Dan Cogan

Dan Cogan


Dan Cogan


A Líder do Bling Ring: Os Roubos de Hollywood Hills
Executive Producer
In a candid, first-time interview with Rachel Lee, the so-called teenage mastermind behind a string of high-profile celebrity robberies in 2008 and 2009, the film examines the motivations of Lee and a group of her friends who broke into celebrity homes in Hollywood to ransack and steal, exploring the possible reasons behind her actions including mental health issues and addictions, as well as the climate of celebrity excess that fueled the teens, recontextualizing the events behind the sensational headlines.
Explorando o Desconhecido: A Máquina do Tempo Cósmica
Executive Producer
Siga uma equipe de engenheiros e cientistas em uma missão ambiciosa para lançar o Telescópio Espacial James Webb e dar o próximo salto gigantesco na compreensão do universo.
Explorando o Desconhecido: Caverna de Ossos
Executive Producer
Cientistas examinam fósseis de mais de 250 mil anos, que levantam dúvidas sobre a nossa evolução e o que realmente significa ser humano.
Explorando o Desconhecido: Robôs Assassinos
Executive Producer
O que acontece quando uma máquina passa a tomar decisões de vida ou morte? Este documentário explora os perigos da inteligência artificial em aplicações militares.
Explorando o Desconhecido: A Pirâmide Perdida
Executive Producer
Neste documentário, arqueólogos egípcios que partiram em busca de uma pirâmide enterrada acabam descobrindo tumbas e artefatos com mais de 4 mil anos.
Executive Producer
Exploring the epic battle to confirm Brett Kavanaugh.
To the End
Executive Producer
The world is in crisis as it misses target after target to stop climate change. The Green New Deal has captured the imagination of millions with its visionary promise for systemic economic and environmental change that will build a better and more just world. In this moment of political upheaval with clashes in the streets and the halls of Congress, climate policy is taking center stage for the first time in American history, and the fight is on.
Eu Sou Vanessa Guillen
Executive Producer
Neste comovente documentário, a família de uma soldada assassinada bate de frente com o Congresso e o Exército americanos para mudar o sistema.
The Grab
Executive Producer
An investigative journalist uncovers the money, influence, and alarming rationale behind covert land grabs by some of the world’s most powerful countries.
Executive Producer
This stirring and visually immersive documentary brings us inside the spirited pursuits of David Hanson, a restless inventor aiming to perfect the world’s most life-like A.I. With freewheeling energy and storytelling gusto, Jon Kasbe and Crystal M...
Dear Mr. Brody
Executive Producer
A documentary about Michael Brody Jr., a 21-year-old hippie millionaire who in 1970 promised to give away his $25M inheritance in an effort to usher in a new era of world peace.
Prefeito Pete
Prefeito Pete coloca os espectadores dentro da campanha de Pete Buttigieg para se tornar o presidente mais jovem dos EUA, mostrando, de forma incrivelmente íntima, o candidato, seu marido Chasten e sua ambiciosa equipe. Este filme revela o que realmente acontece nos bastidores de uma campanha para o cargo mais importante do país e mostra como a vida de seus participantes é transformada.
Becoming Cousteau
Liz Garbus, nos mostra um olhar mais íntimo da vida de Cousteau; dos filmes que fez, das invenções e das experiências que o transformaram no porta-voz do meio-ambiente com mais renome do século XX. Um homem que inspirou gerações a protegerem a Terra.
Convergência: Coragem em Tempos de Crise
A COVID-19 acentua vulnerabilidades ao redor do mundo, mas há heróis anônimos que lutam por um futuro melhor.
Executive Producer
An astonishing record of the hereditary nature of trauma, Jacinta follows the lives of three generations of women struggling to find stability amid years of dependency. Jacinta leaves the Maine Correctional Center, leaving her mother behind to complete her own sentence, and attempts to rebuild her relationship with Caylynn, her preternaturally wise pre-teen daughter who craves time and attention from the mother she adores. But as the pressures of shaping a life in a world she has hardly known sober proves increasingly challenging, she brings the viewer into her emotional, day-to-day battle to find peace with herself and earn the trust of her family.
