Valentin Teodosiu

Valentin Teodosiu

Nascimento : 1953-09-17, Bucharest, Romania


Valentin Teodosiu is a romanian actor of theater, film and television, public person known as the voice of the television station PRO TV since the begining of the channel in 1995. He gratuated in 1978 Institutul de Arta Teatrala si Cinematografica (The Institute of Theater and Cinematography) in the class of professor Petre Vasilescu and Cornel Vendel.


Valentin Teodosiu


Președinte CJ
Alex is an artist shunned by success whose love life is affected by the career rise of his girlfriend, Carmen. Alex is sent to a maximum security penitentiary to stage the play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The great Shakespeare with prisoners. In the face of their efforts to overcome his limits, Alex realizes that he is a prisoner in his own life. For their part, the inmates do everything to be selected in the penitentiary theater festival, because each scene has a hatch through which they can escape.
A Condessa Sangrenta
Based on a story of Countess Bathory, a serial killer in 16th century Transylvania who supposedly killed hundreds of children.
The movie tells the story of Matilda, an old woman that has to fight against a real-estate mogul in order to save her house. Tanase is a ruthless businessman who built his fortune on scamming people and evicting them from their homes. When he wants to kick Matilda out of her house, his luck comes to an end as the seemingly nice old lady manages to defend her property.
Ultimul Corupt din Romania
Claudiu Vitelaru
The latest film directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu, 'The last corrupt in Romania,' is Nicolaescu's first movie after 'Poker,' which became a great box-office success in Romania. The recent film continues the events of 'Poker,' with a cast that brings together many popular Romanian actors - Horatiu Malaele, Vladimir Gaitan, Valentin Teodosiu, Ion Ritiu, Catalina Grama (Jojo) and Mircea Diaconu – who embody the same main characters as in Poker
Jogos Letais
Roland Flint e Vincent Brazil são os dois melhores assassinos do mundo, mas desconhecidos um do outro. Enquanto Flint é um atirador de elite mestre, Brazil também é habilidoso com uma faca. Esses dois assassinos rivais formam uma aliança para derrubar o chefe de um cartel de drogas, que é apoiado pela DEA.
In a forgotten village with lazy people and corrupt leadership, Pacoste must suffer for a mistake made in his past. His only friend is a young boy who finds in him a father figure.
La bani, la cap, la oase
Ivan Kazakov
Too soft and innocent for the job they do, HARPOON and THE BAPTIST are two money collectors that don't collect much, except for kicks and bruises. As they try in vain to fulfill their contracts, they get involved in a robbery and decide to go for a change in their lives: they will start collecting for themselves.
In the history of Romanian cinema, Sergiu Nicolaescu's name stands for "prolific, highly commercial and professional". At the age of 80, the director launched his latest production, which is also his second comedy in a long row of action and historic films. "Poker" is a cinema adaptation of Adrian Lustig's theatre play with the same name, and focuses on four male friends, representatives for the social canvas: a doctor without a moral conscience, an unscrupulous politician, a chief of the local mafia, and a businessman who made a fortune in America. Made by MediaPro Pictures, 'Poker' looks at immorality and intrigues in politics, hinting at the fact that contemporary Romania is a day to day jungle where strings are pulled by those in power, so everything turns into a poker round, where those who have the right aces in their sleeve can win.
Ho Ho Ho
Horace, a 8 years old boy, who still believes in Santa Clause, received as a Christmas gift a day at the mall. What ought to be a normal Christmas day turns into an adventure when Horace loses his mother. He mets John, a pickpocket disguised as Santa Clause, who was in the middle of an illegal operation. Unlike the Santas on TV, John doesn't seem to like children. Althought, the boy is convinced that this is the real Santa Clause and tail of it, causing all sorts of trouble as dangerous, as funny. Finally John finds the magic of Christmas and Horace discovers that miracles indeed, occur.
O Concerto
Leonid Vinitchenko
À época de Brejnev, Andrei Filipov era o maior maestro da União Soviética e dirigia a célebre Orquestra do Bolshoi. Mas, após recusar se separar de seus músicos judeus, entre os quais estava o seu melhor amigo, Sacha, Andrei foi demitido em plena glória. Trinta anos depois, ele continua a trabalhar no Bolshoi... como faxineiro. Uma noite em que Andrei fica até mais tarde, para polir a escrivaninha do diretor, ele se depara com um fax encaminhado à direção do Teatro: trata-se de uma mensagem do Teatro de Châtelet, convidando a orquestra do Bolshoi para tocar em Paris. Subitamente, Andrei tem uma ideia louca: por que não reunir seus antigos companheiros músicos, que vivem hoje de pequenos biscates, e ir com eles a Paris, fazendo-se passar pelo Bolshoi? Enfim, a ocasião tão esperada de ter a sua revanche.
