Self - Filmmaker (archive footage)
A chronicle of the long career of American filmmaker Roger Corman, the most tenacious and ingenious low-budget producer and director in the US film industry, a pioneer of independent filmmaking and discoverer of new talent.
Smuggler (archive footage)
Documentary that includes interviews with Singer as well as the rest of the cast - mainly Spacey. There is no "plot" or "promotional" elements to this documentary - all of the information offered is substantial and informative as we are let in on all the details of trying to seek out the right actors for the parts, as well as the thoughts of the actors about joining an independent production helmed by a young director. Part 2 is a more interesting look at the production itself, complete with the problems and obstacles that faced the low-budget feature, as well as the happier memories of the work that the cast and crew went through. There's a lot of discussion of the infamous laughter during the lineup sequence, complete with a few outtakes of the scene.
An aimless young man turns to murder in order to satisfy the desires of his new girlfriend, a narcissistic blue jean fetishist.
Growing up in small-town America, two friends dream about escaping their confining families to search for their dreams and freedom in the big city. Arriving in Los Angeles, the two discover the harsh realities of the city as they enter the shadowy world of the film business. Ultimately, the two friends must choose between love and friendship and soon discover that life has its own destiny for everyone.
Estamos em plena Nova York do ano 2000, quando uma nova geração de jovens cineastas está despontando para a fama. Hamlet (Ethan Hawke) um deles, possuído por uma alienação e ânsia pouco comuns para os jovens espectadores de seus filmes. A Dinamarca não um reino, mas sim uma corporação gigantesca e o fantasma de seu pai desta vez aparece para Hamlet no terraço do hotel em que ele está hospedado. O clássico "ser ou não ser, eis a questão" desta vez declamado sob as luzes fluorescentes de uma grande locadora de vídeo. Entretanto, assim como na versão original, a saga de Hamlet mantém seu verdadeiro significado: o idealismo de um jovem destruído pela corrupção existente no mundo.
Logan McQueen is an ex-cop serving a prison term for a bust that had gone awry. During his stint, he learns of a death row inmate that claims he can predict the details of the next violent act of a serial bomber. Once released from prison, Logan tries to find the identity of the bomber and stop him. His best course of action is agreeing to the inmate's request of a reunion with his estranged daughter before he is executed.
An East L.A working stiff is bullied by his wife to run for a City Council position against a well-organized recognized political figure.
Rex Webster
Billy (Sean Hayes) é um fotógrafo gay que nasceu em uma pequena cidade de Indiana, mas se mudou para Los Angeles, pois só existiam heterossexuais na sua cidade natal, fazendo-o se sentir deslocado. Tendo uma predileção por Polaroids e cansado de ser "a outra", ele se apaixona por Gabriel (Brad Rowe), um garçom que aspira ser músico e, aparentemente, é heterossexual.
Acting Coach
O magnata do cinema Roy Tilden está prester a receber um prêmio por sua carreira. Esse dia perfeito, porém,se torna uma catástrofe quando, ao entrar no elevador para ir à recepção, outro passageiro, David, aperta o botão de emergência e o elevador pára. Como ninguém ouve os pedidos de socorro, David decide passar o tempo lendo seus roteiros para Roy - que ,por sua vez, só pensa em seu compromisso.
Dr. Zimmerman
A woman's mother makes a last-minute deal with the Devil to save her daughter's life, not realizing that her daughter's life is her stake. The daughter lives but with no chance of children. 20 years later, she mysteriously becomes pregnant after meeting a dashing stranger. Yet people are dying around her...
A beautiful orphan of mysterious parentage is asked by her adoptive family to help find a husband for their niece, but when two suitors both fall for the orphan girl, the niece instigates a scheme to discredit her in the eyes of her guardians. Based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott.
Mayor Harley Dunbar
A heart attack moves a Pulitzer winning journalist to leave NY for the peace of a small New England town, but he soon finds himself pulled into a case of a man accused of killing his gay lover with the blade of a shovel. Wanting to keep the case quiet, the town turns against the journalist and his family when he begins digging into its secrets, until finally the accused man is found hanging in his cell and the truth comes out about more than just the killing.