Britney x Spears
Executive Producer
A jornalista Jenny Eliscu e a documentarista Erin Lee Carr investigam a luta por liberdade de Britney Spears através de entrevistas exclusivas e documentos confidenciais.
Executive Producer
Conheça a história surpreendente de um dos funcionários públicos mais importantes dos Estados Unidos: Dr. Anthony Fauci. Um especialista em doenças infecciosas que se tornou um ícone cultural durante a pandemia da COVID-19.
Ariana Grande: Excuse Me, I Love You
Ariana Grande sobe ao palco em Londres para sua Sweetener World Tour e compartilha uma visão dos bastidores de sua vida nos ensaios e na estrada.
Evento de TV
Executive Producer
Construído com material de arquivo, o documentário revê a Guerra Fria de Ronald Reagan pela perspectiva de uma emissora de TV aberta que consegue, a duras penas, exibir o telefilme mais visto e mais polêmico da história: O Dia Seguinte (1983), sobre os efeitos devastadores de uma guerra nuclear entre EUA e União Soviética.
Love & Stuff
Executive Producer
Seven months after helping her terminally ill mother during the end of her life in home-hospice, filmmaker Judith Helfand becomes a "new old" single mother at 50. Overnight, she's pushed to deal with her stuff: 63 boxes of her parent's heirlooms overwhelming her office-turned-future-baby's room, the weight her mother had begged her to lose, and the reality of being a half century older than her daughter.
Até o Fim: A Luta Pela Democracia
ATÉ O FIM: A LUTA PELA DEMOCRACIA analisa a supressão do voto nos EUA. O filme entrelaça experiências pessoais com o ponto de vista ativista e histórico para expor um problema que corrompe o país desde sua criação. Com a experiência da Stacey Abrams, o filme oferece uma visão dos bastidores e mostra as barreiras do voto.
Executive Producer
Cuba is well known as a so-called time capsule. The place where the New World was discovered has become both a romantic vision and a warning. With ongoing global cultural and financial upheavals, large parts of the world could face a similar kind of existence.
Atleta A
Executive Producer
Este documentário acompanha as ginastas que sofreram abusos de Larry Nassar, médico da equipe de ginástica dos EUA, e os repórteres que denunciaram os casos.
Missão Planeta Terra
Executive Producer
In 1991 a group of countercultural visionaries built an enormous replica of earth’s ecosystem called Biosphere 2. When eight “biospherians” lived sealed inside, they faced ecological calamities and cult accusations. Their epic adventure is a cautionary tale but also a testament to the power of small groups reimagining the world.
On The Record: A Verdade Vem À Tona
Executive Producer
A executiva musical Drew Dixon revela o quanto a carreira e a vida pessoal foram profundamente afetadas após ser sexualmente abusada por um dos homens mais poderosos do ramo.
Us Kids
Executive Producer
Determined to turn unfathomable tragedy into action, the teenage survivors of Parkland, Florida catalyze a powerful, unprecedented youth movement that spreads with lightning speed across the country, as a generation of mobilized youth take back democracy in this powerful coming-of-age story.
Fotografando a Máfia
Executive Producer
A siciliana Letizia Battaglia começou uma batalha ao longo da vida com a máfia quando apontou pela primeira vez sua câmera para uma vítima brutalmente morta. Documentando o domínio bárbaro da Cosa Nostra, ela deu testemunho inabalável de seus crimes. Suas fotografias, arte e bravura ajudaram a dar um fim a um chocante reinado de matança.
The Kingmaker
Executive Producer
Documentary centering on the controversial political career of Imelda Marcos, the former first lady of the Philippines whose behind-the-scenes influence of her husband Ferdinand's presidency rocketed her to the global political stage.
