Francisco Sanz


Yo quiero ser torero
The Angry Cid
(as Paco Sanz)
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
La conquista de Albania
King Carlos II of Spain (r. 1665-1700) once sent his brother Luis to lead a military expedition into Albania and conquer that land for the Spaniards. Since Albania was a part of the dowry of Luis' wife, it seemed like a reasonable idea at the time. While that expedition and its final battle is the subject of this historical film, the scale involved can hardly do justice to the concept. The protagonists talk incessantly, and by the time they get down to the final grand battle, it turns out to be a skirmish between several dozen men.
Cristóbal Colón, de oficio... descubridor
Comedia sobre el célebre descubridor de América que mezcla referencias a la situación política española de la época en que se rodó la película con referencias históricas al Renacimiento. (FILMAFFINITY)
El enfermo imaginario
El Notario
Visanteta, estáte quieta
El virgo de Visanteta
Avisa a Curro Jiménez
Lord Killarney, delegate of the British Museum, acquires in Córdoba, at an auction, an incunabule, a valuable treatise on Arabic botany, but he is killed and the book disappears. The suspicions fall on El Lince, an old-fashioned antiquarian who had bid with the English to get the book. When he is arrested, he asks his nephew to warn Curro Jiménez, who discovers that the famous treaty actually contains the key to accessing a fantastic treasure that a caliph has hidden in the Mosque of Córdoba and that has been, for centuries, cause of deaths and betrayals. But the stolen book is split in half. The other half is, for years, in the power of El Lince, which he bought from the famous bandit Mariano Romero, who has been presumed dead for thirty years.
El chiste
The Mistress
(as Paco Sanz)
Manuela is a woman unlucky in love. But when she meets Eduardo, a married man, her life will change completely, as his side may start singing career.
The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue
When a series of murders hit the remote English countryside, a detective suspects a pair of travelers when it is actually the work of the undead, jarred back to life by an experimental ultra-sonic radiation machine used by the Ministry of Agriculture to kill insects.
El libro del buen amor
Ciego 2º
Caçador de Fugitivos
Joe Smart
Macedo, líder sanguinário de uma gangue de confederados, atira no capitão dos nortistas, Jeff Mallighan, conhecido como "Mão Rápida", quebrando a mão direita. Jeff, ferido no chão, não conseguia ver o rosto do vilão, mas suas esporas de prata ficaram presas em sua mente, assim como sua arma única. Algum tempo depois desse evento, Macedo continua com seus crimes, no entanto, um misterioso cavaleiro vestido de preto ficará no seu caminho.
Attack of the Blind Dead
Station Manager
500 years after they were blinded and executed for committing human sacrifices, a band of Templar knights returns from the grave to terrorize a rural Portuguese village during it's centennial celebration. Being blind, the Templars find their victims through sound, usually the screams of their victims. Taking refuge in a deserted cathedral, a small group of people must find a way to escape from the creatures.
Uma Razão para Viver, Uma Razão para Morrer
Durante a Guerra Civil americana, sete condenados aceitam a perigosa missão para escapar da forca. Liderados por um general legalista, eles devem ajudar a recapturar um forte tomados por violento oficial confederado.
A Noite do Terror Cego
Prof. Candal (librarian)
Um grupo de amigos passa o final de semana em Portugal, onde, nas ruínas de um mosteiro, são vítimas de mortos-vivos cegos, antigos cavaleiros templários.
The Masked Thief
Bill Nolan, Sheriff of Ockland, receives a telegram informing him of the arrival of a stagecoach with federal bank securities. Together with Judge Finley he organizes the custody of the stagecoach but it is attacked anyway and suspicion falls on the sheriff by his strange actions alone. The confidence of his assistants is weakened and everything gets complicated when he is accused of rape and one of his assistants is found dead. His only hope is to discover the masked bandit.
At the End of the Rainbow
Roy runs away from the labor camp of Santa Lucia with Emiliano, a New Mexico rancher, both imprisoned unjustly for three powerful American bankers, to seize the gold mine that had Emiliano. During flight, the landowner dies and in his last moments asked Roy to recover the mine and save Jessica, daughter of his former foreman.