A sultry woman joins an illiterate killer and a brainy hacker, both escaped convicts, to search for gold.
When his wife and son are brutally murdered by a fugitive drug lord that he helped put behind bars, former Special Ops agent Derek Leigh vows to avenge their deaths. After mastering lethal fighting skills at the hands of a martial arts instructor, he assumes the identity of The Jaguar - a vigilante superhero from his son's drawings - and with nothing more to lose, sets out on a fierce, one-man blood hunt to bring the criminals to final justice.
Em 1998, um candidato à presidência (Cliff Robertson) prega em sua campanha que Los Angeles precisa ser "punida" pelos pecados que contém. No ano 2000, a cidade é separada do continente por um grande terremoto e se transforma em um local para qual todos os indesejáveis são remetidos. No ano 2013, o candidato do final do milênio tornou-se presidente vitalício mas sua filha (A.J. Langer), não concordando com a política ditatorial do seu pai, que suprimiu uma série de liberdades individuais, rouba uma "caixa preta", que tem o poder de "desligar" todo o planeta e a entrega para o principal chefe de quadrilha (Georges Corraface) de Los Angeles. Assim, um aventureiro (Kurt Russell), que é um misto de herói e bandido, mas que em 1997 tinha salvado o presidente dos EUA, é "convocado" pelo presidente para recuperar a caixa e matar sua filha. Mas se ele não cumprir a missão em menos de dez horas, será morto por um vírus que foi colocado na sua corrente sanguínea.
Henry Geldzahler
Em 1981, Jean-Michel Basquiat passou de um desconhecido pintor de graffiti de 19 anos, que vivia nas ruas de Nova Iorque, a um dos artistas mais controversos e famosos do mundo, pelas mãos de Andy Warhol. As suas exposições tornaram-se o acontecimento artístico da temporada e os seus quadros foram adquiridos pelos maiores coleccionadores e museus. Em Andy Wharol, Basquiat encontra alguém que também está ali não pelo sucesso ou dinheiro, mas pela cumplicidade com a arte. A amizade de ambos é interrompida pela morte de Warhol.
NEA Scout
Quando Joe se muda de Iowa para Nova York, ele está com pouco dinheiro e precisa encontrar um apartamento barato. Ele consegue alugar um imóvel a um preço baixo, mas o que ele não sabe é que vai ter colegas dividindo o apartamento com ele. São 50000 baratas que são os companheiros de Joe, e elas vão se tornar as melhores amigas dele…
A movie star is being stalked by a one-night stand.
Older Man
Walter Paisley, a busboy at a cappuccino bar called the Jabberjaw, is praised as a genius after he kills his landlady's cat and covers it in plaster. Pressured to produce more work, he goes after bigger subjects.
Fred the Pharmacist
After attending his 23rd funeral for a friend with AIDS, Troy and his friends hatch a plan to steal the HIV drugs that they need. One sucessful heist leads to another and another until they have so much inventory they decide to begin their own community distribution program.
A sexy, horror-filled story featuring two gorgeous aliens who move into a small American town.
Detetive interroga um dos únicos sobreviventes de uma explosão no cais que provocou dezenas de mortes. O suspeito conta uma história sobre os eventos que levaram ele e mais quatro criminosos ao local do crime, deixando dúvidas sobre a verdade.
Ralph Emery
This is a true story about the relationship between a mother and her daughter, and their struggle to make it to the top in the music world. It is about hopes and dreams... about relationships and about growing up.
Dr. Boris
A plastic surgeon and his nurse administer an aesthetic clinic that attracts several young women. But the two kill their clients and sell them to the world's richest man, who has sexual perversions.
Host at Tut's
Dois bobalhões se metem numa fria quando passam trote fingindo-se de matadores de aluguel. O problema é que a ligação cai na casa do chefão da máfia nova-iorquina, que os leva a sério.
Sulley the Short-Order Cook
Charlie (Charlie Mattera) very much lives the life of a Hollywood actor, consulting regularly with his agents and taking jobs from wealthy clients as they come up. The handsome, hunky Charlie, who looks like a leading man and talks like a goodfella, commands a high price for his thoroughly professional hitman services, catering to wealthy men whose wives have sucked them dry emotionally and financially.