Silent Wedding
Grigore Aschie
Esta celebração sofre uma reviravolta invulgar quando a morte do líder soviético José Estaline marca o casamento de um jovem casal romeno com um luto silencioso.
Beyond America
Under an Eastern European totalitarian regime, a prominent dissident writer survives repression by resuming a submissive sexual relationship with her former lover. After their split-up years ago, he had joined the Secret Police in order just to take her back and provide the protection she needed. Struggling to preserve her humanity, she falls in love with a young platonic dreamer, a kind of rebel without cause, whom she initiate in literature and reinvents as a character capable to meet her own desires of freedom. BEYOND AMERICA is a love story and an action drama altogether, with archetypes of an aggressive, totalitarian society.
Păcală se întoarce
Răspopitul, former Popa Șorici
O Detonador
O agente disfarçado da C.I.A. Sonni Griffith viaja sozinho para a Polônia para prender um traficante de armas e impedir a venda de uma arma nuclear. Quando o traficante é informado sobre a identidade de Griffith, ele acaba na prisão... mas é rapidamente libertado pela C.I.A. apenas para executar uma nova missão: escoltar uma linda russa de volta aos Estados Unidos. Griffith logo descobre que a obstinada Nadia está sendo perseguida pelo mesmo traficante de armas que ele tentou destruir e que este cruel negociante não vai parar enquanto não conseguir a informação que Nadia detém — a localização dos $ 30 milhões de dólares que ela escondeu e que irão lhe possibilitar a compra de uma bomba nuclear. Quando um vazamento da C.I.A. expõe o paradeiro e a identidade de Griffith e Nadia, eles devem lutar contra os traficantes até a morte para salvarem suas peles e o mundo!
Nea Cioacă
Uma história de amor que acontece tendo como pano de fundo a Revolução em Timișoara.
The Nervous System
Ca sa poata trai, batrana Nica (Rodica Tapalaga) isi transforma casa de la tara intr-o "pensiune" anemica, falimentara. Singurele sale bucurii sunt cicalitul cainelui si programul de stiri de la televizor. Din singuratate, ea se inchipuie uneori eroina de telenovela: in secret, Nica este indragostita de prezentatorul de stiri Paul (Mircea Radu). Batrana hotaraste sa faca o calatorie la Bucuresti, unde fiica ei, Tuta (Cecilia Barbora), sora medicala, locuieste impreuna cu concubinul ei, Jenel (Valentin Teodosiu) si cu Marilena (Beatrice Benezi), fiica ei de 15 ani. In capitala, pasiunea sa pentru Paul ia forme paroxistice. Nica acapareaza telecomanda pentru a ramane pe acelasi canal de televiziune pentru care Paul prezinta stirile, ceea ce-i va atrage ironiile familiei. Ajunge chiar sa-l caute pe "cerbisorul" ei la Televiziune, ii scrie, expunandu-se la umilinte si batjocura. Rezista insa pana o doboara boala si rusinea. Totul culmineaza cu tentativa batranei de a se sinucide...
Meu Nome é Modesty Blaise
Henri Louche
Original dos quadrinhos, Modesty Blaise é considerada a versão feminina do agente 007. Órfã desde pequena, Modesty trabalha num cassino onde é protegida pelo dono, um poderoso mafioso. Ninguém sabe nada sobre sua vida ou seu passado. Mas uma emboscada que mata seu patrão a faz rodar a roleta mais uma vez. E ela vai ter que jogar todas as fichas do seu passado para não arriscar a própria vida.
Orient Express
Vasile Gardescu
At an old age, prince Andrei Morudzi retreats to his castle in Romania, during the two world wars, after having lead an eventful youth. There he is seen upon as a rare bird by the local folk, due to his strange attitude towards life and his exquisit manners, which don't fit in the way of life of the villagers. But, in the end, despite trying to distance himself from the local people, he can't but influence their humble existences.
A Marca
A linha entre fantasia e realidade se confunde quando uma atriz começa a se comportar como a assassina do século 19 que está interpretando.
Tandrețea lăcustelor
Corrupt ex-communist politicians in 90s Romania rule the country, with younger politicians vying to take their place.
Break of Dawn
An ex-con suffering from terminal cancer and a suicidal ex-legionnaire are hired to participate in a staged assassination attempt on a Romanian politician. As part of the plan, the two must themselves be murdered in order to make their target appear more powerful. But while their circumstances make them perfect fall guys, their lives are initially spared when the attack descends into chaos. Staying alive thereafter involves the two strangers working together to dodge both fellow conspirators and the police.
Kurt Gerstein (Ulrich Tukur) é um oficial do Terceiro Reich que trabalhou na elaboração do Zyklon B, gás mortífero originalmente desenvolvido para a matança de animais mas usado para exterminar milhares de judeus durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Gerstein se revolta com o que testemunha e tenta informar os aliados sobre as atrocidades nos campos de concentração. Católico, busca chamar a atenção do Vaticano, mas suas denúncias são ignoradas pelo alto clero. Apenas um jovem jesuíta lhe dá ouvidos e o ajuda a organizar uma campanha para que o Papa (Marcel Iures) quebre o silêncio e se manifeste contra as violências ocorridas em nome de uma suposta supremacia racial.