O Apollo: 85 Anos
Executive Producer
O filme conta a história única do marco da cidade de Nova York que se tornou um sagrado salão de excelência e empoderamento afro-americano.
Divide and Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes
Executive Producer
Alexis Bloom charts the rise and fall of the late Republican Party booster and controversial Fox News mogul who went down in flames amid multiple sexual harassment allegations.
Bleed Out
Executive Producer
After a routine partial hip replacement operation leaves his mother in a coma with permanent brain damage, what starts as a son's video diary becomes a citizen's investigation into the future of American health care.
The Long Dumb Road
Executive Producer
Two guys serendipitously meet at a time when they both find themselves at personal crossroads and decide to embark on an unplanned road trip across the American Southwest.
City of Joy: Onde Vive a Esperança
Executive Producer
Mulheres violentadas durante os conflitos no Congo buscam reabilitação no City of Joy, um centro criado para ajudá-las a recuperar o poder e a identidade.
Bisbee '17
Executive Producer
It’s 2017 in Bisbee, Arizona, an old copper-mining town just miles from the Mexican border. The town’s close-knit community prepares to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Bisbee’s darkest hour: the infamous Bisbee Deportation of 1917, during which 1,200 striking miners were violently taken from their homes, banished to the middle of the desert, and left to die. Townspeople confront this violent, misunderstood past by staging dramatic recreations of the escalating strike. These dramatized scenes are based on subjective versions of the story and “directed,” in a sense, by residents with conflicting views of the event. Deeply personal segments torn from family history build toward a massive restaging of the deportation itself on the exact day of its 100th anniversary.
Fred Rogers: O Padrinho da Criançada
Executive Producer
Por mais de trinta anos, e através de seu programa de televisão, Fred Rogers (1928-2003), apresentador, produtor, escritor e pianista, acompanhado de seus bonecos e seus muitos amigos, falou diretamente com crianças pequenas sobre alguns dos assuntos mais importantes da vida.
Nancy: Em Busca De Si Mesma
Co-Executive Producer
Ao ver um retrato falado em uma notícia na televisão sobre uma menina desaparecida há 30 anos, Nancy acredita ser ela na foto. Tomada por dúvidas em relação a sua suposta mãe, ela decide investigar seu passado e tirar as dúvidas que a atormentam.
16 Shots
Executive Producer
Documentary examining the 2014 shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke and the cover-up that ensued.
The Feeling of Being Watched
Executive Producer
Journalist Assia Boundaoui sets out to investigate long-brewing rumors that her quiet, predominantly Arab-American neighborhood was being monitored by the FBI.
Banheiras e Tratores da Broadway: A História dos Musicais Corporativos
Executive Producer
When he started as a comedy writer for the Late Show with David Letterman, Steve Young had few interests and not many friends outside of his day job. But while gathering material for a segment on the show, Steve stumbled onto a few vintage record albums that would change his life forever.
O Conto
Executive Producer
Jennifer (Laura Dern) tem uma ótima carreira como documentarista e professora e um relacionamento repleto de carinho e respeito mútuo com seu noivo, Martin (Common). Porém, quando sua mãe encontra uma história que ela escreveu para escola quando tinha 13 anos contando sobre um relacionamento que teve com dois adultos, ela é obrigada a revisitar um passado traumático e reconciliar suas lembranças com o que de fato aconteceu com ela. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Our New President
Executive Producer
The story of Donald Trump's election told entirely through Russian propaganda. By turns horrifying and hilarious, the film is a satirical portrait of Russian meddling in the 2016 election that reveals an empire of fake news and the tactics of modern day information warfare.
Sobre Pais e Filhos
Executive Producer
Talal Derki retorna para sua terra natal, onde ele ganha a confiança de uma família radical islâmica, compartilhando sua vida diária por mais de dois anos. Sua câmera foca em Osama e seu irmão mais novo Ayman, fornecendo uma visão extremamente rara sobre o que significa crescer em um califado islâmico.
