Isabel de Castro

Isabel de Castro

Nascimento : 1931-08-01, Lisbon, Portugal

Morte : 2005-11-23


Isabel Maria Bastos Osório de Castro e Oliveira (August 1, 1931 – November 23, 2005) was a Portuguese film actress. She was born in the capital Lisbon in 1931 to José Osório de Castro e Oliveira (Setúbal, 27 January 1900 - Lisbon, 3 December 1964) and writer Raquel Bastos, granddaughter of the writer Ana de Castro Osório, brother of the writer João Osório de Castro. Castro's career began with the movie Ladrão, Precisa-se! in 1946. Later, she appeared in some Spanish films including Under the Skies of the Asturias where she played as Angelina Quirós, The Pelegrín System, Lawless Mountain as Maria and in El cerco. She played in more Portuguese films including Francisca (1981), O Desejado (1987) and Hard Times (1988). In the mid-1990s, she went to Cape Verde, appearing in the films Down to Earth (1995) and The Island of Contenda (1996), the latter based on the novel by Henrique Teixeira de Sousa, in which she played the character of Nha Caela. Her last movie was A Casa Esquecida, in 2004. She appeared in about 50 films and appeared in theatre and television. She died of cancer in Borba near Évora. In 1948, she married Óscar Acúrsio, she later married Miguel Luke. Source: Article "Isabel de Castro" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Isabel de Castro


Antes de a Vida Começar
Biographic documentary about the Portuguese actress, Isabel de Castro.
Memórias do Cativeiro
Filme desenvolvido a partir dos depoimentos de descendentes de escravos do Laboratório de História Oral e Imagem da Universidade Federal Fluminense com roteiro baseado no livro Memórias do Cativeiro: família, trabalho e cidadania no pós-abolição da Ana Lugão Rio e Hebe Mattos.
A Casa Esquecida
Ivo and Tomás, two volunteered vagabonds who feed their souls of ways and great winds. From time to time they make a stop, renting their arms, the necessary time to be able to, provisions made, get on the road again. Once, with the sun at its peak and a burning heat, the desert that they are crossing seems to be endless. They run out of water… in the end of the day, without any strength left, they let themselves fall near to a dried bush. Ivo stares at the moon rising, as is saying farewell and whispering verses of a poem of a lawyer they’ve met before. It is then that he sees a far light. They set their way to that house…
Sogra de Ângela
Francisco just got out of prison after a six year sentence and is now a free man. He wants to change, and after a few days sleeping in the subway tunnels, and some small jobs, he finally gets a room on a cheap hotel. He changes his looks, gets a job, lives his life.
Sem Ela
Avo Vieira
Johnny, aged 20, can't live without Fanfan, his twin sister. There is a very particular intimacy between them. They walk together everywhere, share the same room, the same tastes, the same bike, the same camping tent. But also a conflict principle sets in. Oppressed by his overbearing need, she decides to head for the south of Portugal, the country of their parents. His dreams are shattered; he feels deeply betrayed by his sister. Caught between his father who is preparing to retire to Portugal and his mother who refuses to leave France, he tries to work out his own identity. His passion for rock music gets him involved with his sister's former lover. By following this charismatic leader preaching dubious ideology, he risks losing his "gentle half" forever. Meanwhile in Portugal, she becomes disillusioned. Will they manage to grow up without each other?
Aparelho Voador a Baixa Altitude
Sra. Ferreira
Based on a the short story "Low Flying Aircraft" by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
O Fato Completo ou À Procura de Alberto
De início tudo era relativamente simples. Eu procurava um rapaz de origem africana, entre os 16 e os 18 anos para incarnar o papel de Alberto no filme que eu acabara de escrever. Como não eram actores, pedi aos candidatos que me contassem uma história à escolha. O que me deram foi um bocado de vida, e fizeram-no com uma tal generosidade e autenticidade que era eu quem estava em causa. Seria eu capaz de reencontrar a mesma força, a mesma emoção?
...Quando Troveja
The relationship between António and Ruth ends unexpectedly when Ruth decides to live with Pedro, António's best friend. António doesn't fight back and lets himself drown. From the woods come Violeta and Gaspar, two strange beings, a mixture of fairies, demons and guardian angels, who help António overcome his depression. With the thunders the two characters return to their domains. And life goes on.
