Rochelle Swanson
Nascimento : 1963-12-04, Three Rivers, California, USA
Cindy Alden
The reality of life slams into the proverbial wall when a group of necessitous best friends and ex-lovers are reunited at a milestone reunion, igniting an already passionate and combustible past.
Brenda (archive footage) (uncredited)
Insatiable Coeds is a compilation video. You get some very nice moments from Landon Hall, Brandy Davis, Gabriella Hall and the very striking Tammy Parks. Scenes of each of these wonderful softcore starlets are broken up by a handful of other excellent players like Ashley Rhey, Kristen Knittle, Petra Sexton, Mellara Gold, Michelle Trongone and Dana Plato.
Toxic waste has contaminated the world's fresh water supply. A select few with the ability to de-contaminate the supply now control the world. Minna rules the de-contaminators from a giant warship, forcing desperate land dwellers to trade anything and everything for meager water rations. The dwellers seek a leader to battle Minna's tyrannical rule. Jennifer, daughter of the rebel leader, implores outcast Mike Erikson to lead the battle against the warship. Help also comes from an unexpected source in the from of Jennifer's brother Rocky.
Jake Barnes (Carpes Van Dien), trabalha como segurança de um banco em uma cidade na fronteira do Texa. Seu chefe lhe pede para vigiar sua atraente esposa, com quem Jake está tendo um caso. Quando ele encontra Kristen (Camillla Overbye Ross), uma linda garota dinamarquesa, se vê preso em um plano para roubar milhões de dólares, fruto da lavagem de dinheiro. Jake está preso entre as duas mulheres que querem ser suas parceiras no roubo. Quando chega a hora do roubo, acontece um terrivel tiroteio em meio a muita traição.
Liz Brannan
Depressed at the thought of losing his family ranch to settle his divorce, cowboy Clint Brannan decides to drive his cattle up to their high pasture.
A man who hires a sexy escort to play his wife at his high school reunion gets more than he bargains for, especially when she takes him for everything he's got.
Dixie (uncredited)
Wally Sparks is a tabloid TV show reporter who's trying to boost ratings on his show. He goes to the governor's mansion to uncover a sex scandal.
The story of an old man who gets the walking farts every time a beautiful woman enters the room.
Three scientists invent a youth serum, but they're forced to flee their lab as a group of mercenaries try to take it for the wealthy old man who hired them, capturing the head of the lab in the process.
It's the year 2010, and half of all households receive virtual reality programming. However, someone has discovered how to use the VR receivers to murder men while being seduced into virtual sex with the seductive Viva. The FCC has contracted VR expert Rodney to track down the killer, placing himself on the killer's hit list.
Dr. Allie Levin
Dutton Hatfield, played by Jeff Speakman, is working for the American embassy. He finds himself inside a biochemical weapon laboratory when terrorists headed by Colonel Baron (played by TimeCop villain Ron Silver) take over the place. Baron is looking for a sample of a deadly virus that is being developed inside the facility.
A cast headed by Paul Michael Robinson, Rochelle Swanson and Noah Blake tell the story of a gorgeous-hunky lifegaurd who dreams of being a pro-beach volleyball player and a beautiful art student and a rival trying to persuade him to follow his dream.
Laura Styles
An ex-con seeks revenge on an ex-business partner and family by sending in his own specially trained female administrator but all of them may have bitten off more than they can chew when she gets ambitions of her own.
Beth Enright
In the future, the threat of global takeover by cyborg units has forced Earth to outlaw their use. But when four female androids are smuggled to Earth, Jack Ford is assigned to track them down. An adventurous chase takes him from the mean streets of Phoenix to the depths of New Angeles, an underwater city, and into the diabolical clutches of a maniacal kingpin and his criminal army.
Donnie and her whores strap on guns, saddle up, and ride out seeking justice.
Two friends, who both work for the same high-priced, high-powered law firm, are both married to modern day witches. Erica, the wife of Larry, believes that he is being led astray by Carol, an old flame, who also works for the same law firm. Erica decides to act and one night after a torrid sex session Larry drifts off to sleep and begins to dream. Soon the dream turns into a nightmare of sex, violence, murder and death involving himself, his friends and colleagues from the law firm which appears to be frighteningly realistic...
Screwball sex comedy focusing on two brothers.
Jordan Mueller
Reporter Shoshona Reed is about to expose a number of people who have a lot to lose. Unfortunately, her cunning ways of getting stories by blackmailing people gets her killed...
Cocktail Waitress
Num futuro não muito distante, uma elite de policiais cyborgs (a Força-T) lida com o crime nos Estados Unidos ao invés de policiais humanos. Porém tudo falha quando os andróides explodem um helicóptero terrorista sabendo que haviam reféns a bordo. Temendo pela segurança dos civis, oficiais decidem que a Força-T está extinta. No entanto, um dos cyborgs, em luta pela própria existência, passa a matar quem quer que se coloque em seu caminho. Agora, a esperança de toda a cidade e dos humanos está nas mãos do policial Jack floyd (Jack Scalia) e de Cain, um cyborg remanescente.
Diana Larson
A neglected housewife of a busy husband who is a doctor turns to prostitution to pass the time. One of her customers develops an obsession with her and begins stalking her.
Woman at Party
In an erotic update of "Strangers on a Train", airline pilot Ted Beaumont and his lover, Erin Davenport, scheme to rid themselves of their respective spouses. Ted's wife disappears mysteriously and thinking that all is proceeding well, he plans an elaborate scheme to kill Erin's husband. However all is not as it seems.
Beverly Keen
A man and a woman sharing a psychic link meet and fall in love, but the woman's influential and powerful husband stands in their way.
A wife with burning desire. A husband with dangerous motives. The quest for ecstasy can turn into a struggle for survival.
Um rapaz aparentemente normal acaba de cometer suicídio depois de matar seus pais adotivos. Uma repórter descobre que ele sofria de uma psicose hereditária que transforma as pessoas em assassinos em potencial. Em algum lugar, adotada por outra família vive a irmã gêmea dele e que provavelmente sofre da mesma doença.
Allison Cox
A friend of Joanna has been killed by a serial killers who leaves the bodies in the woods. A strange guy who says is a private detective: Joanna begins to fear he might be the killer.