Linguini-covered man
Cansados de ganhar a vida como manobreiros de um restaurante, dois irmãos decidem aceitar uma proposta milionária para cuidar de gêmeos e assim conseguir o dinheiro para abrir seu próprio restaurante. No entanto, as travessuras das crianças levam a dupla à loucura.
A Paul Joyce documentary on the American independent film scene.
Martin's Psychiatrist
Newswoman Fay Sommerfield takes a morally outraged look at excessive violence, bad language and sacrilege that pass for entertainment in the early 90s. She illustrates this with clips from (fake) current hit films and music videos.
An erotic thriller actress becomes the prime suspect in the murder of a B-movie producer, leading her to hide out and engage in sexual thrills with a pair of innocents.
Mayor Bigwood
Um grupo de soldados de infantaria em sua maioria negros, retornam da guerra hispano-americana com um carregamento de ouro. Eles viajam para o Oeste, onde Jesse Lee (Mario Van Peebles), o líder, procura os homens que haviam assassinado seu pai, ao mesmo tempo que são perseguidos por um sádico comandante (Billy Zane).
A campy chronicle of the lusts and loves of the men and women who work on a low-rent TV show called, "The Love Judge."
Various Apparitions
Trapped in a bomb-shelter for thirty years, three adult children act out scenes from television shows in an imitation of 1960's life.
Trapped in a bomb-shelter for thirty years, three adult children act out scenes from television shows in an imitation of 1960's life.
Twister Master
Jon, escritor freelancer que mora em Los Angeles, fica totalmente abalado quando descobre ser portador do vírus HIV. Ao se envolver com o gigolô Luke, homem sem raízes que também possui a doença, embarca com ele num tórrido romance, que logo se transforma em dependência mútua. Quando Luke mata um policial homofóbico, os dois são obrigados a fugir, pegando a estrada do deserto californiano adentro. Sem terem para onde ir e sem nada a perder, Jon e Luke aproveitam a viagem ao máximo, onde o lema é “Foda-se tudo”.
Boring Professor
A man who is immortal can bring his wife back from the dead temporarily by killing young women. But his latest would-be victim may be a problem.
In a slightly future America, a woman goes to the big city to visit with her sister, who is dead in her apartment. In order to find out what happened to her sister, she gets a job working at a dance club, a lower notch in the strip joint circuit. Some of her colleagues begin showing up dead as she uncovers a sinister hierarchy in the strip club management that is harnessing the sexual activity for their own twisted ends.
Monsignor Fitchie
A less-than-qualified and far-from-perfect priest is mistakenly named the new pope. As the pontiff, he must deal with Vatican corruption, the Mob and the reappearance of his old lover.
The Manager
Right after Disneyland opens in Anaheim, California, in 1955, a toy salesman in town for a convention brings his wife with him so they can both go to Disneyland. They stay at a rundown place called the Sunset Motel nearby. Soon the wife is having an affair with a man staying at the motel. The husband hires a psychotic criminal to spy on them, the wife and her lover plan to murder the husband, and the voyeuristic motel manager is spying on everybody.
Theatre Manager
Se passaram cinco anos desde o incidente dos Gremlins em Kingston Falls. Agora Billy e Kate se mudaram para Nova York. Com o falecimento do velho chinês, Gizmo foge da loja e é pego e levado para o mesmo prédio onde Billy trabalha, quando um funcionário da empresa, ao tentar consertar um bebedouro, acaba molhando Gizmo. Logo uma nova espécie de Gremlins é criada e eles logo aprisionam Gizmo. Kate leva para casa um destes novos Gremlins, pensando que é Gizmo. Quando Billy chega em casa e vê que aquele Mogwai não é Gizmo, conclui logo que algo grave aconteceu e algo infinitamente mais grave acontecerá se os Gremlins se alimentarem após a meia-noite.
Weebee Cool
An aging hippie sets out on a trip across America to find his family.
Straight to video movie featuring the private detective Dan Turner, based on the pulp magazine character created by Robert Leslie Bellem.