Amo-te Teresa
"Amo-te Teresa" é uma história sobre amores proibidos. Regressada à vila da sua infância, Teresa uma médica desiludida com o amor, vai reviver o passado e comprometer o futuro numa paixão sem limites. Ao chegar, Teresa vai chocar com Miguel, um jovem de 15 anos que tem uma vida aparentemente normal e inocente. Miguel tem uma beleza invulgar e um grau de sensibilidade que marca qualquer pessoa. A mãe e o pai de Miguel vêem em Teresa, para além de uma amiga, uma mulher realizada e senhora de si mesma. A chegada de Teresa e a relação que vai manter com Miguel põem a vila em alvoroço.
Gloria is set against the backdrop of a rural landscape slowly disappearing in modern Portugal. The small border town of Vila de Santiago, once a booming trade center for illegal trafficking, is about to become a ghost town, as a new motorway is to bypass the city and the railway station is being closed. Its stationmaster, Vincente, is preparing to retire. Many young people have moved out, leaving the children to be brought up by the elderly, including thirteen-year-old Glória and her friend Ivan. Glória's life suddenly changes with the arrival of Vincente's younger brother, Mauro, who has just come out of prison and has some old issues to settle. Mauro begins to charge around the station on his motorbike, while Glória's friendship with Ivan is put to test on account of her attraction to older Mauro.
Casca in 'Julius Caesar' Play
Tudo começa quando uma família normal e friorenta é bafejada pela sorte. Jesus, assim se chama o filho do casal, encontra um tesouro escondido e proibido: a riqueza da Terra. No mesmo dia dois padres decidem fechar as portas da sua igreja por falta de crentes e fazem um leilão de imagens dos seus queridos santos. E partem à aventura.
O Anjo da Guarda
Lúcia is an independent woman who lives alone in Lisbon. Her father commits suicide leaving her a message on phone recorder, revealing a letter he wrote. However Lúcia can't find it in her father's house. On that visit she ends up meeting with her mother, a known political activist with whom she has a distant and tense relationship. In hope of finding the letter, Lúcia leaves to the farm where she grew up, on an isolated location. There she reencounters Álvaro, an old childhood companion, who shares a little life time he has left between roses and the piano, and the guardian angel that follows and protects her through nocturnal wanderings.
Viagem ao Princípio do Mundo
Maria Afonso
Manoel is an aging film director who travels with the film crew through Portugal in search of the origins of Afonso, a famous French actor whose father emigrated from Portugal to France and in process remembers his own youth.
La leyenda de Balthasar el Castrado
Duchess of Arcos
At the end of the seventeenth century, in Naples, still dominated by the Spaniards, a young pupil, Balthasar,is castrated to preserve the purity and beauty of his voice. The Duchess dies and her son, the Duke of Arcos, takes charge of the inheritance, which includes Balthasar. With the entrance of Maria Loffredo, former lover of the Duke, a triangle is established that unchains tragic consequences to the allegedly callous life of Balthasar.
O Ilhéu da Contenda
Nha Caela
Cape Verde, 1964. At the feet of a mighty volcano, the traditional Cape Verdean society is undergoing a steady change. The old land-owning aristocracy is disintegrating. A class of "mulattos" begins to emerge, with a trade-based financial power that threatens the landlords. A new identity arises, a mix of old and new, of African and Portuguese culture, sensual and dynamic. The songs of Cesária Évora follow this inevitable transformation. From the novel by Henrique Teixeira de Sousa.
Fado, Major and Minor
Mother Antoinette
Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?
Casa de Lava
Actriz convidada
The film tells a story of Mariana, a nurse who leaves Lisbon to accompany an immigrant worker in a comatose sleep on his trip home to Cape Verde. The devoted Portuguese nurse took a journey only to find herself lost in abstract drama.
Três Palmeiras
Old Actress
Lisbon, on a winter day in 1994, between six and fourteen o'clock. A forty-year-old woman despairs in the last eight hours preceding the birth of her first child.
Family Matters
Jan thinks he is Swedish-Danish, but after his mother's death he discovers he was adopted. As his world begins to fall apart, he decides to find his birth parents. The hunt leads him to Portugal - in a taxi - where more surprises await him.
