Edward Stevenson

Nascimento : 1906-05-13, Pocatello, Idaho, USA

Morte : 1968-12-02


Edward Manson Stevenson (May 13, 1906 – December 2, 1968) was an Academy Award-winning American costume designer. His film and television credits number well over two hundred, including Citizen Kane and It's a Wonderful Life, both frequently cited as being among the greatest films of all time. He was named Head Designer for RKO Studios in 1936. His work on The Facts of Life (1960) with Edith Head earned him an Oscar.


The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour
Costume Design
The Facts of Life
Wardrobe Designer
Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.
The Magnificent Matador
Costume Design
Karen Harrison is a spoiled, rich, American predator who falls head-over-heels for the brooding, tormented, about-to-retire matador, Luis Santos who has inexplicably run away prior to a corrida that was to occasion the "alternativa" of a young, up-and-coming bullfighter.
A Última Avançada
Costume Design
A thrilling Cavalry-versus-Indians adventure starring Jeff Chandler as an Army official recruiting Seminole allies, against his superior's wishes, to stop a planned Kiowa attack.
A Rainha dos Renegados
Costume Design
A saloonkeeper sides with the sheriff for justice after she's framed for rustling.
Contra Todas as Bandeiras
Costume Design
British Naval Officer fights pirates on Madagascar.
Sangue por Glória
Costume Design
França, 1918. As noites de combate estão ficando cada vez mais longas e violentas. Para o capitão Flagg, manter a disciplina entre os fuzileiros americanos é uma prioridade, mesmo sob fogo cerrado. Mas, agora, Flagg tem um problema que não sabe como solucionar: um de seus antigos inimigos pessoais é o novo sargento indicado para sua unidade. Como irão reagir esses dois homens, cujo passado belicoso os une, na frente de combate? A resposta está nesse envolvente trabalho do diretor vencedor do Oscar John Ford e estrelado por James Cagney.
At Sword's Point
Costume Design
France, 1648: Richelieu and Louis XIII are dead, the new king is a minor, and the Duc de Lavalle is in virtually open rebellion, scheming to seize power. As a last resort, Queen Anne summons the heirs of the original Musketeers to her aid...including Claire, daughter of Athos, who when she chooses can miraculously pass as a boy, and wields as fine a sword as any. All their skills will be needed for a battle against increasing odds. One for all and all for one! Written by Rod Crawford
A Vingança dos Piratas
Costume Design
Capturado pelo governo britânico por pirataria, o capitão La Rochelle aceita trabalhar para os ingleses como espião, para prender Barbanegra e Providence, dois dos mais perigosos piratas do Caribe. Mas La Rochelle se surpreende ao conhecer Providence, uma das mulheres mais belas que já conhecera. Apaixonados, os dois planejam se tornar uma das maiores forças pirata da região. Providence, no entanto, descobre os planos de La Rochelle para trai-la, planejando vingança contra o capitão que fará de tudo para impedir os planos da rainha dos piratas.
A Raposa do Deserto
Costume Design
O marechal Rommel, especialista de Hitler em táticas militares na Segunda Guerra Mundial, era conhecido como a Raposa do Deserto. Respeitado por seguidores e adversários, ao ver que Hitler estava levando a Alemanha à destruição, uniu-se a conspiradores para depor o Fürher.
David e Betsabá
Costume Design
Após ver a linda Betsabá se banhar, o rei David se apaixona e descobre que ela é casada com Uriah, um destemido soldado. David manda Uriah para uma batalha perdida e, ao negligenciar seu reino e sua fé, provoca a ira de Deus.
The Secret of Convict Lake
Costume Design
After a group of convicts escapes from prison, they take refuge in the wilderness. While most of the crew are ruthless sociopaths, Jim Canfield is an innocent man who was jailed under false pretenses. When Canfield and his fellow fugitives reach an isolated farming settlement where the men are all away, it creates tension with the local women. Things get direr when rumors of hidden money arise, and Canfield discovers that the man who framed him is part of the community.
Horas Intermináveis
Costume Design
A young man, morally destroyed by his parents not loving him and by the fear of being not capable to make his girlfriend happy, rises on the ledge of a building with the intention of committing suicide. A policeman makes every effort to argue him out of it.
