Melissa Chimenti

Melissa Chimenti


Melissa Chimenti


A businessman comes into conflict with a gangster when he refuses to allow drugs to be sold through his restaurant.
Papaya: Love Goddess of the Cannibals
Papaya (as Melissa)
A team of geologists attempt to remove a native population from an island to perform atomic research. But their female Cannibal leader disposes of them one by one.
Cameriera (non accreditata)
A man who has tried to kill his unfaithful wife goes to prison, escapes, ends up in a convent, teaches the nuns to make cookies, captured again and before going back to prison tries to take his long awaited revenge again. Does he eventually succeed in killing his wife?
Valdez, O Mestiço
Chino Valdez é um cowboy habilidoso e criador de cavalos. Por ser um mestiço, já que descende de índios, ele leva uma vida isolada e é tratado com desprezo pela população local que não o aceita. A sua vida se complica ainda mais quando sua invejosa vizinhança começou a ficar irritada com o sucesso do rancheiro onde vive e, principalmente, quando ele se apaixona por Catherine, uma garota da alta sociedade local.
Revelations of a Psychiatrist on the World of Sexual Perversion
Very rare XXX mondo-style film in which a psychiatrist explains to his students several stories of sexual deviants. Each vignette begins with the doctor citing a fact-based newspaper/magazine story of abhorrent sexual behavior.