Dr. Dasgupta
Sumon is compelled to grow up in the city's underworld as mafia lord Osman Ali's killer machine. After killing a pregnant woman carrying Osman Ali's illegitimate child, Sumon's conscience leads him to defy Ali's order.
Boasting an amazing selection of the most watched, most influential and most highly acclaimed programmes ever made, The 50 Greatest Television Dramas presents a long overdue assessment of the rich heritage television drama has to offer. Channel 4 invited over 200 of Britain's top television drama professionals – writers, directors, producers and commissioners – to take part in an exclusive poll to discover what they consider the finest dramas ever produced.
The cast and crew of I, Claudius (1976) discuss the making of the series.
Will Weatherstaff
Martha Sowerby é a nova guardiã da chave para o jardim secreto, um pátio interno de acesso misterioso. Dessa vez, a órfã Lizzia Buscana é enviada a um internato erguido no mesmo terreno em que a protagonista da história original, Mary Craven, encontrou o jardim pela primeira vez. Agora, adulta, Lady Mary entregou a chave mágica aos cuidados de Sowerby, mas o jardim mais uma vez parece estar morrendo.
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
Margaret Parsons, a fairly ordinary housewife who, with her water board official husband Ron, has recently moved to Kingsmarkham, is found murdered in a field. Mrs. Parsons led an extremely uneventful life, being a lay preacher, but Inspector Wexford is intrigued when he is looking through her belongings and fine a number of expensive antique books all inscribed 'From Doon to Minna'.Who is Doon?
Reuben, dispensado do Exército depois de ser condecorado por sua atuação nas Malvinas e na Irlanda do Norte, volta a Londres. Surpreso por encontrar preconceito e dificuldade em arrumar emprego, percebe que foi abandonado por seu país.
A British Company in the WWI trenches await an inevitable German attack in this 1988 adaptation of R.C. Sherriff's play.
Two guys meet, one American, a deserter from the US army, one Brit, and they are drawn together by their mutual love of Soul music. Neither being gainfully employed they decide to start a mobile disco service for fellow soul lovers, which leads them to buy an ice cream van, and the adventure begins. Before long they find themselves on the run from the bad guys and the police.
Uncle Hesketh
A young American couple inherits an English castle, only to find that it is haunted by the spirit of a disgraced ancestor, doomed to stay on the estate because of his cowardice. The only way he can escape is if one of his descendants performs an heroic act, something he intends to get the husband to do.
Valentine Swift
'Oh I was naughty. And I'm still naughty so take care.' And so Leda was, all those years ago when she was the childhood friend of Jasper and his three sisters April, May and June. Now she returns to add a little spice to life in their crumbling Irish country house.
A father is intent on finding the truth as to how his soldier son met his death while serving in Northern Ireland.
After a chance meeting and an indiscreet conversation, childhood friends Tommy Beresford and Tuppence Cowley become involved in a convoluted intrigue led by a mysterious man known simply as Mr. Brown.
Ellen Pitblado is a widow who lives in recluse in 1930s Gloucestershire. When her scummy journalist nephew, Douglas, tries to force her to give him her money, she calls her mysterious lookalike gentlemen friends to her aid.
On the planet Alzarius in the alternate universe of E-Space, the Doctor, Romana and K9 find survivors of a crashed starliner, strange creatures lurking in the marshes and a genetic riddle which stretches back centuries.
Cansado das falcatruas de seus colegas de profissão, um agente da CIA se aposenta. Junto com a namorada, ele começa a escrever um livro de memórias sobre os anos de segredos obscuros e passa a ser perseguido pela agência. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Fflokes é um excêntrico sabotador que não suporta mulheres, mas adora gatos. Lou Kramer é um louco determinado a explodir o maior oleoduto do Mar do Norte, a menos que os ingleses paguem uma fortuna para evitar. Quando Kramer anuncia seu plano mortal, é hora de Ffolkes e seu time entrarem no jogo para tentar salvar o dia.