Cartas Envenenadas
Costume Design
É a estória de um médico em um hospital no Canadá, na província de Quebec, que recebe uma série de cartas. Posteriormente, mais cartas, todas assinadas por um misterioso pseudônimo "Raven", são liberadas para outras pessoas na pequena cidade canadense. A esposa do médico recebe uma carta acusando-a de ter um caso amoroso extraconjugal. Outra carta informa a um veterano de guerra, que fica chocado, que ele está morrendo de câncer, levando-o ao suicídio. Em breve, todos os habitantes da cidade estarão apontando os dedos para todos os possíveis suspeitos.
Costume Design
Bill Lawrence ganhou uma enorme quantidade de prêmios em um programa de perguntas e respostas no rádio. Mas sua felicidade dura pouco quando ele descobre que tem que vender todos os prêmios para pagar os impostos.
Costume Designer
Screwball black comedy about a wacky family that forgets where they've buried a corpse.
Papai Batuta
Costume Design
Nesta tocante, mas hilária comédia, Clifton Webb estrela no papel de Frank Bunker Gilbreth, um especialista em eficiência que tenta aplicar seus padrões precisos na criação de seus filhos... seus 12 filhos!
Easy Living
Costume Design
A football halfback has a heart condition, a nagging wife and a team secretary who loves him.
Cais da Maldição
Costume Design
Army Lieutenant Halliday, accused of stealing the Army payroll, pursues the real thief on a frantic chase through Mexico aided by the thief's ex-girlfriend and is in turn being chased by his accuser, Capt. Blake.
Uma Mulher Contra o Mundo
Costume Design
Dinah Sheldon is a student at an exclusive girl's school who starts campaigning for women's rights. Her minister father and her boyfriend Tom Wade do not approve.
A Vida Íntima de uma Mulher
Costume Designer
A popular singer, Marian Washburn, suddenly and unexplainably loses her voice, causing a shake-up at the club where she works. Her worried but loyal piano player, Luke Jordan, helps to promote a new, younger singer, Susan Caldwell, to temporarily replace Marian. Susan finds some early acclaim but decides to leave the club after a few performances. Soon after Susan quits, she is gunned down, and Marian quickly becomes a suspect.
Sangue na lua
Costume Design
Um estranho chega na cidade para se juntar à um velho amigo, assumindo que é um pistoleiro contratado. Ao perceber a natureza ilícita do negócio ante esse seu amigo e os colonos, que estão sendo usados, os dois procurarão resolver a situação o tanto quanto possível.
Costume Design
A night club owner takes on the crooks who killed his best friend.
The Judge Steps Out
Costume Design
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Fuga do Passado
Costume Design
O detetive privado Jeff Bailey (Robert Mitchum), foge do seu passado indo dirigir um posto de gasolina em uma pequena cidade do interior. Mas é obrigado a reviver sua turbulenta vida quando é localizado pelo gângster Whit Sterling (Kirk Douglas). Jeff, outrora um experiente detetive, foi contratado por Whit e acabou pecando ao misturar negócios e romance, envolvendo-se com Kathie (Jane Greer).
Solteirão Cobiçado
Costume Design
A juíza Margaret Turner (Myrna Loy) descobre que sua irmã adolescente, Susan (Shirley Temple), se apaixonou por Richard Nugent (Cary Grant), um artista de meia-idade que já foi julgado por ela. Quando Susan é encontrada no apartamento dele, ele é “condenado” a sair com Susan até ela perder atração por ele.
Rua das Almas Perdidas
Wardrobe Designer
On trial for murdering his girlfriend, philandering stockbroker Larry Ballentine takes the stand to claim his innocence and describe the actual, but improbable sounding, sequence of events that led to her death.
The Woman on the Beach
Costume Design
A sailor suffering from post-traumatic stress becomes involved with a beautiful and enigmatic seductress married to a blind painter.
Amor de Duas Vidas
Costume Design
A prospective bride and groom have misadventures in Mexico City.
Do Céu Caiu Uma Estrela
Costume Design
Com tanto problemas a atormentá-lo, George Bailey está decidido em acabar com tudo de vez, embora seja véspera Natal. Enquanto os Anjos conversam sobre George, a sua vida passa em retrospectiva. Mas quando George está prestes a saltar de uma ponte, é salvo por Clarence, o seu Anjo da Guarda, que lhe mostra como seria a cidade se ele não tivesse feito tantas coisas boas. Será que Clarence consegue convencer George a regressar à sua família e esquecer o suicídio?
