Nina Maslova

Nina Maslova

Nascimento : 1946-11-27, Рига, СССР (Латвия)


Nina Maslova


Dangerous Vacations
A story about funny adventures of the group of children during their summer vacations.
A Dark Room Mystery
After discovering a dark window which appears on the wall every midnight two boys decide to investigate the mystery of a dark room behind the window.
A Diary of a First-grader Mom
A year from the life of a first-grader and his parents.
The Whistler
A daring robbery of an antique watch collector has been committed. A passing schoolboy becomes a casual witness of a crime and is suspected of complicity. To justify the boy before the law, his friends themselves take up the case…
Neustanovlennoye Litso
У них - одна внешность, но разные характеры. Им выпала искусительная возможность поменяться местами, то есть "вкусить" чужую жизнь. Но не всегда получается так, как надеешься. И невинная игра может окончиться трагично. Чье же оно - лицо смерти?
Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective
A parable in the manner of a tragedian based on the play by A. Volodin "On the tribes of the Bison and Scorpions, who lived many thousands of years ago on a small island." The events that the film tells about take place in ancient times, in the Stone Age. In the forest, where a large tribe lives, two shots in the back killed one of the clan, nicknamed Long. His widow demands that the killer become her husband. The head of the clan is trying to find out who the killer is.
Это было прошлым летом
Dangerous for Your Life!
A funny comedy about a very adventurous day in a life of Stepan Molodtsov - a very responsible youn man.
Sincerely Yours...
A young astronomer is becoming more of administrator instead of concentrating on science.
Молодость с нами
Право первой подписи
I Want to See You
Film by Veiczi.
Soviel Lieder, soviel Worte
Maria / Mascha
This film musical is a romantic comedy of mistaken identities set at the 10th World Festival in Berlin. Alexej from Moscow meets and is attracted to Mascha, right before he leaves for Berlin. Mascha also travels to Berlin to perform with her cultural ensemble. While there, she boards with the Krüger family, whose son Hans is attracted to her.
The 1975 film by Georgi Daneliya "Afonya" was an unexpected commercial hit in USSR. The main character "Afonya" Borshev is a plumber, who spends his life partying with "buddies", many of whom he doesn't even remember after nights of heavy drinking. His wife leaves him, his boss places him on probation, his whole life is falling apart, but he doesn't realize it. Afonya met Katya at a dance club, yet didn't pay her much attention. But she is the one, who can save him... In this movie Daneliya achieves a perfect balance of satire and drama. Quotes from the movie gained a cult status in USSR.
Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession
царица Марфа Васильевна
A scientist builds a time machine and accidentally sends his apartment complex manager and a petty burglar to 16th century Moscow, while Tsar Ivan the Terrible travels to 1973.
Нервы, нервы...
The Long Recess
Victoria Korovyansky
A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school.
The Russian Field
Avdey, the husband of the tractor forewoman Fedosya leaves her for another woman. Their 18-year-old son Filipp can not forgive his father and on the day of the new wedding even tries to run over a tractor car in which the father is driving with a new wife. Shortly after the wedding, Avdey realizes that he made a fatal mistake and is trying to return to Fedosya, but she cannot forgive. Filipp was taken into the army, on the border where Filipp serves, an armed violation of the border occurs, during which he dies.
Accused of Murder
A group of drunken young people severely beat the couple in love. Subsequently, Aleksandr Shchetinin died in the hospital after receiving injuries from beatings. The court, chaired by Judge Khromova, is to pronounce the death sentence on one of the four participants in the fight, who committed the fatal blow that led to death.
By the Lake
Girl in the Staging
The film is a reflection on the responsibility of man to other people, native nature and the world around us, the problem of preserving Lake Baikal, on the banks of which a large construction project has unfolded. The first half of the 60s of the XX century, the story of the love of young Lena Barmina to an adult respectable person, bearing on his shoulders a heavy burden of responsibility for the activities of a huge enterprise. Construction engineer Chernykh and Lena, the daughter of a scientist, are doing everything to save the lake from harmful and unjustified plums. A difficult relationship develops between them and soon Lena realizes that she is in love. But after learning that Chernykh is married, the girl leaves...
I Loved You...
First love is always not simple. Especially when you are outcast and she is ballet dancer in the beginning of her carrier.