Executive Producer
Neste documentário emocionante, uma estudante de 28 anos cursando o doutorado em Harvard registra sua própria luta contra a síndrome de fadiga crônica.
Executive Producer
Documentário dos diretores Myles Kane e Josh Koury sobre o escritor Gay Talese e sua obra “The Voyeur’s Motel”, que foi transformada em filme. A relação entre o narrador e seu conteúdo, a vida real é o terceiro trilho secreto em toda grande obra de não-ficção. Dirige a criação da história, mas ninguém quer tocar nele. Este filme salta para a violação e conta uma história surpreendente da relação louca, profundamente preocupante, mas ainda assim essencial entre narrador e sujeito.
Executive Producer
Dina, an outspoken and eccentric 49-year-old in suburban Philadelphia, invites her fiancé Scott, a Walmart door greeter, to move in with her. Having grown up neurologically diverse in a world blind to the value of their experience, the two are head-over-heels for one another, but shacking up poses a new challenge. Scott freezes when it comes to physical intimacy, and Dina, a Kardashians fanatic, wants nothing more than to share with Scott all she’s learned about sensual desire from books, TV shows, and her previous marriage. Her increasingly creative forays to draw Scott close keep hitting roadblocks—exposing anxieties, insecurities, and communication snafus while they strive to reconcile their conflicting approaches to romance and intimacy.
Hunting Season
Executive Producer
La Patagonia, southern Argentina. After his mother's death, Nahuel, a violent teenager, meets his biological father, Ernesto, a skillful hunting guide; but their reunion is harsh, since their souls are only ruled by pride and resentment.
Executive Producer
O documentário acompanha a trajetória de um grupo de alunas prestes a se formar em um colégio de Baltimore. Formando um time de dança de Step, elas batalham diariamente para conseguir um lugar na faculdade enquanto lidam com os problemas raciais que estão estourando em sua cidade.
Self (voice)
Documentário investiga um dos casos mais elaborados de doping da história, ocorrido na Rússia. Segundo relatos, isso vem acontecendo desde 1968 em que os esportistas usavam drogas para melhorarem o desempenho, afetando a credibilidade de vários atletas e o banimento deles em importantes competições. Tuso isso com o aval do presidente do país, Vladimir Putin.
Documentário investiga um dos casos mais elaborados de doping da história, ocorrido na Rússia. Segundo relatos, isso vem acontecendo desde 1968 em que os esportistas usavam drogas para melhorarem o desempenho, afetando a credibilidade de vários atletas e o banimento deles em importantes competições. Tuso isso com o aval do presidente do país, Vladimir Putin.
Buster's Mal Heart
Executive Producer
Um ermitão, consegue sobreviver ao inverno e às investidas das autoridades que tentam levá-lo para centros de detenção, invadindo casas de veraneio vazias devido a fria estação. Nessas casas, seus sonhos são sempre sobre um homem perdido no mar. Aos poucos, o ermitão descobre que ele é e, ao mesmo tempo, não é o homem que vê em seus sonhos.
The Reagan Show
Executive Producer
Comprised entirely of archival footage taken during those pre-reality-television years, The Reagan Show looks at how Ronald Reagan redefined the look and feel of what it means to be the POTUS.
Executive Producer
Negligenciada pelo marido, Sarah embarca em uma viagem pela estrada com a sua filha e sua melhor amiga, Mindy. Durante o caminho, a dinâmica entre as duas amigas se intensifica antes de algumas circunstâncias separá-las. Anos depois, Sarah tenta reconstruir sua conexão com a amiga dias antes do casamento de Mindy.
Parceiros da Saúde
Executive Producer
Acompanhe a jornada de um grupo de ativistas cuja missão de salvar vidas no Haiti se transformou em uma luta global por saúde e justiça
Troféu - O Preço Da Sobrevivência
Executive Producer
This in-depth look into the powerhouse industries of big-game hunting, breeding and wildlife conservation in the U.S. and Africa unravels the complex consequences of treating animals as commodities.