Lady Luck
Costume Designer
A woman marries a gambler with the hopes of reforming him, but things don't quite work out the way she planned.
A Casa Sinistra
Costume Designer
Nell Bowen, a espirituosa protegida do rico Lord Mortimer, se interessa na condição do notório asilo St. Mary's of Bethlehem, conhecido como Bedlam. Com a ajuda do quaker Hannay, ela tenta ajudar a reformar Bedlam, mas o cruel Sims, que dirige o lugar, deseja a todo custo tirá-la do caminho.
From This Day Forward
Costume Design
A young American soldier, with an honorable discharge, returns home from World War II to his bride, whom he married after a short courtship and has not seen for several years. The two come together with many trials and tribulations in trying to preserve their marriage in the post-war years.
Silêncio nas Trevas
Costume Design
On a stormy night, the mute servant to an ailing matriarch is stalked by a serial killer.
Man Alive
Costume Design
A reportedly dead man haunts his wife and her boyfriend.
George White's Scandals
Costume Design
Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
The Spanish Main
Costume Design
Laurent van Horn is the leader of a band of Dutch refugees on a ship seeking freedom in the Carolinas, when the ship is wrecked on the coast of Cartagene. governed by Don Juan Alvardo, Spainish ruler. Alvarado has Laurent thrown in prison, but the latter escapes, and five-years later is a pirate leader. He poses as the navigator on a ship in which Contessa Francesca, daughter of a Mexican noble, is traveling on her way to marry Alvarado, whom she has never seen. Laurent's pirates capture the ship and Francesa, in order to save another ship, gives her hand-in-marriage to Laurent, who sails her to the pirate hideout. This irks the jealous Anne Bonney and,also, Captain Benjamin Black, who was already irked, anyway. They overpower Laurent and send Francesa to Alvarado, and then Mario du Billar, trusted right-hand man, makes a deal to deliver Laurent to Alvarado also.
China Sky
Costume Design
During World War II, an American mission hospital is headed up by Dr. Gray Thompson and Dr. Sara Durand. Sara is secretly in love with Gray but hides her feelings as his new wife, Louise, arrives at the hospital. Sparks fly, however, when Louise becomes jealous of Sara, and then tries to convince her husband to leave war-torn China behind for a calmer life in the United States. But Thompson is attached to both Sara and the people who need his help.
The Enchanted Cottage
Costume Design
A homely maid and a scarred ex-GI meet at the cottage where she works and where he was to spend his honeymoon prior to his accident. The two develop a bond and agree to marry, more out of loneliness than love. The romantic spirit of the cottage, however, overtakes them. They soon begin to look beautiful to each other, but no one else.
Having Wonderful Crime
Costume Design
Newlyweds (George Murphy, Carole Landis) drag their lawyer friend (Pat O'Brien) to a mountain resort on a search for a missing magician.
What a Blonde
Costume Design
American gas rationing during WWII results in comic mayhem as a lingerie executive finds his home overrun with showgirls.
Experiment Perilous
Costume Design
In 1903, Doctor Huntington Bailey meets a friendly older lady during a train trip. She tells him that she is going to visit her brother Nick and his lovely young wife Allida. Once in New York, Bailey hears that his train companion suddenly died. Shortly afterward, he meets the strange couple and gets suspicious of Nick's treatment of his wife.
Até a Vista, Querida
Costume Designer
Philip é contratado por Moose, um trapaceiro de quinta categoria que acaba de sair da prisão. Ele deve encontrar Velma, a ex-namorada de Moose, desaparecida há seis anos. Durante a investigação, o detetive depara-se com uma complexa rede de crimes. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Youth Runs Wild
Costume Design
The teens of a defense-plant town hop on the road to juvenile delinquency while their parents are busy with the war.
Bride by Mistake
Costume Design
The staggeringly wealthy Norah Hunter, a shipyard owner, too often finds herself the romantic target of gold-digging men. To attract a suitor whose main interest is not money, she changes places with her secretary, Sylvia Lockwood, and assumes the role of a young working woman. However, she then falls for recuperating fighter pilot Anthony Travis, who, in turn, is madly in love with Sylvia -- or, perhaps, with the millions he thinks she has.
A Maldição da Pantera
Costume Designer
Amy, the young, friendless daughter of Oliver and Alice Reed, befriends her father's late first wife and an aging, reclusive actress.