Zorro the Invincible
Italian-Spanish Zorro variation.
Sartana Está Chegando
Judge in Sandy Creek
Sartana mais uma vez está à espreita. Desta vez, trata-se de um verdadeiro caso de mistério em pleno velho oeste. Uma boa quantidade de ouro junto com 2 milhões de dólares em dinheiro desapareceu e parece estar escondido em algum lugar. E todos, incluindo o delegado, o xerife, militares e seus irmãos, esposas, amantes e amigos, verdadeiros e falsos agentes federais e até apaches. Todos estão em busca do ouro. Agora só resta a Sartana decifrar as pistas deixadas por cada um para que o maior mistério do velho oeste o transforme definitivamente na lenda que todos nós conhecemos.
¡Se armó el belén!
An old priest, who has old ideas, is intended to exercise the apostolate in a neighborhood in the suburbs of Madrid. There the revolutionary climate and anti-religious character of the congregation thwarts all his attempts to attract them. The Archbishop admonishes him and asks to renew his methods, using the example of a young priest of a modern parish. The old priest tries to apply in his environment what he has seen in the parish model, setting off a chain of events.
O Preço do Poder
O Presidente James Garfield chega em seu trem ao estado do Texas onde irá debater suas reformas políticas. Sua posição antiescravatura é extremamente impopular com os locais, particularmente a Jefferson, o xerife corrupto e Pinkerton o banqueiro. Secretamente eles planejam matar o presidente, pois sabem que seu sucessor poderá ser comprado. Ben Willer descobre que seu pai foi assassinado pelo xerife, pois sabia dos planos contra o presidente. Mas, apesar de seus esforços o assassinato tem sucesso, e um negro leal à causa do presidente é acusado e aprisionado. Agora, ajudado por Arthur McDonald o assistente do presidente, cabe a Willer fazer justiça, custe o que custar…
O Preço do Poder
O Presidente James Garfield chega em seu trem ao estado do Texas onde irá debater suas reformas políticas. Sua posição antiescravatura é extremamente impopular com os locais, particularmente a Jefferson, o xerife corrupto e Pinkerton o banqueiro. Secretamente eles planejam matar o presidente, pois sabem que seu sucessor poderá ser comprado. Ben Willer descobre que seu pai foi assassinado pelo xerife, pois sabia dos planos contra o presidente. Mas, apesar de seus esforços o assassinato tem sucesso, e um negro leal à causa do presidente é acusado e aprisionado. Agora, ajudado por Arthur McDonald o assistente do presidente, cabe a Willer fazer justiça, custe o que custar…
Twenty Thousand Dollars for Seven
Fred Leinster, an alcoholic ex-sheriff, is paid to collect a ransom for the kidnapping of a young boy. When he finds out the particulars of the crime he turns the tables on the outlaws.
President Madero
The Mexican guerilla leader Tepepa and his gang fight against the chief of police, Cascorro.
The Battle of the Last Panzer
The film looks through the eyes of the German offense during World War II, specifically a German tank crew who, after losing a battle, struggle to get home.
Matarei Um Por Um
Filho de coronel procura reabilitar a memória de seu pai morto, acusado de ter roubado dinheiro sulista durante a guerra.
Colpo sensazionale al servizio del Sifar
Professor Cociste
Deus Perdoa... Eu Não!
Saloon Informant
Os amigos Cat Stevens (Terence Hill) e Hutch Bessy (Bud Spencer) somam forças para encontrar um velho amigo, Bill San Antonio (Frank Wolff), que supostamente estava morto, e recuperar o ouro que Bill roubou num assalto ao trem pagador.
Spia spione
Eurospy movie
Django Vem Para Matar
Hagerman (as Paco Sanz)
Um bandido mexicano conhecido como "O Estranho" faz parte de um bando de ladrões que roubam uma carga de ouro de uma diligência. No entanto, os americanos do bando o traem e matam todos os mexicanos. O Estranho não está completamente morto, porém, e se arrasta para fora de sua cova rasa, continuando sua busca pelo ouro e exigindo uma vingança sangrenta.
