Dois jovens, que pertencem a mundos diferentes, apaixonam-se e mergulham em uma emocionante jornada de descobertas. Babi é uma garota de classe alta, inocente, educada dentro de princípios rígidos. Hace é um rapaz rebelde, impulsivo, que adora viver perigosamente e está sempre participando em corridas ilegais de motos. Babi e Hace vão lutar contra preconceitos e contra todos, para viver uma história de amor digna de Romeu e Julieta.
Jota is out every morning in search of love. Love is called Paco. Paco is the spirit of love and a spirit gets into the bodies of the cutest guys who walk around the mall. Jota is the only person who can see that spirit within those bodies he calls Paco.
Today, John, a young professor of history, hidden in a cupboard at his home in Almonacid de la Sierra (Zaragoza) an ancient manuscript. After trying to read a few pages you realize that these texts aljamiados, a form of writing in Spanish but with Arabic script. This is a diary that tells the story of a Moorish family expelled in 1609. Encouraged by his grandfather, John decides to investigate more on that story.
The Night of the brother ("La Noche del Hermano") is a chiaroscuro tale in which the characters' not always explicit feelings cover the gamut from darkness to light through the thin line between love and fear. Because the events of life are often less astonishing than the way they are shown to us.