Evalena Marie
Nascimento : 1994-02-27, Washington, USA
Two bank robbers take their unwanted hostage into a seedy coastal motel in the dead of winter. When their boss doesn't show up and their tickets to freedom go missing, the three of them must battle through their deteriorating mental state and find a way out before they turn on each other.
Having grown up an orphan and raised by her grandmother, Emma has worked for everything that she has, and takes pride in the simple life she's created for herself. She's always wanted a perfect marriage, but ended up with a track record of failed relationships. When she strikes up a romance with the wealthy Ted, a guy she grew up admiring from afar, and says yes to marrying him, she thinks she's finally found her soul mate and is immediately brought into a much more luxurious world than she's used to. That world also includes Ted's seductive twin brother Frank, whose affections for her go beyond family admiration. While Ted took his inheritance and launched a successful global technology business, Frank took the opposite approach and traveled the country, leaving a trail of run-ins with the law and one night stands.
Se você não sente dor, como sabe que está vivo? Henry é incapaz de sentir dor física, e vive entre o medo de não saber se está doente e a incessante busca para descobrir uma cura para sua condição, custe o que custar.
O significado da profecia enigmática divide uma equipe de guardiões secretos, enquanto transportam em um caminhão de 18 rodas, uma criatura mortal e sua irmã meio-humana, de seu agora ineficaz local de retenção para um local mais seguro. Os planos secretos da irmã enfraquece a missão libertando a besta e eles acabam lutando pelo destino do mundo quando o verdadeiro significado da profecia é descoberto.
Pierced Girl
When a film crew moves into an abandoned psychiatric hospital with a shadowy past to shoot a low budget horror film, they get more than they bargained for. The late nights and lack of sleep begin to take a toll, and the longer this crew works, the more the leaky, wet building seems to be coming back to life, feeding off its new inhabitants. As the shoot wears on, members of the crew exhibit increasingly strange behavior leaving those still sane realizing they need to get out of this place before they too succumb to the building's infectious hold, the only problem, the old hospital is not ready to let them go.
Makeup Artist
After years of killing for a man only known as "The Boss", Serena is burnt out. When she is hired for one final job, she teams up with an underground renegade group to stop her replacement from executing the assassination.
Assistant Director
After years of killing for a man only known as "The Boss", Serena is burnt out. When she is hired for one final job, she teams up with an underground renegade group to stop her replacement from executing the assassination.
After years of killing for a man only known as "The Boss", Serena is burnt out. When she is hired for one final job, she teams up with an underground renegade group to stop her replacement from executing the assassination.
Serena Donovan
After years of killing for a man only known as "The Boss", Serena is burnt out. When she is hired for one final job, she teams up with an underground renegade group to stop her replacement from executing the assassination.
Baseado nos quadrinhos de Steve Niles, autor do clássico graphic novel 30 Dias de Noite, Devorados Vivos narra as desventuras de Tom e Tori, dois sobreviventes de um desastre nuclear que transformou a sociedade em cinzas... E zumbis! A dupla vive na cidade de Reno, em Nevada (EUA), onde querem achar um lugar seguro para ficarem até traçarem um plano. Eles encontram abrigo em um hotel abandonado, onde conseguem, além de um teto, alguns suprimentos. Lá, Tom e Tori conhecem outros sobreviventes, que se juntam ao grupo e ajudam a construir um lugar seguro para viverem por enquanto. Porém, a paz deles vai para o espaço quando uma milícia chega à procura de mantimentos ao local e oferece segurança ao grupo. Agora, além de ter que lidar com os zumbis, Tom, Tori e seus amigos terão que lidar com a desconfiança que surgiu entre os amigos e isso pode ser ainda mais perigoso que os comedores de carne humana que estão nas ruas!
Jack Fox, a burnt out detective, is being forced into early retirement, as the worst serial killer since the Boston Strangler begins a killing spree through the streets of Salem. When detective Steve Ryan moves to town with his family, Jack is torn between a life of retirement and sanity or helping rookie detective Ryan in his quest to solve these killings that are haunting the people of Salem.