Shadows in a Conflict
Madre de José
Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France.
Aqui Na Terra
Miguel's mother
Miguel, um economista bem estabelecido na vida, fica profundamente afetado pela morte do seu pai. Começa a sofrer de alucinações, perde o interesse no trabalho e desliga-se da sua mulher. Entretanto, longe da sua cidade, dois jovens provincianos, Antonio e Cecília, estão apaixonados. O primeiro mata um homem que abusava de Cecília, que por sua vez está grávida. Antonio, apesar de não ser o pai da criança, aceita-o como seu. A família e a comunidade rejeitam Cecília que, por ironia, encontra apoio e auxílio junto à viúva do homem que Antonio matou. João Botelho realizou e escreveu “Aqui na Terra” e tenta estabelecer inesperadas ligações emocionais entre o campo e a cidade, a partir das distintas histórias de dois casais em crise. Botelho, como sempre, domina de forma soberba as atmosferas plásticas de um filme envolvente e tocante, servido por um belo elenco que conta com as participações de Luís Miguel Cintra, Jessica Weiss, Pedro Hestnes e Rita Dias.
Chá Forte com Limão
In the summer of 1870, Raquel, who owns a farm, and lives secluded in her mansion with an old butler and a handful of servants, feels proud when an odd acquaintance comes by. Adriana and her daughter-in-law, Ermesinda, a very young girl, just happen to be visiting - the second time in 15 years for Adriana, and the first time for the teenager Ermesinda. The meeting seems to be pleasant, and yet, for reasons untold, there is coldness and reserve between Adriana and Raquel. Their ambiguous relationship will be revealed, when by accident old wounds are reopened.
O Miradouro da Lua
João's mother
João, um jovem lisboeta aspirante a ator, recebe um convite do pai, que nunca viu, para se encontrar com ele em Angola. Quando chega na casa do pai, João não o encontra. Mas as surpresas vão continuar, alterando a sua vida.
Swing troubadour
Geneviève Largillière
In Brazzaville, in 1944, Alex Emmerich was sentenced to wander the seas by Hélène Latray, the wife of Félix Beauvois, the man Alex loved. In 1962, exiled on Hatray cruises and feeling the coming death, Alex decides to compose for his love a testament: the photographic report of his agony.
Irmã Luz
Xavier returns to Lisbon after a military stint, determined to lead a meaningful life, only to find his world closing in on him.
O Sangue
The Woman
Nino, tough but sickly, and his older brother Vicente live in the country with their father. After their father disappears ― we’re never sure why ― murder is suggested. Vicente brings his girlfriend to the house, and a different kind of family is established as the three youngsters grow fiercely protective of each other. But their uncle grows suspicious about the fate of the missing father and forcibly kidnaps Nino, taking him away to the city and leaving Vicente to locate him there.
A Sétima Letra
Some time ago Gerardo knew another man of the same age called Berardo. When he said the name, Berardo expressed his oppinion violently, saying that the «G» was owed him and that Gerardo, since he owned it had somehow stolen something from him. Berardo then tries to get something back which soon goes beyond a baptismal name. Gerardo whitnesses this strange spectacle of himself as a place where, after Berardo, other people try to get something back, something that escapes them about themselves. Three women - Adália, Miranda and Virgínia - are whitnesses to this game
Tempos Difíceis
Teresa Cremalheira
A film adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel "Hard Times" set in a Portuguese industrial town of the 1980s.
Ti Anica
Based on the work by Fernando Pessoa - a "message" about the destinies of Portugal - not just in isolation but looking at them as precursors and announcers of the fate of the entire planet.
Uma Pedra no Bolso
12-year-old Miguel is punished because he has not done his homework properly: he must stay at his aunt's inn for holidays. First bored, then a friendship begins between him and other inn's regular holiday-makers, like maid Luisa or fisherman João. But doctor Fernando's arrival is going to overwhelm the place's peaceful life and to change Miguel's mind.