The Ghost Ship
Costume Design
Captain Stone's newly recruited officer, Tom Merriam, idolizes his senior who treats him like a friend. But when a couple of his crew members die mysteriously, Tom starts doubting Stone's authority.
Dez Pequenas Para um Homem
Costume Design
An aviation engineer and a government secretary are thrown together by the war effort.
Gangway for Tomorrow
Costume Design
Five defense workers on their way to the munitions factory tell their stories: a refugee from the French Resistance, a frustrated race car driver, a prison warden, a former Miss America, and an intellectual who dropped out of society and saw the country as a bum.
Arrisca-te, Mulher!
Costume Design
Uma bancária de Nova York, Mollie Truesdale (Jean Arthur), no final dos anos 1930, acha que seu sonho de fazer uma viagem de ônibus de 17 dias com todas as despesas pagas para a costa do Pacífico e voltar, pode não ser tudo o que ela acha que deveria ser... até que ela chega ao Oregon e um bronco enfurecido joga em cima dela um cowboy de rodeio e a derruba. Duke Hudkins (John Wayne), a título de pedido de desculpas, a leva para conhecer as vistas de Fairfield, Oregon, e ela perde seu ônibus, briga com um Duke perplexo, pede carona pelo deserto... e um romance nasce.
The Fallen Sparrow
Costume Designer
Imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War, John "Kit" McKittrick is released when a New York City policeman pulls some strings. Upon returning to America, McKittrick hears that a friend has committed suicide, and he begins to smell a rat. During his investigation, McKittrick questions three beautiful women, one of whom has a tie to his refugee past. Pursued by Nazi operatives, McKittrick learns of the death of another friend, and begins to suspect the dark Dr. Skaas.
Behind the Rising Sun
Costume Design
A Japanese publisher urges his American-educated son to side with the Axis.
Jornada do Pavor
Costume Design
Howard Graham e sua esposa Stephanie acabam de chegar em um hotel em Istambul. Howard é engenheiro de uma empresa americana que fornece armas para a marinha turca. É levado a uma casa de shows por Kopeikin, representante local da empresa, quando durante a apresentação de um número de mágica, o próprio mágico é morto. O coronel Haki, da polícia secreta turca, o informa que o atirador é um agente nazista que pretende eliminá-lo. Haki crê ser mais seguro embarcá-lo em um navio com destino a Batumi, mas os agentes o perseguem.
Costume Design
Rica família de uma cidadezinha do sul dos Estados Unidos vê sua supremacia social pouco a pouco comprometida pela industrialização. Seu jovem e mimado herdeiro se coloca entre a mãe viúva e o homem que ela sempre amou.
My Favorite Spy
Costume Design
The Army takes a bandleader (Kay Kyser) away from his bride (Ellen Drew) and sends him on a spy mission with a woman (Jane Wyman).
Mexican Spitfire at Sea
Costume Design
An advertising executive and his temperamental wife sail to Hawaii in search of business. The fifth entry (of eight) in the "Mexican Spitfire" comedy series.
Valley of the Sun
Costume Design
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
Hóspede do Pagode
Costume Design
Jim is hardly thrilled when his new bride, Ellen, invites an old friend, Randy, over for dinner. Yet Jim turns genuinely dismayed once Randy arrives and turns out to be an insufferable, boorish braggart with bad manners and little self-awareness. That dismay turns to outright annoyance when Jim realizes Randy thinks he has come to stay for the weekend. How much damage to a marriage can one unwanted guest do in the space of one weekend?
Look Who's Laughing
Costume Design
Fibber McGee enlists the help of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy in enticing an aircraft manufacturer to build a factory in the small town of Wistful Vista. Based on the "Fibber McGee and Molly" radio series
Costume Design
Rapaz leva vida de playboy tomando dinheiro emprestado dos amigos. Um dia conhece uma tímida garota, com quem acaba se casando. Mas a jovem com o tempo passa a desconfiar que ele é na verdade um assassino e ela correr o risco de ser a próxima vítima.
O Homem Que Vendeu a Alma
Costume Design
Baseado no conto "Fausto" de Goethe, "The Devil and Daniel Webster" conta a história do pobre fazendeiro Jabez Stone (James Craig), que após diversos infortúnios vende a alma ao Diabo (Walter Huston) em troca de sete anos de boa sorte e dinheiro.