The Director
A socially isolated and extremely shy Los Angeles painter finds his dream girl in the form of a struggling actress and finds himself at last finding the confidence to exhibit his work in this off-beat romantic comedy.
The widow's houseboy and the divorcee's chauffeur bet on which will bed the other's employer first.
The widow's houseboy and the divorcee's chauffeur bet on which will bed the other's employer first.
The widow's houseboy and the divorcee's chauffeur bet on which will bed the other's employer first.
Hotel Clerk
Um psicopata mascarado vai atrás das empregadas de uma empresa de sexo por telefone com a intenção de matá-las, criando seu próprio circo de terror e tortura.
Executive Producer
Um psicopata mascarado vai atrás das empregadas de uma empresa de sexo por telefone com a intenção de matá-las, criando seu próprio circo de terror e tortura.
Paul Truscott
"Police Academy" clone, about some nerds who inherit an academy for morticians, which is run by a corrupt closet necropheliac. Of course, the most incompetent students possible are accepted, so that the academy will fail, and all sorts of wacky hijinks ensue.
"Police Academy" clone, about some nerds who inherit an academy for morticians, which is run by a corrupt closet necropheliac. Of course, the most incompetent students possible are accepted, so that the academy will fail, and all sorts of wacky hijinks ensue.
Night Court Judge
When a local drug dealer shoots a dishonest cop in self-defense, lawyer and renegade undercover cop join forces to clear him. But when their investigation leads them into a maze of greed and corruption, they learn that in a town where everything is for sale, anything can happen.
Juanita Hutchins works at Texas bar, but she aspires to be a country songwriter. When she's not looking after her impulsive daughter, Candy, or vouching for her promiscuous friend, Doris Steadman, she's trying to maintain some semblance of a romantic life. As Juanita prepares to make the leap to Nashville, her former boyfriend, Slick Henderson, returns to town, further complicating her situation.
Sátira dos programas de TV e dos filmes de orçamento precário, com várias histórias desde um funeral conduzido por comediantes até a grande noite de um adolescente que acaba virando um pesadelo.
Dr. Crowder
Simon Watterman, a space archaeologist, discovers the "Munchies" in a cave in Peru. Cecil Watterman, Simon's evil twin brother and snack food entrepreneur, kidnaps the creature. What Cecil does not know is that the creature, when chopped up, regenerates into many new creatures and are they mean!
Self - Actor / Filmmaker
On the occasion of the 40th birthday of the almighty filmmaker Steven Allan Spielberg, inquisitive reporter Clip Maxwell attempts to uncover the truth behind his undisputed rise to the throne of the Amblin Empire.
Professor Zito
(Apesar do título em português, não deve ser confundido com "April Fool's Day", slasher dirigido por Fred Walton no mesmo ano.) Três garotas que estão ingressando numa fraternidade participam de um Baile de Primeiro de Abril num casarão abandonado - fechado desde que, 22 anos antes, um garoto morreu numa brincadeira que deu errado no mesmo baile. Mas não demora para um misterioso assassino, vestido com roupa de mergulhador, começar a matar violentamente os convidados.
Paul Bland
A group of teenagers that work at the mall all get together for a late night party in one of the stores. When the mall goes on lock down before they can get out, the robot security system activates after a malfunction and goes on a killing spree. One by one the three bots try to rid the mall of the “intruders.” The only weapons the kids can use are the supplies in other stores, or if they can make it till morning when the mall opens back up.
Blind Man (uncredited)
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
Four losers borrow money from gangsters to bet on a "sure thing", but lose. The gangsters go after them to get their money.
Grouch Cook
A Vila Sésamo é uma rua pacífica e feliz. É lar das criaturas mais divertidas, incluindo Garibaldo, o enorme pássaro amarelo. Toda essa paz e alegria vai acabar para Garibaldo. Ele é despejado e começa uma longa aventura através do país para encontrar seu lugar no mundo. Quando os ex-vizinhos e amigos descobrem a ausência de Garibaldo, eles partem em uma jornada ainda mais louca para trazê-los de volta. Junte-se nesta busca por Garibaldo - e nesta grande diversão - que inclui as participações de Chevy Chase, Sandra Bernhard, John Candy, Waylon Jennings entre outros. Siga o seu coração enquanto Vila Sésamo apresenta "Onde Está o Garibaldo".
