Consumed by hatred, recruited by the devil, a loner is given the power to destroy.
George Stockwell
Three Ojibway Natives race to find a mystical ancestral spring before a ruthless industrialist claim it.
Dr. Borges
After being ditched by her cameraman because of her manipulative behavior at a murder scene, a reporter wanders through town looking for a phone she can use. She finds a small museum, where the proprietor invites her in to have a look around before leaving. In one room, she encounters a strange jar which causes her to have strange visions, visions that are supposedly drawn from her own mind. These 'visions' make up the rest of this four- part anthology, which includes horror and suspense stories about a junkie chasing a dog for his runaway fix, a pizza delivery boy who gets a Halloween surprise, a living but paralyzed OD victim forced to undergo her own autopsy because everyone thinks she's dead, and a deal between a golf course owner and a gravedigger that has some unexpected consequences.
A cab driver gets mixed up with a fare he picks up who turns out to be a porno star, and she claims she has proof that the people she is working for are producing snuff films. Her claims seem to be validated when the cabbie notices suspicious looking people following them.
John Haloran
Quando seu marido, John, sofre um ataque cardíaco em um barco a remo no lago, Louise Haloran joga seu corpo ao mar e depois diz à família que ele partiu em uma viagem de negócios urgente. Sua principal preocupação é que ela só pode herdar uma parte da fortuna da família se o marido estiver vivo. Os haloranos são uma família estranha, ainda sofrendo com a morte da filha mais nova Kathleen, que se afogou em um lago quando era criança. Eles realizam uma cerimônia anual de lembrança todos os anos no aniversário de sua morte. Este ano, no entanto, alguém está usando um machado com intenção de matar.