Father Takes a Wife
Costume Design
A famous actress has to win over her ready-made family when she weds a shipping magnate.
Minha Vida com Caroline
Costume Design
A man thinks his high-spirited wife is cheating on him.
They Met in Argentina
Costume Design
A Texas oil millionaire, after failing to secure oil lands in Argentina, seeks out a famous racehorse in Buenos Aires and orders his representative to buy the nag at any price. The representative, Tim Kelly, has a love affair with Lolita O'Shea, the beautiful daughter of the prize horse's owner.
Cidadão Kane
Costume Design
Charles Foster Kane foi um menino pobre que acaba se tornando um dos homens mais ricos do mundo. O filme inicia com a sua morte, momentos antes da qual pronuncia a palavra "Rosebud". Após dias de sensacionalismo em cima da notícia de sua morte, o jornalista Jerry Thompson é enviado por seu chefe para investigar a vida de Kane, a fim de descobrir o sentido de sua última palavra, a qual ninguém sabia. Entrevistando pessoas do passado de Kane, o jornalista mergulha na vida de um homem solitário, que desde a infância é obrigado a seguir a vontade alheia. Ninguém a seu redor importa-se com Kane, que busca por meio da aquisição de bens a adoração das pessoas. Ao final, Thompson, após a exaustiva investigação da vida de Kane através de entrevistas, se vê incapaz de descobrir o significado da palavra, concluindo que "Charles Foster Kane foi um homem que possuiu tudo o que quis e depois perdeu tudo. Talvez Rosebud seja algo que ele nunca tenha possuído ou algo que tenha perdido".
A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
Wardrobe Master
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
Play Girl
Wardrobe Designer
When a gold digger starts to get a little old to ply her trade, she teaches a younger woman all her tricks.
You'll Find Out
Costume Design
The manager of Kay Kyser’s band books them for a birthday party bash for an heiress at a spooky mansion, where sinister forces try to kill her.
They Knew What They Wanted
Wardrobe Supervisor
While courting a young woman by mail, a rich farmer sends a photograph of his foreman instead of his own, which leads to complications when she accepts his marriage proposal.
A Vida é uma Dança
Costume Design
Judy O'Brien é uma bailarina aspirante em um grupo de dança. Também está no grupo Bubbles, uma trambiqueira ousada que sempre deixa a trupe lutando pela carreira no burlesco. Quando o grupo se desfaz, Bubbles dá a Judy uma tarefa ingrata. As duas finalmente se chocam quando ambas se apaixonam pelo mesmo homem.
You Can't Fool Your Wife
Costume Design
Longtime school sweethearts discover married life, thanks to a disagreeable live-in mother-in-law and pressing business obligations, is more rocky than idyllic.
Costume Design
Upholsterer's assistant Irene O'Dare meets wealthy Don Marshall while she is measuring chairs for Mrs. Herman Vincent at her Long Island estate. Charmed by her, Don anonymously purchases Madame Lucy's, an exclusive Manhattan boutique, and instructs newly hired manager Mr. Smith to offer Irene a job as a model. She soon catches the eye of socialite Bob Vincent, whose mother is hosting a ball at the family mansion. To promote Madame Lucy's dress line, Mr. Smith arranges for his models to be invited to the ball.
A Cidadela dos Robinsons
Costume Design
Perseguida durante as Guerras Napoleônicas, a família Robinson põe-se ao mar, em busca de vida nova na Austrália. Contudo, o barco afunda durante uma tempestade e todos vão parar em uma ilha deserta. Eles, então, têm de lutar para sobreviver em um ambiente hostil, onde os valores que trazem consigo são postos à prova a cada momento. Baseado no romance homônimo de Johann David Wyss, de 1812.
Costume Design
A divorce lawyer prospers as a gambling tycoon.
That's Right - You're Wrong
Costume Design
J. D. Forbes, head of the almost-bankrupt Four Star Studios in Hollywood contacts band leader Kay Kyser, who puts on a radio and-live theatre program called "The Kollege of Musical Knowledge," to appear in films. When manager Chuck Deems gets the studio offer, he and band members Ginny Simms, Sully Mason, Ish Kabiddle, Harry Babbitt and the others are all fired up at the prospect of going to Hollywood and working in the movies, but band-leader Kay is all against it and says his old grandmother has told him to stay in his own back yard, but he relents. Once there, Stacey Delmore, a Four Star associate producer left in charge of the studio while Forbes is out of town, discovers that the screenplay writers have prepared a script that has Kay Kyser playing a glamorous lover in an exotic European setting.