The Famous Paparazzo
A tabloid photographer is given the assignment to follow a politician suspected to have sexual relations with an underage girl.
The Death Triangle
Serg. Ailenei
The Romanian army faces the German army in the epic battles of Marasti, Marasesti and Oituz, marking a turning point in World War 1.
Lt Ducariu
The Outpost
Gizella Weisz is an middle-aged office worker, who gets a promotion one day. Her boss told her that a new outpost is waiting for her. There she would be heading a new section. She travels from place to another and finally arrives at her new outpost. It is a remote shed, where a half-insane co-worker is waiting for her. It is obvious that Weisz has not been promoted, but punished. However Weisz does not realize that herself. Without questioning she just accepts her promotion.
Nobody's Children
An American couple's battle through bureaucracy to adopt a Romanian child.
Fed Up
Young Doina has a car accident. In intensive care, the doctor, Vali, calls her time of death but discovers that the child she was carrying is still alive. Wishing to save its life, the doctor puts the mother on artificial life support. Just then, Bebe, the supposed father of the unborn child, enters the scene. A former teacher and mountain climber, Bebe will soon fall in love with the doctor...
Sundays on Leave
It is late in the Ceausescu era in Romania, and Cristina is having a difficult time with her boyfriend. He wants her to have sex with him before he goes off to do his obligatory stint in the army. She wants him to marry her first. She also gets involved with a slightly rebellious actor, a would-be ladies' man. He has some vague plans to defect - could those be the reason he is receiving mysterious phone calls? Or are they the work of his anonymous admirer?
The Conjugal Bed
Politistul Misu
Romania had it rough under its last communist dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu, and things are even rougher now. Before, their problems were oppression and poverty. Now, their problem is mostly poverty - and plenty of it. In this grim comedy (to call it a black comedy would be to paint too perky a picture of it), Vasile (Gheorghe Dinica)has a wife whom he's fond of, and a mistress, whom he's fonder of. He manages a nearly abandoned movie theater, and makes just about nothing doing it. When his wife announces she's pregnant, he nearly goes frantic trying to find money to get her an abortion. However, what truly sends him over the edge is when his mistress decides to become a prostitute because, after all, the money is good. These two situations send him straight to the loony bin, and when he gets out, he discovers that his wife has rented their apartment to pornographic filmmakers, and guess who's starring in them?
Undeva în Est
A peasant went to work in constructions for a few years in Bucharest. He's thinking of returning home, but only after overturning his father's unfair sentence.
Lișcă is a woman who awaits the return of her husband from war, only he is long overdue. Many callers come, yet she holds on to the hope her husband will return.
The Mysteries of Bucharest
Boierul caruia i se taie pomul
The Principality of Wallachia with the capital Bucharest (today a region of Romania) before the Revolution of the year 1848. A couple of secret societies are working to chase away the Prince Gheorge Bibescu from his throne, arms are transported on secret ways, preparing the first popular revolts in Bucharest, as the first act of the Revolution of 1848, which revolution is the first impulse of the later act of the Union of the Wallachia with Moldova (Romanian United Principalities in 1862, Kingdom of Romania in 1881 and Kingdom of Greater Romania 1918, with Transylvania, Bukovina and Bessarabia).
A gang falsifies college degrees and sells them. They also help their careers, so that later they can blackmail them to obtain industrial espionage.
The Sign of the Serpent
This movie retells the story of a revenge that sweeps over the social and political events of the '40s. Because they sent her son to war and he never came back, his tough mother, Ecaterina Handraburu, decides to have her revenge on those who plotted to leave her heirless and grab her possessions.
Ion: The Lust for the Land, the Lust for Love
Jon, a young peasant love more "the land" than his engaged girlhood, Florica.Just when Ion thinks he has become master of his own land, he realizes that he has betrayed his heart, and that he is still in love with Florica, not with his wife. It is the curse of love that will be Ion's undoing. Badly mistreated, Ana, his wife, is driven to despair and she hangs herself. Ion, now free and wealthy, believes that the time has come for him to have Florica. Florica's husband, George waylays Ion and savagely murders him with a hoe.
Aurel Vlaicu
Rusu Abrudeanu
Biography of Aurel Vlaicu, a world wide aviation pioneer.