Uma Caçadora e sua Águia
Executive Producer
Aisholpan viajou da remota Mongólia até Park City para apresentar ao mundo a sua história. Aos 13 anos, ela quebrou uma tradição de dois mil anos para se tornar a primeira mulher capaz de caçar com águias reais.
Theo Who Lived
Executive Producer
In the late fall of 2012, Theo Padnos, a struggling American journalist, slipped into Syria to report on the country's civil war and was promptly kidnapped by Al Qaeda's branch in Syria.
A Turma Da Noite
Executive Producer
De forma a tirar o curso de equivalência ao secundário, Teddy Walker inscreve-se no ensino nocturno para adultos no liceu onde, há várias décadas, tinha iniciado os estudos. Ali vai conhecer uma série de colegas que, tal como ele, desejam mudar o rumo das suas vidas. Mas o desafio transforma-se em algo bastante mais complexo do que ele estava à espera, muito devido às exigências de uma professora absolutamente determinada a fazê-los sair dali graduados.
Executive Producer
The true story of John Romulus Brinkley, a small-town Kansas doctor who discovers in 1917 that he can cure impotence by transplanting goat testicles into men. And that’s just the tipping point in this stranger-than-fiction tale. With the balls of a P.T. Barnum, the gonads of goats, and the wishful dreams of flaccid men, Brinkley amassed a fortune, was almost elected Governor of Kansas, invented junk mail and the infomercial, and built the world’s most powerful radio station. By the time all of the twists and turns of Brinkley’s story are revealed, Nuts! certainly earns its title.
Song of Lahore
Executive Producer
Until the late 1970s, the Pakistani city of Lahore was world-renowned for its music. Following the Islamization of Pakistan, many artists struggled to continue their life's work. Song of Lahore turns the spotlight on a group of stalwart musicians that kept playing and ultimately attracted listeners from around the world.
Chuck Norris Contra o Comunismo
Executive Producer
Na Romênia dos anos 1980, milhares de filmes ocidentais atravessaram a Cortina de Ferro e abriram uma janela para o mundo livre para quem se atrevesse a olhar. Um escroque de fitas VHS do mercado negro e uma corajosa tradutora trouxeram a magia dos filmes para as pessoas e provocaram uma revolução.
Addicted to Fresno
Executive Producer
Shannon (Judy Greer) acaba de sair da reabilitação por ser viciada em sexo. Sua irmã Martha (Natasha Lyonne) consegue um emprego para ela como empregada em um hotel da cidade, o Fresno Suites, mas Shannon põe tudo a perder quando, após uma recaída, mata um hóspede. Juntas, as duas tentam esconder o crime.
O Convite
Executive Producer
Uma tragédia abala o casal formado por Will e Eden. Eles perdem o filho pequeno e, desolada, Eden vai embora sem dar notícias. Dois anos mais tarde, ela volta a procurar o marido, acompanhada de outro homem, e totalmente diferente de como era antes. Durante um jantar, com Will, Eden e o novo companheiro de sua esposa, Will começa a suspeitar que os visitantes têm planos sinistros contra ele.
Do I Sound Gay?
Executive Producer
David Thorpe é um escritor que não gosta da própria voz. Ele decide buscar ajuda profissional para mudá-la enquanto investiga a origem do jeito de falar estereotipado dos homossexuais e o preconceito com quem fala assim.
Executive Producer
Longinotto's documentary is about Brenda Myers-Powell, who fights against sexual exploitation and supports prostitutes in Chicago. Brenda knows what she is talking about: her own story, involving teenage prostitution and a life of violence and abuse, is in stark contrast to her dauntless energy and optimism.