Esposa Só no Nome
Costume Design
A wealthy man falls for a widow but is locked into a loveless marriage with a woman who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife.
Five Came Back
Costume Designer
Twelve people are aboard Coast Air Line's flagship the Silver Queen enroute to South America when the airplane encounters a storm and is blown off course. Crashing into jungles known to be inhabited by head hunters, pilots Bill and Joe race against time to fix the engines and attempt a take off. The situation brings out the best and worst in the stranded dozen as they create a makeshift runway and prepare to escape before the natives attack. But damage to the plane and low fuel reserves means that only 5 people can be carried to safety.
Panama Lady
Wardrobe Supervisor
A weary dance-hall girl in a Panama saloon is given the choice of jail or going with a rough-and-tumble oil driller's jungle oil-field in order to pay him back for being slipped a mickey and robbed.
Duas Vidas
Costume Design
Um playboy francês e uma antiga cantora de discoteca apaixonam-se a bordo de um navio.
Beauty for the Asking
Costume Design
Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
Gunga Din
Costume Designer
As aventuras vividas por três sargentos ingleses na luta contra os nativos hindus. Ajudados pelo jovem Gunga Din, eles penetram no templo de onde parte a revolta, são presos pelo malévolo Guru, mas salvos pelo amigo nativo. Inspirado em poema de Rudyard Kipling. Refilmado em 1962 por John Sturges com o título "Os 3 Sargentos".
Pacific Liner
Costume Design
An outbreak of cholera threatens a luxury liner in this surprisingly low-budget melodrama from RKO. En route from Shanghai to San Francisco, chief engineer Crusher McKay (Victor McLaglen) and shipboard doctor Tony Craig (Chester Morris) become rivals for the attention of nurse Ann Grayson (Wendy Barrie). A Chinese stowaway, meanwhile, infects the stokehold with cholera and it is left to Crusher to keep the engines at full throttle until reaching harbor. But morale sinks to an all-time low when Crusher himself is stricken and the overworked men threaten with mutiny. Tony attempts to keep the stokers in check but the situation is growing more dangerous by the minute when a heroic Crusher rises from his sickbed. Leaving their previous petty squabbles behind, Tony and Crusher manage to guide the ship safely to harbor, where the doc and Ann rekindle their romance.
Quando Elas Teimam
Costume Design
When the murdered body discovered by beautiful, vivacious socialite Melsa Manton disappears, police and press label her a prankster until she proves them wrong.
Dance Comigo
Wardrobe Designer
O psicanalista Tony Flagg aceita analisar a jovem Amanda Cooper, para ver se descobre porque ela rompeu o noivado com Stephen Arden três vezes. Amanda acaba por se apaixonar por ele, forçando-o a hipnotizá-la para incutir em seu subconsciente a ideia de que ela o odeia e ama Stephen. Porém, quando descobre que também foi fisgado por ela, Tony terá de desfazer tudo...
O Mundo se Diverte
Costume Design
Teddy Shaw, a bored New York office girl, goes to a camp in the Catskill Mountains for rest and finds Chick Kirkland.
Blond Cheat
Costume Design
Socially prominent Michael Ashburn, chief assistant for a London loan broker makes a large loan during a closing time to a man for a pair of earrings. He is unaware that the collateral can not be removed from the ears in which they reside, so then Julie becomes part of the collateral.
The Saint in New York
Costume Design
A crime spree in New York forces the police commissioner to turn to Englishman Simon Templar, who fights lawlessness and corruption through unorthodox methods. Templar sets his sights on individual crimes bosses, and after bringing down two vicious leaders through disguise and deception, discovers that there is a mastermind behind all the city's crime.
Joy of Living
Costume Design
Falling in love with the voice of Broadway chanteuse Margaret Garret, cocksure young tycoon Daniel Brewster decides to rescue the star from her hectic lifestyle of frenzied fans and mooching relatives. When Margaret has her ardent suitor arrested, the judge appoints her as Daniel's probation officer, forcing the duo to spend time together. As Daniel teaches Margaret to let her hair down and enjoy life, she begins to fall for her fun-loving admirer.
This Marriage Business
Costume Designer
A cocky reporter turns a small town marriage license clerk into a media celebrity.
