Marina Seresesky

Marina Seresesky


Marina Seresesky


Empieza el baile
The reunion of three friends, among tango, dance, music and the opportunity of a trip that will take them as in their good old days to travel the route of the country.
Empieza el baile
The reunion of three friends, among tango, dance, music and the opportunity of a trip that will take them as in their good old days to travel the route of the country.
Nunca Visto
Uma cidade à beira do desaparecimento toma medidas desesperadas para sobreviver. Nesta comédia encantadora, a história começa em um local não especifico da geografia da Espanha chamado Fuentejuela de Arriba, uma cidade montanhosa muito pequena mas com um problema tão grande: uma população de 16 pessoas, todas com idade, sem filhos nem filhas. Campello, o prefeito, faz um comunicado: se a população diminuir para 15 ou menos no censo, Fuentejuela de Arriba desaparecerá, será anexada a Fuentejuela de Abajo como um bairro, para desespero de seus habitantes que não querem ver sua cidade como parte da Fuentejuela de Abajo devido à sua eterna rivalidade. Teresa, esposa do prefeito, encontra uma solução inusitada para o problema: depois de conhecer Azquil, Shukra, Latisha e Calulu, quatro africanos em fuga procurados pela polícia que foram enganados para trabalhar como dançarinos exóticos em um bordel próximo, Teresa decide usá-los para aumentar a população e salvar a cidade. Mas então...
The Open Door
Rosa, is a prostitute who inherited the profession from Antonia, her mother, who thinks she is Sara Montiel and turns her daily life in a hell. Rosa does not know how to be happy. She just can not. But the unexpected arrival of a new member to her particular (and absurd) family will give her a unique opportunity to achieve happiness
The Open Door
Rosa, is a prostitute who inherited the profession from Antonia, her mother, who thinks she is Sara Montiel and turns her daily life in a hell. Rosa does not know how to be happy. She just can not. But the unexpected arrival of a new member to her particular (and absurd) family will give her a unique opportunity to achieve happiness
The Wedding
Mirta is Cuban and lives in Madrid. As many others immigrants she works in cleaning industry. Today at six o'clock p.m. her daughter is going to marry. But nothing turns out as she hopes, and to reach this wedding is more difficult than it appeared at first sight.
The Wedding
Mirta is Cuban and lives in Madrid. As many others immigrants she works in cleaning industry. Today at six o'clock p.m. her daughter is going to marry. But nothing turns out as she hopes, and to reach this wedding is more difficult than it appeared at first sight.
April and Jules
Its about the relationship between Julio, a radio broadcaster and Abril, a music teacher. It treat themes as destiny, love, incomunnication...