Três Menos Eu
Isabel, Rita's Mother
A young woman, working as sales-girl at a shopping center's music shop, wants someone with whom to share her secrets. A distant mother separating from her father, an aunt who emigrated to France, and her pre-adolescent sister, can't do - neither the boyfriend. Such a confident arrives unexpectedly - but then there are three of them, one too much. One leaves, but then another young man arrives, and there are three again. One must go. A sad young adult love story, told in the first person, singular - and ultimately alone, under the rain.
O Desejado
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.
Um Adeus Português
Filme realizado por João Botelho em 1985, e que contou com a participação de Rui Furtado, Isabel de Castro e Maria Cabral, entre outros atores. A ação desta longa-metragem desenvolve-se em dois planos que se entrecruzam habilmente: no primeiro, acompanha-se o percurso trágico de um grupo de militares em território africano, em combate na Guerra Colonial; no outro, assiste-se à vivência perturbada de uma família, longe do teatro de operações. Um Adeus Português é, assim, uma reflexão, mais existencial do que política, sobre o sacrifício e o sofrimento. O seu interesse reside no facto de abordar o tema da Guerra Colonial portuguesa, acontecimento histórico recente que, por esta altura, começava a ser tratado na criação artística, nomeadamente na literatura.
Passagem ou a Meio Caminho
Ambulatory history, freely inspired by Georg Büchner's biography (1813-37) and the reasons that led him first to political intervention and then to strict isolation. With students of unidentified present time (1968? 1970?), the themes developed, in Büchner, are triggered by the publication of "The Messenger of Hesse", a pamphlet addressed to the peasants, urging them to revolt. Their misunderstanding, as well as the repression of the young revolutionaries, leads Büchner to a particularly skeptical and painful attitude...
Sem Sombra de Pecado
Enquanto presta o serviço militar, Henrique, um jovem proveniente de uma família burguesa abastada, começa a receber misteriosos telefonemas por parte de uma mulher que o leva a encontros sem consequências, através dos quais ele é obrigado a descobrir que o amor e a guerra têm muito em comum: as estratégias, as tácticas, os inimigos e os aliados... O jogo começa a revelar-se pouco a pouco, à medida que Henrique se sente preso numa armadilha à qual não sabe resistir: a vingança.
Jogo de Mão
Maria de Jesus
In a unique approach to what amounts to four pseudo-morality plays, director Monique Rutler has a street entertainer with hand puppets summarize the characters and idea of each story. The first sketch is about a young man who shines shoes for a living, and tries to keep up a relationship with two women while convincing each she is his only true love. The next story is about a man who beats up his wife when he is drunk, and sells furs for a living. One day, as she is riding in the back of his truck with the furs, he hits a bad patch and she and some furs fall out. The question is, will the woman be enterprising and leave the jerk - or not? The third tale concerns a woman looking into how much control a prostitute has over her clients, and to really find out, she becomes a prostitute herself for awhile - leading to some quite unexpected situations. The last segment handles the uglier side of the life styles of the rich and famous.
Conversa Acabada
Marinheiro: 2.º Veladora
No início do século XX a sociedade portuguesa está em profunda crise política e moral, uma República confusa e com restos de uma monarquia podre. Fernando Pessoa e Mário de Sá-Carneiro reinventam a língua, o modo de dizer, pagando os riscos da sua aventura. Um rebenta a solidão no fogo dos heterónimos que lhe permitem prolongar a existência; o outro despedaça o corpo e a própria vida na vertigem dispersa de poemas e novelas. A história desse encontro, os textos, a amizade e a morte.
Tiaga tells the story of a poor old woman, played by Isabel de Castro, to whom a good wizard offers the gift of youth to reward the help she provided him. A version of “Faust” seen through the female eye and featuring some unusual moments, such as a shot of a black goat while José Afonso sings, as well as nightmare sequences in which Tiaga is chased by the devil.
E Não se Pode Exterminá-lo?
The film of a performance of a selection of cabaret comedy sketches by Karl Valentin, with Jorge Silva Melo as stage director. The show was a complete success and has become almost legendary. Solveig Nordlund shot it, adding some more sketches that weren’t included on the show.
Música Para Si
The woman
A woman arrives home, apparently coming from her job, and sets out about house chores and placing every object around her with extreme care. The only company she has is the radio, tuned to a station of popular music hits that the audience can ask for by telephone. There is a single hint that she may have breast cancer. Then, she sets the table for a large dinner - for one - including a champagne bottle. She commits suicide by pills overdose, before she utters a word.
