Clive Morgan

Nascimento : 1897-07-28, Lewis, Sussex, England, UK

Morte : 1984-09-14


Clive Morgan (born Clive George Morgan; 28 July 1897 - 14 September 1984) was an English actor.


A Volta ao Mundo em Oitenta Dias
Extra (uncredited)
Em 1872, o nobre inglês Phileas Fogg (David Niven) aposta vinte mil libras com seus colegas do Clube Reformatório de Londres de que ele consegue dar a volta no planeta em exatamente oitenta dias. Ao lado do engenhoso Valet Passepartout (Mario Moreno), ele busca cumprir o seu objetivo com aventuras em todos os continentes, acaba conhecendo e se encantando pela bela viúva Aouda (Shirley MacLaine), ao mesmo tempo que, em uma conspiração, é acusado de ter roubado o dinheiro que investiu na aposta.
A Torre dos Monstros
Roundsman Blevins (uncredited)
In 19th century England, a noted brain surgeon rescues a former student from being hanged on a false conviction for murder, and spirits him away to an ancient, repurposed abbey far in the countryside. There, he connives his pupil into assisting him in mapping the functions of the various parts of the human brain, using living subjects who are under a terrible animation-suspending drug called "black sleep". Subsequently, the student, along with the daughter of one of the subjects, discover that most of these subjects have survived but are being kept in a dungeon-like cellar, in various stages of physical and mental derangement...
O Ladrão do Rei
Captain of Guards (uncredited)
An ex-soldier turned highwayman uncovers a plot to take control of England from King Charles II.
The Hot Scots
Inspector McCormack
The stooges apply for job as 'Yard Men' at Scotland Yard, thinking they'll become detectives, but instead wind up as gardeners. When they learn that detectives are need to guard a Scottish castle where valuables have been disappearing, they masquerades as Scotsmen to get the job. After a spooky night in the castle, the boys expose the servants as the crooks.
Correntes Ocultas
Party Guest (uncredited)
After a rapid engagement, a dowdy daughter of a chemist weds an industrialist, knowing little of his family or past. He transforms her into an elegant society wife, but becomes enraged whenever she asks about Michael, his mysterious long-lost brother.
The Man in Half Moon Street
A British doctor and painter must kill for the glands he needs to stop the aging process.
À Meia Luz
Bit Part (uncredited)
Anos depois de sua tia ser assassinada em sua casa, uma jovem se muda de volta para casa com seu novo marido. No entanto, ele tem um segredo e fará qualquer coisa para protegê-lo mesmo que isso signifique enlouquecer sua esposa.
Missão em Moscou
Anthony Eden (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
O Segredo do Monstro
Foster (uncredited)
A werewolf prowls around at night but only kills certain members of one family. It seems like just a coincidence, but the investigating Inspector soon finds out that this tradition has gone on for generations and tries to find a link between the werewolf and the family, leading to a frightening conclusion.
Rhythm on the River
Party Guest
Popular songwriter Oliver Courtney has been getting by for years using one ghost writer for his music and another for his lyrics. When both writers meet at an inn, they fall in love and then try to sell their songs under their own name. The problem is every song publisher thinks they're copying Courtney's style.
Minha Esposa Favorita
Postponed Case Lawyer (uncredited)
Sete anos depois de um naufrágio no qual ela foi supostamente morta, Ellen Arden chega em casa e descobre que seu marido Nick acabou de se casar novamente. O radiante Nick esforça-se por dar a notícia à sua nova noiva. Mas ele fica chocado quando ouve a história toda: Ellen passou esses sete anos em uma ilha deserta sozinha com outro homem.
The Light That Failed
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
O Primeiro Rebelde
English Sergeant
Na América colonial, a revolta contra os ingleses começa a aumentar. Quando descobre que um contrabandista está vendendo armas aos índios, James Smith decide disfarçar seus homens e interceptar os carregamentos, fazendo justiça com as próprias mãos.
Stanley and Livingstone
Reporter at Dock
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
Esposa Só no Nome
Party Guest (uncredited)
A wealthy man falls for a widow but is locked into a loveless marriage with a woman who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife.
Gunga Din
Technical Advisor
As aventuras vividas por três sargentos ingleses na luta contra os nativos hindus. Ajudados pelo jovem Gunga Din, eles penetram no templo de onde parte a revolta, são presos pelo malévolo Guru, mas salvos pelo amigo nativo. Inspirado em poema de Rudyard Kipling. Refilmado em 1962 por John Sturges com o título "Os 3 Sargentos".
Gunga Din
Lancer Captain (uncredited)
As aventuras vividas por três sargentos ingleses na luta contra os nativos hindus. Ajudados pelo jovem Gunga Din, eles penetram no templo de onde parte a revolta, são presos pelo malévolo Guru, mas salvos pelo amigo nativo. Inspirado em poema de Rudyard Kipling. Refilmado em 1962 por John Sturges com o título "Os 3 Sargentos".
Se Eu Fora Rei
Second Officer
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
Do Mundo Nada Se Leva
Man (uncredited)
Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur) deseja apresentar Tony Kirby (James Stewart), seu noivo, à sua família, mas como ele provêm de uma família rica e influente e a sua é composta de pessoas extrovertidas e um tanto lunáticas, há um choque de comportamentos. Para completar, Anthony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold), o pai do seu noivo, já comprou todos os imóveis da região onde a família de Alice vive para um importante empreendimento, com exceção da casa de Alice. Sem este imóvel o projeto não pode ir adiante e, como há uma recusa em vender, este posicionamento gera um clima desfavorável entre as duas famílias.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
My Dear Miss Aldrich
Red Apple Inn Doorman (uncredited)
A young woman inherits a newspaper whose editor refuses to hire lady reporters.
A Donzela de Salém
Non-Commissioned Officer (Uncredited)
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem, Massachusetts. After a meddling girl arouses their suspicions, the town's elders accuse Barbara of being a witch. She is tried, convicted of sorcery and sentenced to death. As the townspeople prepare to burn Barbara at the stake, Roger tries desperately to save the woman he loves.
A Filha de Drácula
Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
Dr. Van Helsing, pensando ter livrado Londres de todos os vampiros, é ao contrário preso por assassinato. Quando o destino de Van Helsing parece estar traçado, os corpos desaparecem repentinamente. Logo, inúmeras pessoas são encontradas mortas, seus corpos encharcados de sangue. Enquanto isso, a bela Condessa Marya Zaleska aparece em Londres. A problemática mulher procura a ajuda de Dr. Garth, psiquiatra de Van Helsing, para uma consulta.