The Hunting Ground
Executive Producer
A startling expose of rape crimes on US campuses, their institutional cover-ups, and the devastating toll they take on students and their families. The film follows the lives of several undergraduate assault survivors as they attempt to pursue—despite incredible push back, harassment and traumatic aftermath—both their education and justice.
Executive Producer
Meet Ousmane Sembene, the African freedom fighter who used stories as his weapon.
Como Mudar o Mundo
Executive Producer
Nos anos 70, um grupo de ativistas organizou um protesto contra testes nucleares. Conheça a história do Greenpeace.
Passageiros da Vida
Executive Producer
Ex-cunhados, mas ainda grande amigos, Mitch (Earl Lynn Nelson) e Colin (Paul Eenhoorn) embarcam em uma viagem para a Islândia, para relembrar a juventude nas boates de Reyjavik e nos SPAs, enquanto discutem a solidão, amizade e o passar do tempo.
Big Men
Executive Producer
For her latest industrial exposé, Rachel Boynton (Our Brand Is Crisis) gained unprecedented access to Africa's oil companies. The result is a gripping account of the costly personal tolls levied when American corporate interests pursue oil in places like Ghana and the Niger River Delta. Executive produced by Steven Shainberg and Brad Pitt, Big Men investigates the caustic blend of ambition, corruption and greed that threatens to exacerbate Africa’s resource curse.
Executive Producer
A fearless sea captain, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, sails a ship through loopholes in international law, providing abortions on the high seas, and leaving in her wake a network of emboldened activists who trust women to handle abortion on their own terms.
The Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga
Executive Producer
A descent into Eastern Europe's haunted woodlands uncovers the secrets, fairy tales, and bloody histories that shape our understanding of man's place in nature.
Alive Inside
Executive Producer
Five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia—many of them alone in nursing homes. A man with a simple idea discovers that songs embedded deep in memory can ease pain and awaken these fading minds. Joy and life are resuscitated, and our cultural fears over aging are confronted.
American Promise
Co-Executive Producer
In 1999, filmmakers Joe Brewster and Michèle Stephenson turned the camera on themselves and began filming their five-year-old son, Idris, and his best friend, Seun, as they started kindergarten at the prestigious Dalton School just as the private institution was committing to diversify its student body. Their cameras continued to follow both families for another 12 years as the paths of the two boys diverged—one continued private school while the other pursued a very different route through the public education system.
Pandora's Promise
Executive Producer
The atomic bomb, the specter of a global nuclear holocaust, and disasters like Fukushima have made nuclear energy synonymous with the darkest nightmares of the modern world. But what if everyone has nuclear power wrong? What if people knew that there are reactors that are self-sustaining and fully controllable and ones that require no waste disposal? What if nuclear power is the only energy source that has the ability to stop climate change?
The Crash Reel
Executive Producer
Este documentário acompanha 15 anos da vida dos amigos de infância Shaun White e Kevin Pearce, lendas do snowboard.
Remote Area Medical
Executive Producer
Amid the nation’s ongoing debate over health care reform, this bracing new documentary examines the everyday realities of Americans who lack access to affordable medical treatment. Filmed during three days in the operation of a “no-cost” clinic set up annually at Bristol, Tennessee’s NASCAR speedway, Remote Area Medical documents the range of medical care the eponymous organization provides to low-income patients in the heart of Appalachia.
Executive Producer
The story of young, brilliant African-American Anita Hill who accuses the Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of unwanted sexual advances during explosive Senate Hearings in 1991 and ignites a political firestorm about sexual harassment, race, power and politics that resonates today.
Nosso Nixon
Executive Producer
Never before seen Super 8 home movies filmed by Richard Nixon's closest aides - and convicted Watergate conspirators - offer a surprising and intimate new look into his Presidency.
Quem é Dayani Cristal?
Executive Producer
Um corpo anônimo no deserto do Arizona é o início de um drama da vida real. A busca de identidade nos leva de volta através de um continente para procurar as pessoas deixadas para trás e o significado de uma misteriosa tatuagem.