O Rei das Berlengas ou a Independência das Ditas
D. Lucas' mother
Mário Viegas encarna o herdeiro dos Teles de Midões, a dinastia que reinava sobre as Berlengas quando foi traída por Afonso Henriques e passou a fazer parte do Reino. O filme mostra como os Teles de Midões, ao longo de séculos e em momentos cruciais da história portuguesa, tudo fizeram para recuperar a independência do arquipélago, mas foram sempre ultrapassados pelos acontecimentos. Tal como viria a acontecer no século XX, quando a mais recente tentativa termina com o herdeiro encerrado num manicómio.
Brandos Costumes
Older Daughter
A portrait of the everyday life of a typical middle-class family in parallel with the fall of the "Estado Novo", the 48-year dictatorship led by Salazar. The daughters' conflicts and frustrations with their parents, their grandmother and their maid find an obvious echo in the country's collective events. The Carnation Revolution is about to explode.
O Destino Marca a Hora
A famous singer conducts two relationships at once, with a businesswoman and her secretary. He marries the woman, has children from both, and all goes well for him until one fateful day, when his two sons come to know that he is parent of both, at school.
Domingo à Tarde
Jorge, médico sério e solitário, dirige um departamento no hospital. Um dia chega Lúcia já gravemente doente de leucemia. Apaixonaram-se. Será uma corrida contra o desespera e a reafirmação da vontade de amar, mesmo face à iminência da morte.
Fado Corrido
A Marialist nobleman falls in love with a fado singer, who puts an end to the ephemeral relationship, accepting the love of a teenager, recently arrived from Africa.
Martes y trece
Lola and Maria are two Spanish young ladies engaged to Franz and Pepe, all so eager to spend their honeymoon that the moment seems never to come, as all sorts of problems pave their way.
As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor
The characteristic loves of Margarida and Clara, the distinct moral of Pedro and Daniel, the goodness of João Semana, and the dissidents, sensibility, tenderness, rituals and landscape involvement of the Minho.
The Mystery Key
A fussy insurance inspector (Varela Silva) has the mission to investigate why, in three years, 325 employees have passed through a farm shop. In his police demand, he speaks with the maid, the girl Elvira (Fernanda Borsatti) and with the store's boss, Mr. Silva (Henrique Santos). His curiosity will only be satisfied with the arrival of Dona Berta (Elvira Velez), with her "nausea" daughter (Isabel de Castro) and her "unbearable" granddaughter (Guida Maria)
O Dinheiro dos Pobres
Após um desgosto sentimental com Madalena, Manuel das Dores vai para padre, criando um orfanato, que é pasto de um incêndio. Ajudado por um professor, consegue dinheiro para a reconstrução, o qual é roubado por Pedro, um irmão de Manuel das Dores, depravado e perverso. Não querendo denunciá-lo, o sacerdote é preso e julgado, juntamente com Madalena, a quem atribuem responsabilidade no delito... Prestes a ser lida a sentença, Pedro precipita-se para o juíz, confessando que chegara fogo ao edifício, que furtara e fizera a desdita de todos.
El golfo que vio una estrella
Madre de Nuri
El cerco
Ana Méndez
El presidio
La hija del mar
Lawless Mountain
Spanish Zorro adaptation
La danza del corazón
Elena Montes
On her journey to a provincial capital, Elena falls for the director of the Company of Zarzuela and leaves with him, despite opposition from his father. But the guilt of having abandoned him pursues her constantly to the point to shake their relationship.
Persecución en Madrid
El sistema Pelegrín
Hector Pelegrin, an unsuccessful insurance agent is admitted to the prestigious school Ferran as a gym teacher. The only problem is that he completely lacks the necessary skills for the job. He organizes a game between the football team at his school and another center, a historic rival, resulting in a surprise full of humorous criticism to our society. Pelegrin tries to convince everyone that football is just a sport
Souls in Danger
Two boys are sent to reform school under the guidance of Father Fernando, a young and dedicated priest.
Criminal Brigade
A young policemen witnesses a bank robbery which will become his first case. To catch the thieves he will infiltrate himself as one of the gang members. At first it works, but it won't be so easy afterwards.