Vili Matula

Nascimento : 1962-03-05, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia


Escape To The Sea
German Commander
A German soldier, after avoiding death in a Partisan raid, wanders through the unforgiving mountainous terrain of an unfamiliar country, helplessly seeking salvation.
The Diary of Diana B.
Firmly believing her own life is no more precious than the lives of the innocent people being persecuted, with the help of a few friends, Diana embarks on a perilous campaign of rescuing more than 10,000 children from the Ustasha camps in Nazi-occupied Croatia.
The recently divorced father of a nine-year-old, furious his daughter can't spend her birthday with him, bursts into her classroom with a birthday cake and a rifle. A hostage crisis ensues, and the mayor of the town in which the events take place will try to use the situation to gain advantage ahead of the elections, stopping at nothing. The son of a young policeman is in the same class, and before the events unfold, he'll have to answer a question as well.
The Enchanting Porkers
The movie "Swineherds" is a satirical anti-musical which deals with the phenomena of the media sensationalism that trivializes even the most serious and the most painful subjects. The movie depicts the phenomenon of media manipulation, mass hysteria, thirst for fame and people that will, more than ever, do whatever it takes to keep their fifteen minutes of fame.
Flower of Battle
Civil Entity (voice)
The Arcadian atmosphere of a hazy underworld hosts unusual characters: an Illusionist, a Civil Entity, a Wooden Puppet and a silent, but dangerous Swordsman. Their mysterious and bizarre experiences are an allegory of the relationship between the now extinct tradition of European combat swordsmanship and the doctrine of pragmatic political action. Is the end of the allegory also a beginning of an instructive misunderstanding?
Step by Step
At the beginning of the war in Croatia, Vjera refuses to leave the ruins of her home on the front line . Her husband flees town while their son goes to battlefield. Working as an interpreter she starts her path of self-discovery.
Bloodrayne 3: O Terceiro Reich
District Leader
Em 1943 a Europa, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, Rayne enfrenta seu maior inimigo, um crescente exército de soldados nazistas mortos-vivos liderados por Ekart, um vampiro Day-Walker alto funcionário do Reich. Rayne deve juntar-se a um grupo de combatentes da resistência para derrotar Ekart e seu exército de vampiros antes que eles atinjam Berlim para conceder a imortalidade a Hitler.
O Campeão de Hitler
Armed Forces Officer
Max Schmeling, um boxeador talentoso, inicialmente coopera com o regime nazista, mas acaba arriscando sua vida para desafiar Hitler.
Forest Creatures
Branko Dvornik
The new Dutch owner of a Croatian marketing agency is organizing an action-style team building for his employees over weekend. After rafting which ends up with an incident, the employees divide in two paintball groups. While making their way through the forest full of surprises – a local family who is plotting against their lives, suspicious instructors, a random pair of hikers and bizarre accidents. As the day comes to its end, it is clear that, after this game, nothing will ever be the same.
Fuori dalle corde
100 Minutes of Glory
True story about the tragic life of a famous late 19th century deaf female Croatian watercolor painter Slava Raškaj.
Long Dark Night
Obersturmfuhrer Ressler
"Long Dark Night" follows the life of the fictional character Iva Kolar: his experiences as a Croatian University student, his role as a Partisan fighting Hitler's troops during W.W. II, his involvement in his nation's post-war government, and his eventual downfall.
In a fictional Central European country democracy and freedom are only illusion, because behind polished surface there's many cases of murders and manipulations with the people. Police and city authorities are helpless when it comes to revealing the evil and culprits behind it. In the center of this story is the writer Ivan Gajski, whose friend died under sketchy circumstances. Gajski reveals that those who most advocate democracy are not only the same involved in these crimes, but they also did some of the murders as a part of TV production. Gajski meets all kinds of characters through this quest of his, including the woman of his wife Sara, and professor Bošković who discovers the origins of present Evil - the dark past of European continent.
Is It Clear, My Friend?
A cruel world of the Yugoslavian prison during 1980s, based on real events about a man who gets life sentence for committed crime.