The Man Who Killed Billy the Kid
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
A Gangster From Brooklyn
A man referred to only as "Yankee" rides into a dying, desolate town in frontier New Mexico which is completely controlled by a man called the "Grand Cougar." Almost immediately, a battle for dominance ensues.
Lightning Bolt
Prof. Rooney
A U.S. agent goes undercover as a rich playboy to stop a madman from destroying a NASA moon project.
Gunman Called Nebraska
Doctor Parson
A drifter helps a ranch couple fend off the approaches of a ruthless landowner.
The Relentless Four
Terrorized townsfolk turn into a lynch mob and target a lawman.
Desperate Mission
Prof. Larsen
A nuclear scientist is kidnapped by Chinese communists in Hong Kong. A Japanese group of judo experts kidnaps him from the kidnappers, but before they can contact the American agent who has been assigned with overseeing the scientist's transfer back to the USA, the agent is killed. The American secret service send their top man to Hong Kong as his replacement, with the mission of locating the scientist. But there are TWO rival gangs of baddies who are also looking for the same target, so our hero has to assume a different identity to infiltrate them.
Man from Canyon City
Red and Carraucho, after escaping from jail, reach the border to Mexico and are hired by Morgan, a rich silvermine owner. Disgusted by the latter's cruelty, especially against the local peones, the two support a revolt organized with the aid of Mrs. Vivian, wife of the ruthless tyrant.
Hands of a Gunfighter
Alex Dixon
A gunman returns to his earlier life when the Carter / Castle brothers shoot his friends and he is threatened with being separated from his son.
Agent 3S3: Passport to Hell
A 1965 Italian adventure-Eurospy film directed by Sergio Sollima (credited as Simon Sterling). This is the first chapter in the Sollima's spy film trilogy with Agent 3S3. Here the intelligence agent from the U.S. is tasked with uncovering the leader of the Black Scorpion.
Los cuatreros
Federal Agent
A band of fierce rustlers is ravaging the region of Las Cruces. Appears an outsider who saves the ranch owner "The Spur" of being kidnapped by members of the band. Thankfully, he was appointed foreman, and his daughter is in love with him. But things are not what they seem and there are murky intrigues in the background.
Uma Pistola Para Ringo
The colonel
Após assaltar o banco local, uma gangue liderada pelo cruel Sancho se refugia em uma fazenda tomando como reféns seus habitantes. Os homens do xerife Bem, não podem atacar com medo de colocar em risco a vida dos reféns, então resolve enviar Ringo, que passa "uns tempos na cadeia" após exterminar uma outra gangue, para se infiltrar entre os assaltantes, libertar os prisioneiros e salvar os reféns. Com músicas do famoso mestre Ennio Morricone e outra grande participação de Giuliano Gemma no papel de Ringo, esta é uma produção que certamente irá agradar a todos, imperdível!
Seven Hours of Gunfire
Pastor Norman Lieberman
When he was 12 years old, Bill Cody, later knew as Buffalo Bill, is rider for "pony express" carrying the mail through the wilds of America. It becomes later caravans guide. When driving one of them meets Luisa, the niece of a priest who tried to evangelize the savage tribes accompanied by a converted Indian. It is a dangerous time because, before the advancing white man, the Sioux tribes are buying weapons from unscrupulous dealers...
Hour of Death
When Bob Carey is released from prison after a long sentence for murder, begins the search for Mary, his former girlfriend. But soon he finds out that during his absence, she has married Clifford, a wealthy landowner. The happiness of that marriage is only apparent, Mary, in fact, is seriously ill, suffering from a brain tumor whose pains she attributes to an imaginary pregnancy. It becomes necessary to bring to the city of Laredo for an operation, so Clifford sells all his possessions and begins the long journey towards hope. Soon others will join the expedition: a former army scout named Rogers, a nice Chinese cook, Lin-Chu, and a mestizo that responds to the name of "Bets".
El escándalo
Relevo para un pistolero
Banquero Matthews
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.