She's Got Everything
Costume Design
The day after Carol returns from a European trip, she wakes up to find her dead father's creditors hauling everything away. Her aunt wants her to marry a millionaire, but Carol insists on getting a job.
Hitting a New High
Costume Design
A Paris cabaret singer dreams of becoming a Metropolitan Opera singer. A press agent arranges her Manhattan debut by way of Africa.
There Goes the Groom
Costume Design
After striking it rich in Alaskan gold, a young man returns to marry his fiancé only to be snubbed. Her sister, however, is worth considering, until he learns about her gold-digging family.
Patuscada para Dois
Costume Design
After a night on the town, Jonathan Blair wakes to find that Texan Valentine Ransome has escorted him home. Valentine is attracted to Jonathan and sets out first to reform him, and his family's near-bankrupt shipping company, and then to marry him. In her way is Jonathan's fiancée, actress Carol Wallace.
Music for Madame
Costume Design
An Italian immigrant singer, Nino, hoping to succeed in Hollywood, falls in with a gang of crooks who use his talent to distract everyone at a party while they steal the jewels.
O Ídolo de Nova York
Costume Design
After the American Civil War, Jim Fisk, a former peddler and cotton smuggler, arrives in New York, along with his partners Nick and Luke, where he struggles to make his way through the treacherous world of Wall Street's financial markets.
O Portento
Costume Design
A movie actor playing a detective gets carried away with his role and starts trying to solve real-life crimes.
New Faces of 1937
Costume Design
A crooked producer makes money from Broadway flops by selling more than 100% interest to multiple parties. He only fails if it makes a profit.
There Goes My Girl
Costume Design
Jerry and Connie are engaged to be married, but they're also rival newspaper reporters, and when they're both assigned to cover the same murder case, the temptation to out-scoop the other threatens their relationship.
You Can't Buy Luck
Costume Design
When a gambler is accused of murder, the pretty orphanage employee he loves sets out to prove him innocent of the crime.
We're on the Jury
Costume Design
A juror at a murder trial is convinced the defendant is innocent.
They Wanted to Marry
Costume Design
Newspaper photographer Jim Tyler sneaks into a society girl's wedding, and the bride's sister decides she prefers him to her upper-crust suitors. She even likes his pigeon, who travels everywhere with him.
That Girl From Paris
Costume Design
Nikki Martin (Lily Pons), a beautiful French opera star, stows away on an ocean liner in hopes of escaping her jealous fiancee. Once aboard, she joins an American swing band and falls in love with its leader, who, after hearing her sing, eventually comes to reciprocate her feelings.
Make Way for a Lady
Costume Design
An imaginative teenager decides to play matchmaker for her widowed father. Director David Burton's 1936 comedy stars Herbert Marshall, Anne Shirley, Gertrude Michael, Margot Grahame, Clara Blandick, Frank Coghlan Jr., Willie Best and Maxine Jennings.
O Último Chá do General Yen
Costume Design
An American missionary is gradually seduced by a courtly warlord holding her in Shanghai.
Side Show
Costume Design
A circus side show performer tries to discourage her younger sister from following in her footsteps.
Misbehaving Ladies
Costume Design
Ellen, a young American girl who married a European prince and moved to his country, is preparing to return to the US, after having paid off all the debts left by her now-deceased husband. However, when she returns early, no one recognizes her and even her aunt Kate mistakes her for the princess' dressmaker. Her ex-boyfriend Joe, who recognizes her immediately, suggests that Ellen continue with the charade and have some fun, but a series of misunderstandings causes trouble for her.
Costume Design
Lee is a fresh young kid from the South when he gets a job with The Press. His first assignment on gangsters gets his name in the paper, the police on a raid and Lee in the hospital.
Woman Hungry
Costume Designer
This film, believed lost, was based on William Vaughn Moody's 1906 play The Great Divide. The story was filmed as a silent film by MGM as The Great Divide (1925) and as an early silent/sound hybrid by First National also called The Great Divide (1929). Judith Temple has come West to Arizona for some excitement. As she says goodbye to her brother and his wife, who are returning to the East, Dr. Neil Cranford, who is in love with her, is called away to tend the broken ribs of a man injured in a barroom brawl.
Father's Son
Costume Design
Young Bill Emory is a typical mischievous, rambunctious boy, but his father William is a strict disciplinarian, and Bill is constantly being punished for simple childhood transgressions. Finally Bill can take no more of his father's excessive punishments and runs away. Complications ensue.