How to Survive a Plague
Executive Producer
A story of two coalitions – ACT UP and TAG (Treatment Action Group) – whose activism and innovation turned AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition. Despite having no scientific training, these self-made activists infiltrated the pharmaceutical industry and helped identify promising new drugs, moving them from experimental trials to patients in record time.
Follows the Boston Red Sox' Tim Wakefield and the New York Mets' R.A. Dickey - the only two major league pitchers who use the unpredictable knuckleball - during the 2011 season.
Executive Producer
Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century – the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now… the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos.
A Rainha de Versalhes
Executive Producer
With the epic dimensions of a Shakespearean tragedy, The Queen of Versailles follows billionaires Jackie and David’s rags-to-riches story to uncover the innate virtues and flaws of their American dream. We open on the triumphant construction of the biggest house in America, a sprawling, 90,000-square-foot mansion inspired by Versailles. Since a booming time-share business built on the real-estate bubble is financing it, the economic crisis brings progress to a halt and seals the fate of its owners. We witness the impact of this turn of fortune over the next two years in a riveting film fraught with delusion, denial, and self-effacing humor.
My Reincarnation
Executive Producer
Filmed over twenty years, Tibetan Buddhist Master Choogyal Namkhai Norbu watches as his western-born son, Yeshi, who was recognized at birth as the reincarnation of a famous spiritual master, considers departing from tradition to embrace the modern world.
Executive Producer
Ex-con turned poet/performer Lemon Andersen fights for an exit from generations of poverty by bringing his life's secrets to the New York stage. But revisiting his troubled past has more in store than he bargained for, as he is confronted by his demons time and again.
Lost Bohemia
Executive Producer
For over a century, Carnegie Hall rented affordable studio apartments atop the famous music hall to artistic tenants such as Marlon Brando, Paddy Chayefsky and Isadora Duncan. As a privileged tenant, director Josef Birdman Astor began to videotape his neighbors whose lives intersected with decades of artistic history, but his project changed when the landlord served everyone with eviction notices for a conversion to offices. Astor chronicles the protracted battle to save the apartments and pays homage to their rich heritage.
Executive Producer
FIGHTVILLE is about the art and sport of fighting: a microcosm of life, a physical manifestation of that other brutal contest called the American Dream...
One Thousand Pictures: RFK's Last Journey
Executive Producer
Photographer Paul Fusco had a coveted place on the train carrying Robert Kennedy's body, with the assignment of covering the funeral -- but he ended up using all his film on the people he saw from his window, lined up to pay their respects.
Children of Invention
Executive Producer
Two young children living illegally in a model apartment outside Boston are left to fend for themselves when their hardworking mother disappears
Secrets of the Tribe
Executive Producer
What happens when western anthropologists descend on the Amazon and make one of the last unacculturated tribes in existence, the Yanomami, the most exhaustively filmed and studied tribe on the planet? Despite their "do no harm" creed and scientific aims, the small army of anthropologists that has studied the Yanomami since the 1960s has wreaked havoc among the tribe - and sparked a war within the anthropology community itself.
Family Affair
Executive Producer
Chico Colvard interviews family members 30 years after a dirty family secret is revealed. He finds out how his three sisters survived severe abuse at the hands of their father and how they cope as adults.
Homem sem Impacto
Executive Producer
No Impact Man é um documentário americano de 2009, dirigido por Laura Gabbert e Justin Schein, baseado no livro de Colin Beavan. O filme, que estreou em 4 de setembro de 2009, segue Colin Beavan e sua família durante seu experimento de um ano para ter zero impacto no meio ambiente.
American Experience: The Trials of J. Robert Oppenheimer
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a national hero, the brilliant scientist who during WWII led the scientific team that created the atomic bomb. But after the bomb brought the war to an end, in spite of his renown and his enormous achievement, America turned on him - humiliated and cast him aside. The question the film asks is, "Why?"