Mr. Froeger
Os Griswald ganham uma viagem de férias para a Europa em um programa de televisão. Eles então arrumam suas malas rapidamente e partem para o velho continente. Juntos eles passam pela Inglaterra, França, Alemanha e Itália. Em todos os países eles só não encontram dificuldades em se meter em confusões, como na Inglaterra, quando Clarck (Chevy Chase) não conseguiu se adaptar a dirigir os carros ingleses ou então na Itália, onde Ellen (Beverly D'Angelo) foi simplesmente raptada.
Beverly Wilshire Hotel Doorman
Um marido, Ed Okin (Jeff Goldblum), que não consegue dormir enfrenta problemas conjugais e acha o emprego monótono. Ao dirigir através de Los Angeles ele socorre Diana (Michelle Pfeiffer), que está sendo perseguida por quatro iranianos que desejam 6 esmeraldas de valor inestimável.
Mr. Walsh
When young Victor's pet dog Sparky (who stars in Victor's home-made monster movies) is hit by a car, Victor decides to bring him back to life the only way he knows how. But when the bolt-necked "monster" wreaks havoc and terror in the hearts of Victor's neighbors, he has to convince them (and his parents) that despite his appearance, Sparky's still the good loyal friend he's always been.
A group of unscrupulous characters seek buried treasure in the old west.
A tabloid reporter and her new photographer, who've recently started working for the mayor of New York City, stumble upon evidence of conspiracy and political corruption that may involve their beloved mayor.
TV Director
A tabloid reporter and her new photographer, who've recently started working for the mayor of New York City, stumble upon evidence of conspiracy and political corruption that may involve their beloved mayor.
A tabloid reporter and her new photographer, who've recently started working for the mayor of New York City, stumble upon evidence of conspiracy and political corruption that may involve their beloved mayor.
Dr. Carver
O mega-promotor de eventos Colin Beverly planeia sabotar o concerto de Ano Novo de 1983 do pequeno promotor Max Wolfe. Os assistentes de Wolfe, Neil Allen e Willie Loman se apaixonam enquanto tentam conduzir o espetáculo apesar das interferências de Beverly.
Chef Paul
Shirley Muldowney is determined to be a top-fuel drag racer, although no woman has ever raced them before. Despite the high risks of this kind of racing and the burden it places on her family life, she perseveres in her dream.
Uma babá está presa observando um jovem pirralho na noite de Halloween que continua fazendo brincadeiras com ela. Para aumentar o problema, o pai perturbado do garoto escapou de um asilo e planeja fazer uma visita.
A jovem aspirante a atriz Julie Sawyer encontra um cão branco perdido na rua e resolve adotá-lo. No entanto, aos poucos ela começa a notar um comportamento estranho no cachorro e percebe que se trata de um animal treinado a vida toda para atacar pessoas negras. Diante desse comportamento racista do cachorro, Julie resolve entregar o animal aos cuidados de Keys, um adestrador, ele próprio negro, para tentar reeducar o animal.
Paul Bland
Casal ambiciona mudar-se do edifício onde mora e abrir seu próprio negócio. Mas o marido perde o emprego e, para financiar seus planos, decide colocar um anúncio para encontros sexuais, o que transforma a casa num cenário de grandes confusões.
Casal ambiciona mudar-se do edifício onde mora e abrir seu próprio negócio. Mas o marido perde o emprego e, para financiar seus planos, decide colocar um anúncio para encontros sexuais, o que transforma a casa num cenário de grandes confusões.
Casal ambiciona mudar-se do edifício onde mora e abrir seu próprio negócio. Mas o marido perde o emprego e, para financiar seus planos, decide colocar um anúncio para encontros sexuais, o que transforma a casa num cenário de grandes confusões.
Party Guest
Two domestic robots fall in love and run off together.
A slick promoter in the bodybuilding subculture of Venice Beach, California, finds what he considers a diamond in the rough: a dedicated but somewhat mentally challenged young man who wants to win bodybuilding championships, but needs some help and direction--and the promoter thinks he's just the one to do it.
