THINK AND GROW RICH: The Legacy will be a feature length docudrama film chronicling the story of some of today's most renowned entrepreneurs, cultural icons and thought leaders. This feature length film will tell their inspirational stories and how they ultimately achieved their success. Interwoven with dramatic vignettes, the movie will bring to life classic inspirational stories from Think and Grow Rich, Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Think and Grow Rich: A Latino Choice, Think and Grow Rich for Women and Three Feet From Gold.' THINK will unlock the eminent significance behind the secret of Think and Grow Rich, revealing the global impact the book has created and serve as a continued legacy.
THINK AND GROW RICH: The Legacy will be a feature length docudrama film chronicling the story of some of today's most renowned entrepreneurs, cultural icons and thought leaders. This feature length film will tell their inspirational stories and how they ultimately achieved their success. Interwoven with dramatic vignettes, the movie will bring to life classic inspirational stories from Think and Grow Rich, Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, Think and Grow Rich: A Latino Choice, Think and Grow Rich for Women and Three Feet From Gold.' THINK will unlock the eminent significance behind the secret of Think and Grow Rich, revealing the global impact the book has created and serve as a continued legacy.
'A Sombra' é um famoso ensinamento de Carl Jung, e também é um assunto que, segundo muitos autores, continua em estudo em todas as áreas de aperfeiçoamento pessoal. 'A Sombra' é tudo aquilo que não queremos ser, mas somos. É o desejo de se entregar ao vício, de explodir, de brigar. Quando ignorada, 'A Sombra' pode sabotar nossa vida, destruir nossas relações, eliminar nosso espírito e nos manter longe de nossos sonhos. Porém 'A Sombra' é parte nossa. Descoberta e compreendida, 'A Sombra' pode nos levar ao caminho da plenitude. Podemos sair da possível ilusão de que nossa obscuridade nos domina e, em vez disso, veremos o mundo sob uma nova luz.