Ivan Nikolaev

Ivan Nikolaev

Nascimento : 1983-02-23,


Ivan Nikolaev


Two by Two
Two couples meet in the cafe. A delicate and frank topic that has opened up provokes a quarrel “couple for couple” and within each couple at the same time. It all ends with an attempt to save the evening, save friendship, save relationships. How? It looks like the answer was already known at the beginning of the evening.
The film is based on the life of Marina Tsvetaeva, one of the most tragic and greatest poets of the 20th century. The authors follow her in Russia, then in immigration in Prague and Paris, and then her return to Russia where she committed a suicide a few month after her arrival.
Two girls shoot down a cyclist, kill a pedophile, steal a car. A famous DJ gets kidnapped once. A woman invites a boss-lover to a birthday party, and during the party in the house there is a murder. The paths of the heroes of these stories intersect on a country road.
Time of happy 2
New circumstances in the life of Alexander Nikolaevich Beletsky and Ani, who have already got married and return with little Sasha to Moscow.
Jolly Fellows
Veselchaki is a movie centered on a Moscow nightclub owned by Rosa; he performs as part of the drag revue in the club. The movie starts with five cross-dressing men sharing their stories with a reporter.
Happiness time
A divorced Professor of gynaecology leads a quiet life preferring his work and his own company to other people. However, his solitude comes to an abrupt end when a neighbour knocks on his door one day asking for help. A young girl in his office is pregnant. Alone and confused, Anna feels that an abortion is her only option, but her doctor has advised her that, if she goes ahead with the operation, it is unlikely she will be able to have children. The Professor reluctantly agrees to examine her, but when he confirms his colleague's diagnosis, Anna is distraught.
On TV a new reality show, "Pionerlager", has started. Following the results of a casting, five young men and five girls, led by young TV presenter Alice Ten, go to the thrown pioneer camp. The rules state that every week someone would be eliminated from the show. The last one remaining will win the main prize: one million roubles. But suddenly game rules change: the invisible observer declares that it is life, not money, that will be the award for the winner. The maniac hiding behind the mask of a horse, begins a hunt for the participants. Children's horror stories which he once listened to in pioneer camp, revive and become a plot of its own murders.
Начинающий певец из провинциального городка Андрей мечтает о славе, большой сцене, миллионах долларов… И однажды известный продюсер предлагает ему заключить выгодный контракт. Андрей без колебаний соглашается, оставляет любимую девушку Наташу и едет в Москву. Спустя некоторое время девушка узнает из светской хроники, что Андрей помолвлен с "нефтяной принцессой" Еленой. Расстроенной Наташе советуют обратиться в брачное агентство "Золушка", устраивающее браки с миллионерами. Она соглашается и приезжает в Москву для встречи с потенциальными женихами. Но агентство оказывается подставным, Наташу жестоко обманывают и она остается в столице без жениха и без денег. Вернуться в родной город девушка не может, поэтому устраивается на работу официанткой. Но судьба преподносит Наташе подарок. И вскоре ее жизнь меняется - она встречает свою новую любовь...
Era uma vez uma garota chamada Alisa, que morava numa cidade litorânea, cantava no coral, sonhava em ser bailarina e tinha um dom: transformar desejos em realidade. Aos seis anos, ela parou subitamente de falar e passou a frequentar uma escola especial. Aos 17 anos, se mudou para Moscou e o destino a levou a conhecer um homem com um profundo desejo de ser salvo e protegido. Alisa decidiu ajudá-lo, sem saber que sua vida mudaria para sempre.
A young artist gets into a scuffle with bikers after dabbling in graffiti on the subway. This altercation costs him a trip to Italy, and he is sent to rural Russia instead. However, his journey takes an unexpected turn.
9º Pelotão
Anos 80. A sangrenta luta entre soviéticos e mujahidin, no Afeganistão, levou à morte milhares de soldados de ambos os lados. O cansado oficial Khokkol (Fyodor Bondarchuk) acompanha a luta dos jovens soldados soviéticos que, acreditando estar servindo ao país, morrem em uma batalha ocorrida na montanha conhecida como "Cume 3234".