Mr. McGree
Riff Randall (P.J. Soles) é conhecida como a maior fã de Ramones da Vince Lombardi High School. Fica na fila por três dias para comprar os ingressos para ver o Ramones, esperando encontrar-se com Joey Ramone e poder dar-lhe uma canção que escreveu para a banda: "Rock N’ Roll High School". Os Ramones, em troca, ajudam Riff a salvar o Colégio, criando várias passagens hilariantes.
Mr. Dumont
Uma investigadora é contratada para descobrir o paradeiro de duas pessoas. Ela viaja pelos locais em que os dois estiveram até chegar em um acampamento. Encontra uma pessoa que lhe ajuda a investigar um militar que mora ao lado do local. Lá eles descobrem um laboratório onde estão diversos animais bizarros. Ao escoar a água do local eles encontram dois esqueletos que podem ser de quem procuravam. Quando descobrem que o local abrigava piranhas mutantes, criadas para serem usadas como arma na Guerra do Vietnã. Agora soltas, elas começam a fazer seguidas vítimas.
Documentary examining the life and career of producer/director Roger Corman. Clips from his films and interviews with actors and crew members who have worked with him are featured.
A rich girl steals her dad's Rolls Royce and heads off to Las Vegas to get married. However, her angry parents, a jealous suitor, and a bunch of reward seekers are determined to stop her.
Bit Part (uncredited)
Anthony Falcone é um milionário que, antes de morrer, deixa toda sua fortuna para seu sobrinho italiano Guido Falcone, um mecânico que sonha em ser cowboy. Só que para conseguir receber a herança ele terá que viajar até a Califórnia em um determinado tempo ou todo a fortuna irá para o executor John Cutler, que fará de tudo para impedir que Guido chegue a tempo
Lester Marks
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) and his blazing red Pontiac enter the Trans-America Grand Prix, an underground road race spanning the continent in which there are no rules, no speed limits and no heed for the law. En route, Buckman jockeys with an international ensemble of racers for a $100,000 purse. But there are none more important than Cade Redman (Bill McKinney), his direct competition for a guaranteed spot on the elite Modern Motors racing team.
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) and his blazing red Pontiac enter the Trans-America Grand Prix, an underground road race spanning the continent in which there are no rules, no speed limits and no heed for the law. En route, Buckman jockeys with an international ensemble of racers for a $100,000 purse. But there are none more important than Cade Redman (Bill McKinney), his direct competition for a guaranteed spot on the elite Modern Motors racing team.
Coy "Cannonball" Buckman (David Carradine) and his blazing red Pontiac enter the Trans-America Grand Prix, an underground road race spanning the continent in which there are no rules, no speed limits and no heed for the law. En route, Buckman jockeys with an international ensemble of racers for a $100,000 purse. But there are none more important than Cade Redman (Bill McKinney), his direct competition for a guaranteed spot on the elite Modern Motors racing team.
Eric Von Leppe
A Midwestern ingenue moves to Hollywood and rivals a B-movie queen in low-budget quickies.
Bruno Smith
Hoover Nielbold is a car-crazy teenager who, in order to impress the hottest girl in school, takes her for a ride in a souped-up race car owned by local racer Big Bubba Jones. Hoover's father Harry, who's also the local sheriff is furious at the situation and orders his bumbling deputies to go after him. With the Sheriff's office overflowing with concerned parents and citizens and his deputies failing to catch him. He enlists the help of Jones and fellow racers to capture him. It culminates in a thrilling car chase finale through the rural countryside.
Cannes is the town in France where Bergman meets bikinis, and the art of filmmaking meets the art of the deal. In 1975, a group of expat Kiwis managed to score interviews with some of the festival's emerging talents, indulging their own cinematic dreams in the process. Werner Herzog waxes lyrical on the trials and scars of directing; a boyish Steven Spielberg recalls the challenges of framing shots during Jaws; Martin Scorsese and Dustin Hoffman talk a gallon.
