot wound to his head, and is told that he has been in Paris for ten days. However, this cannot be true because he insists that he crashed his plane and has no recollection of being anywhere for ten days. Bob decides to follow a note found in his jacket, to the woman who wrote it, "Miss D", and get to the bottom of the whole strange situation.