Assistant Costume Designer
Paolo Mancuso is a gang boss whose rivals want dead. During a failed assassination attempt, he is bitten by an infected lab rat. In the short time he has left to live, he tracks down his enemies and kills them one by one.
Costume Design
A former hitman is blackmailed into doing one more job. But the hit doesn't go as planned and he winds up with the police and a gang of Chinese hitmen hunting him down. A beautiful young woman helps to hide him until he can figure out a way to elude his pursuers.
Costume Design
Wardrobe Assistant
Joe é um rapaz pacifista enviado pelo pai ao velho oeste para se tornar um homem de verdade, no entanto ele prefere poemas à armas e sua bicicleta ao invés do cavalo. Mas ele vai ter que aprender a se defender contra o malvado Morton.
Costume Design
Um menino e um cafetão-atirador salvam de um enforcamento a vida de um andarilho (Bud Spencer). O tio do menino morre deixando uma casa e algumas terras secas inúteis para o menino. O andarilho promete ao tio do garoto cuidar dele e ajudar o garoto a ter o que é dele por direito. Entretanto, o cafetão-atirador havia decidido que esse andarilho deveria casar com sua filha. Os dois entram em uma série de brigas e tiros até chegarem na cidade e encontrarem a herança do pequeno garoto.
Costume Design
The relatives of a young rebellious hier to a fortune (Dean Reed), who spends most of his time on a yacht, try to have the kid interned as a madman, but are mysteriously killed one by one, in the family's villa. A girl (Stefania Careddu), lost at sea and saved by the young man, will also have some surprises in store… This giallo was filmed in 1969 but not released until two years later and remains extremely rare.
Costume Design
After witnessing a brutal massacre, the legendary hero Sartana is ready to do some investigating. Almost everyone in the tiny town of Indian Creek seems eager to buy up the property left behind by the murder victims, and one of them could well be behind the killings. The sheriff himself is not above suspicion, so Sartana must uncover the culprit all on his own.
Costume Design
The soldier Alessio escapes from the horrors of the war. He meets a young woman and hide in her home.
Costume Designer
Following the death of her grandfather, Valentina settles with her husband Pierre, a sculptor, in the old family villa which she partly inherited (half of it belongs to her cousin Marta, who already resides there). Co-habitation proves to be awkward: Valentina is unscrupulous and uninhibited, while Marta is austere and virtuous - at least, on the surface. In fact, when Valentina suddenly dies, the woman initiates a seduction which eventually coaxes Pierre into her arms. The cosy situation soon changes when a police officer turns up to investigate Valentina's death...