In a small Croatian village in 1991, a carpenter Kuzma falls for much younger Ana. In spite of their surroundings' opposition towards their relationship, the couple marries and Ana gives birth to their son. Being also familiar with the statuary, he makes a sculpture of Madonna for the local church. A quiet life of the village is disturbed when the first clashes between Croats and Serbs arise.
Each Time We Part Away
After his wife's murder and house burnt, a young soldier is in search for new home for his daughter. But coming to chaotic at the beginning of the war Zagreb is no place for hope...
A Rifle for Sleeping
Janko, a police officer/veteran of the war, who is suffering from insomnia caused by post-traumatic stress disorder, now works as a guard in front of the Russian embassy in Zagreb. Having abandoned his former paramour, the daughter of his police chief, he marries a kleptomaniacal hairdresser named Nana, whom he once caught in the act of picking pockets. He then embarks on an affair with the beautiful Marta, the widow of the war profiteer Dragutin Karlo Stajner, who has left behind him a bankrupted firm, a worthless limousine, several bastards, and at least one angry woman. While Janko and Marta persistently try to divvy up what loot remains before any number of others can claim it, Karlo unexpectedly turns up alive and jumps into the middle of a fray between Marta; Karlo's lover, Julija, a Czech bar-singer; and Julija's husband Vlado, a former henchman of Karlo's who is now trying to lay claim to Stajner's limo.
The Seventh Cronicle
In former Yugoslavia, following Tito's break-up with Stalin, the rocky island of Goli Otok was the camp site for political prisoners. From that officially non-existant yet dreaded place a young man escapes and seeks refuge on a nearby island. The nuns from the local convent find him unconscious and decide to give him shelter. A relentless secret policeman comes to the island and starts making life miserable for its inhabitants, hoping to find his prey...
Night for Listening
Classical music program on one Zagreb radio station is suddenly interrupted when disturbed war veteran, armed with hadngrenade and explosives, breaks in with strange demands and convincing threats.
A Lista de Schindler
O alemão Oskar Schindler viu na mão de obra judia uma solução barata e viável para lucrar com negócios durante a guerra. Com sua forte influência dentro do partido nazista, foi fácil conseguir as autorizações e abrir uma fábrica. O que poderia parecer uma atitude de um homem não muito bondoso, transformou-se em um dos maiores casos de amor à vida da História, pois este alemão abdicou de toda sua fortuna para salvar a vida de mais de mil judeus em plena luta contra o extermínio alemão.
O Trem da Morte
Aventura eletrizante, que serviu a Pierce Brosnan como aquecimento para depois viver o agente James Bond em várias aventuras. Aqui ele faz o agente da Organização Anticrime da ONU, que tenta parar um grupo de ex-soldados mercenários russos. O filme é ágil e equilibra suspense, violência e ação em doses certas.
Žandar Šura
This film is based on the true story about Jovan Stanisavljevic alias Charuga, the bandit who became a legend in post-WW1 Slavonia, Croatia.
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Estão Mortos
Dois personagens menores da peça "Hamlet" tropeçam sem saber que suas vidas estão roteirizadas e que são incapazes de desviar de seu destino.
Os Doze Condenados - Missão Mortal
Karl - Krieger's Aide
O general Worden (Ernest Borgnine) ordena ao major Wright (Telly Savalas) que selecione e treine 12 condenados à morte ou sentenças longas para uma missão suicida, em que os participantes serão perdoados se a concluírem. A missão consiste em destruir o estoque de um gás paralisante e mortal, que os nazistas esconderam em um mosteiro em Saint Michel, na França. O local não pode ser bombardeado, pois lá também se encontram 6 cientistas, que vieram de países invadidos pelos alemães. Se destruir o gás e resgatar os cientistas era difícil tudo fica bem mais complicado ao saberem que houve algum tipo de vazamento, que provocou a morte de um agente inglês e do líder da resistência local. Em razão disto o espaço aéreo está sendo mais vigiado, o que obriga Wright e seus comandados a chegarem em Saint Michel por outro caminho.
A commander of the youth working action brigade wants his team to win the award, but the problem arises when a series of graffiti regarding his subordinates' dissatisfaction begins to appear on the facilities across the camp.