Kiss Me Again
Costume Design
An officer of the French Military is in love with a shop girl, but his aristocratic father wants him to marry in his class and convinces the girl that marriage would be a mistake. The officer goes off to war and she becomes an opera star.
The Lash
Costume Design
A nobleman returns home to Southern California after the Mexican American War to find his people mistreated by unscrupulous Americans.
Costume Design
A showgirl falls for a society boy but has to win over his family.
The Truth About Youth
Costume Design
A young man falls into the clutches of a nightclub singer who corrupts him.
Costume Design
Hajj, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself. This film is believed lost.
The Life of the Party
Costume Design
Two gold diggers try a French dressmaker, two Mr. Smiths and Havana.
Bright Lights
Costume Design
In this light-hearted musical, an early color film, a successful actress tires of the bustle and hustle of her tawdry life and settles down to what she thinks is the blissful mundaneness of married life. Unfortunately, the actual drudgery of wifedom takes her by surprise and domestic turmoil ensues.
A Patrulha da Madrugada
Costume Design
Primeiro filme sonoro dirigido por Howard Hawks, The Dawn Patrol é, entre todos os filmes de aviação sobre a Primeira Guerra Mundial, o que dá uma visão mais autenticamente sombria. Algumas cenas aéreas foram filmadas pelo próprio diretor, a bordo de uma avião com a câmera fixada na parte dianteira. Segundo Ken Wlaschin, este é um dos dez melhores trabalhos no cinema dos astros Richard Barthelmess e Douglas Fairbanks Jr.. A história foi refilmada com o mesmo título em 1938, com Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone e David Niven nos papéis principais, dirigidos por Edmund Goulding. Essa versão aproveitou tomadas aéreas fotografadas por Elmer Dyer para a produção de 1930.
Sweethearts and Wives
Costume Design
An aristocrat tries to prevent her sister's divorce by attempting to recover a diamond necklace, which is being used as incriminating evidence against her.
The Song of the Flame
Costume Design
This was a screen version of the 1925 operetta by Oscar Hammerstein II, Otto Harbach, Herbert Stohart, and George Gershwin. The story of the movie is about a peasant who is known as "The Flame" who leads a revolution in Russia. This peasant who is in love with a Russian prince saves his life by agreeing to sacrifice her virginity to an evil fellow-conspirator. This was an all Technicolor musical which was had a sequence in Vitascope (a Warner Brother's wide screen process)
A Notorious Affair
Costume Design
A scheming musician seduces a wealthy woman for love and money.
Show Girl in Hollywood
Costume Design
Broadway actress leaves New York to become a star in Hollywood, and succeeds despite sleazy directors and her own ego.
A Flor dos Meus Sonhos
Costume Designer
Kay Arnold is a gold digger who wanders from party to party with the intention of catching a rich suitor. Jerry Strong is a young man from a wealthy family who strives to succeed as an artist. What begins as a relationship of mutual convenience soon turns into something else.
Costume Designer
Sally is an orphan who was named by the telephone exchange where she was abandoned as a baby. In the orphanage, she discovered the joy of dancing. Working as a waitress, she serves Blair (Alexander Gray), and they both fall for each other, but Blair is engaged to socialite Marcia. Sally is hired to impersonate a famous Russian dancer named Noskerova, but at that engagement, she is found to be a phoney. Undaunted, she proceeds with her life and has a show on Broadway, but she still thinks of Blair.
Lilies of the Field
Costume Designer
Mildred Harker loses custody of her child in a messy divorce settlement. Leaving her hometown in disgrace, Mildred heads to New York, where after a crash course in the school of hard knocks she joins the chorus of a Ziegfeld-like musical revue. Now a full-fledged gold-digger, she enjoys the favors of backstage johnnies and elderly sugar daddies, but finally finds true love in the form of Park Avenue socialite Ted Willing.
Wedding Rings
Costume Design
Two sisters battle for the love of a man.
Footlights and Fools
Costume Design
Moore plays the "dual" role of a French singer in America who was originally an American chorus girl in France to acquire a new persona.
Her Private Life
Costume Design
A English aristocrat causes a scandal when she divorces her husband and runs off with a young American.
Smiling Irish Eyes
Costume Design
A 1929 film directed by William A. Seiter.