Empar Canet


Tocant el mar
God's Forgotten Town
Madre Ana
A group of journalists currently investigating the disappearance of all the inhabitants of a town one night, 1945. Julia is an investigative journalist who works for a magazine supernatural-themed "Year Zero". Despite not believing in parapsychological events, finds a surprising reality. Following a terrible fact found to be able to feel certain presences, even "see" the past when the force of the environment that is powerful enough.
Um Amor para Dura
O Filme conta a história de Pilar e Elvira e seu amor que perdura durante um dos mais turbulentos períodos históricos da fascista Espanha. O filme é baseado em uma história verdadeira, o que passaram duas mulheres na época do ditador espanhol, Francisco Franco.Duas professoras que começam sendo amigas e desenvolvem um lindo relacionamento, transformando-se em amantes. A homossexualidade era ilegal, na espanha de Franco, e por isso eram forçados a terminar a sua relação. Pilar é internada num manicômio por sua mãe, quando esta descobre que sua filha é lésbica. Apartir deste fato tudo muda na vida de Pilar e Elvira.
Les paraules de Vero
Vero has Downs Syndrome. Her mother blames her for her misfortunes, she wants to love her but unconsciously something is stopping her. So, Vero receives more affection from her brother Marcos. Veros integration into normal society comes from her passion for theatre and her participation in a theatre group made up of physically disabled people. To perform, she needs Marcos to recite to her some magic words that give her confidence. Marcos puts all his efforts into overcoming the difficulties that stand in her way while their mother fights to rebuild her life.
Lost Bullet
Daniel, an ex-convict, tries to get back at his corrupt father-in-law by kidnapping his own son and hiding him in an abandoned town where they are producing American westerns. Daniel will have to face a vile father-in-law, an ex-wife that stalks him, as well as a falling actor in order to carry out his vengeful plan.