Hiroshi Yamamoto

Nascimento : 2018-05-01,


O Fim da Viagem, o Começo de Tudo
Executive Producer
Yoko, uma apresentadora introvertida de um programa televisivo sobre viagens, está fazendo uma matéria no Uzbequistão. Quando tudo dá errado, ela decide fazer uma pausa no trabalho e dar um passeio. Perdida nas ruas de uma cidade estrangeira, ela se vê sozinha, confrontando seus medos e aspirações.
My Retirement, My Life
Lighting Camera
Michitaro Sano’s wife passed away 18 years ago. Since her death, he has lived with his daughter Yumiko at their home. Now, Michitaro retires from his work. Yumiko though tells him to start doing housework. Michitaro is also surprised to learn that Yumiko has a boyfriend and is considering marriage. Michitaro is unsure how to handle his sudden abundance of free time. He then attends a local radio calisthenics group session.
Para o Outro Lado
O marido de Mizuki, Yusuke, se afogou no mar há três anos. Quando de repente ele volta para casa, ela não fica muito surpresa. Em vez disso, Mizuki se pergunta o que o fez demorar tanto tempo. Ela concorda partir em uma jornada guiada por Yusuke.
Uma Pastelaria em Tóquio
Associate Producer
Sentaro gere uma pequena pastelaria de dorayakis – uma especialidade japonesa que consiste em duas panquecas recheadas com doce de feijão (“an”, no original). Quando Tokue, uma senhora com cerca de 70 anos, se oferece para trabalhar na pastelaria, ele aceita com relutância. No entanto, Tokue rapidamente prova que a sua receita de “an” é mágica. Graças à sua receita secreta, o negócio de Sentaro floresce rapidamente. Com o tempo, Sentaro e Tokue abrem os seus corações, e desenvolvem uma relação de amizade que vai revelando também algumas feridas do passado.
In the immense city of Tokyo, the darkness of the afterlife lurks some of its inhabitants who are desperately trying to escape the sadness and isolation of the modern world.
Whore Angels
Assistant Camera
Komasa is a female drifter works at a pink salon-- a shop specializing in fellatio-- called "Hot Lips". On the way to work one day she rescues a female stranger from an attack by an evil-looking man. Monroe, the stranger, kisses Komasa whose wounds received during the fight are then healed. Monroe takes up employment at the pink salon, where it is learned that her supernatural powers cure every man on whom she performs fellatio of all ailments. Monroe's miraculous healing powers lead to the shop's increased popularity. Eventually it is discovered that Monroe is actually an angel and that the man Komasa rescued her from is the devil, bent on subjugating the living. Komasa vows to fight to save Monroe and life on earth.
Considerado um dos melhores diretores de todos os tempos, Akira Kurosawa encerra suas realizações cinematográficas com esta obra-prima perfeita, Madadayo. O filme segue as duas últimas décadas de Hyakken Uchida, um escritor e professor que se aposenta nos anos da guerra, no início dos anos 40. Seus alunos o veneram e todos os anos fazem um ritual de aniversário chamado “Mahda-kai? (Está pronto?)” para que Uchida beba um grande copo de cerveja e responda “Madadayo! (Ainda não!)”, reconhecendo que a morte pode estar próxima, mas que a vida continua. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
The Dream of Russia
Sumptuous filming of the journey of a shipwrecked Japanese expedition from the Pacific Ocean across Siberia to the court of Catherine the Great of Russia. A Russo-Japanese co-production of a unique event in history which was the hit of Cannes and other film festivals but did not receive wide distribution despite its huge scope, high production values, and very human story of culture clash.
8 Man - For All Lonely Nights
Executive Producer
After Tokyo police officer Yokoda is killed in the line of duty, his chief decides give Yokoda's body to Dr. Tani for use in a secret scientific experiment: Yokoda's brain will be transplanted into a super-powered robot body, making him into an unstoppable policeman of the future. The supercop develops problems, however, when he begins to remember his human past. Then there is the matter of Dr. Tani's other cyborg, who has become a super-powered homicidal maniac.
Fancy Dance
Executive Producer
Yohei, a punk rocker, becomes a Buddhist monk in order to inherit a mountain temple. Though initially rebelling against the tough monastic discipline, he learns to adjust. Then his girlfriend shows up, enticing him to return to his rock 'n' roll roots.
Luminous Woman
A hulking man from the country pursues his beloved to the underworld of Tokyo nightclubs, where he finds work as a sideshow wrestler and becomes involved with a faded opera singer.