Frankenstein's Doctor (uncredited)
Nos Estados Unidos do futuro, regidos por um governo totalitário e fascista, o esporte nacional é uma corrida transcontinental na qual um dos quesitos mais importantes para apontar o vencedor é o número de pessoas que cada piloto conseguiu atropelar pelo caminho. O grande herói desse esporte é Frankenstein, um piloto supostamente reconstruído ciberneticamente após sucessivos desastres automobilísticos. Enquanto pilota velozmente numa nova edição da corrida, Frankenstein precisa ficar de olho não apenas nos seus violentos rivais, mas também nos frequentes atentados provocados por um grupo rebelde que quer derrubar o governo sabotando seu esporte oficial.
Nos Estados Unidos do futuro, regidos por um governo totalitário e fascista, o esporte nacional é uma corrida transcontinental na qual um dos quesitos mais importantes para apontar o vencedor é o número de pessoas que cada piloto conseguiu atropelar pelo caminho. O grande herói desse esporte é Frankenstein, um piloto supostamente reconstruído ciberneticamente após sucessivos desastres automobilísticos. Enquanto pilota velozmente numa nova edição da corrida, Frankenstein precisa ficar de olho não apenas nos seus violentos rivais, mas também nos frequentes atentados provocados por um grupo rebelde que quer derrubar o governo sabotando seu esporte oficial.
Second Unit Director
Mama and daughters get forced by circumstances into bootlegging and bank robbing, and travel across the country trailed by the law.
Guest at Fancy Party (uncredited)
Mama and daughters get forced by circumstances into bootlegging and bank robbing, and travel across the country trailed by the law.
Teenage runaway Cheryl splits from Ohio and ends up in Los Angeles staying at an old rundown hotel full of weirdos. The weirdest of all is George and he has a crush on Cheryl.
Man in Park (uncredited)
Teenage runaway Cheryl splits from Ohio and ends up in Los Angeles staying at an old rundown hotel full of weirdos. The weirdest of all is George and he has a crush on Cheryl.
Teenage runaway Cheryl splits from Ohio and ends up in Los Angeles staying at an old rundown hotel full of weirdos. The weirdest of all is George and he has a crush on Cheryl.
Uncle Tom Wood
Vietnam vet Jon Rubin returns to New York and rents a rundown flat in Greenwich Village. It is in this flat that he begins to film, 'Peeping Tom' style, the people in the apartment across the street. His obsession with making films leads him to fall in with a radical 'Black Power' group, which in turn leads him to carry out a bizarre act of urban terrorism.
A doctor and nurse sneak away for a kinky encounter, only to be interrupted by a cop... with a secret of his own.
A doctor and nurse sneak away for a kinky encounter, only to be interrupted by a cop... with a secret of his own.
Dr. Emil Krankheit
A psychologist interviews the members of a therapy group for people with sexual issues as to why they're in the group.
A psychologist interviews the members of a therapy group for people with sexual issues as to why they're in the group.
A doctor and nurse sneak away for a kinky encounter, only to be interrupted by a cop... with a secret of his own.
Welcome to the Secret Cinema, now featuring a series of films on the real-life misadventures of Jane, a New York City office secretary. See Jane being sexually harassed by her boss, Mr. Troppogrosso. See Jane get dumped by her boyfriend, Dick. See Jane humiliated in lots of ways. And here's the kicker: Jane doesn't know that her life is being filmed, or that she's being set up by some of the people closest to her. But she's starting to have her suspicions.
Welcome to the Secret Cinema, now featuring a series of films on the real-life misadventures of Jane, a New York City office secretary. See Jane being sexually harassed by her boss, Mr. Troppogrosso. See Jane get dumped by her boyfriend, Dick. See Jane humiliated in lots of ways. And here's the kicker: Jane doesn't know that her life is being filmed, or that she's being set up by some of the people closest to her. But she's starting to have her suspicions.
Welcome to the Secret Cinema, now featuring a series of films on the real-life misadventures of Jane, a New York City office secretary. See Jane being sexually harassed by her boss, Mr. Troppogrosso. See Jane get dumped by her boyfriend, Dick. See Jane humiliated in lots of ways. And here's the kicker: Jane doesn't know that her life is being filmed, or that she's being set up by some of the people closest to her. But she's starting to have her suspicions.
Two aspiring Italian actors, hoping to become movie stars, dream of moving to New York City to study at the Actors Studio.