Sir Walter Bullivant
The year is 1914 and Richard Hannay, Mining Engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, is shocked when one of his neighbours, Colonel Scudder, bursts into his rooms one night and tells him a story that Prussian 'sleeper' agents are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a visiting foreign minister. However, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Fleeing to Scotland Hannay attempts to clear his name and to stop the agents with the aid of Alex Mackenzie but not only is he is chased by Chief Supt Lomas for Scudder's death but by the agents who are headed by Appleton who has managed to hide himself in a high-placed position in the British Government...
Captain Benson
James Bond e a bela agente soviética Anya Amasova juntam-se para investigar o desaparecimento de submarinos nucleares, aliados e russos. As pistas levam-nos ao bilionário Karl Stromberg. Depressa, Bond e Anya tornam-se a última esperança de conseguir acabar com um plano que irá levar o mundo a um holocausto nuclear.
Additional Voices (voice)
Depois de mais uma tentativa de conquistar a vila gaulesa, alguns dos senadores romanos começam a suspeitar de que os moradores dali são, na verdade, uma espécie de deuses. César, para manter seu trono, envia à vila uma lista com doze tarefas que só poderiam ser realizadas por seres superiores. Se os gauleses vencerem o desafio, ele admitiria sua derrota. Caso contrário, se tornariam seus escravos. A proposta é aceita. Asterix, por ser o mais esperto, e Obelix, por ser o mais forte, são escolhidos para representar a vila. Com o peso de não falhar em uma só tarefa, os dois saem para cumprir os doze trabalhos e manter a dignidade gaulesa.
Prof. Gottlieb
A university professor opens a sexual Pandora's box when he hands his class an assignment to explore their deepest carnal fantasies and desires. As the students begin to plumb their secret passions, they find themselves propelled into an erotic world where theory soon yields to practice.
Eddie Boyes
A pop band and their girlfriends have fun in Spain
The film is set in a tea garden in Assam, where a British tea estate owner Berkeley (George Baker), he falls in love with Chameli (Binita Borgohain), is local girl who works in the tea estate. Subsequently, Berkeley marries Chameli, however later finds himself accused of her murder.
A BAFTA award winning documentary looking at the development of the BP Forties oil field in the North Sea.
Young auxiliary fire-fighters are suspected of arson.
Dr. Henry Barlow
Widower Dr. Matt Younger and his daughter go to London for a month of dirt-bike racing. While there, Dr. Younger is surprised by finding himself attracted to Catherine, a charming but elusive woman who seems to have some mysterious men following her. A romance slowly develops between the doctor and Catherine, but there are complications to their happiness.
A gang of six wealthy, well-dressed and well-spoken hoodlums break into a married couple's house and rape the wife while forcing the husband to watch. Thus begins a dogged investigation by a determined detective who quickly finds that their cult-like solidarity can be a serious obstacle to breaking them.
Philip Crawford
A British intelligence agent must track down a fellow spy suspected of being a double agent.
Sir Hilary Bray
Após impedir o suicídio de uma jovem numa praia portuguesa, Bond recebe uma proposta do pai dela: ele tem informações sobre como chegar até Blofeld, líder da SPECTRE, mas só lhas dá se o agente se casar com ela. E se inicialmente era um acordo por interesse, Bond rapidamente aprende a amá-la à medida que esta o ajuda a lutar contra o vilão, que planeia ameaçar a Humanidade com um vírus.
Lord Sutterwick
Academy Award-honoree Peter O'Toole stars in this musical classic about a prim English schoolmaster who learns to show his compassion through the help of an outgoing showgirl. O'Toole, who received his fourth Oscar-nomination for this performance, is joined by '60s pop star Petula Clark and fellow Oscar-nominee Michael Redgrave.
British Ambassador David Mountolive
In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot finally fails, Justine is sent to jail and Darley decides to return to England.
Lord Edward
Percy Pointer's passion in life is the theatre, and all his spare time is devoted to the play he is writing.When it's finished it arrives on the desk of a London impresario, at a time when he wants to stage a flop.
In this look at Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), aka Lewis Carroll, Dennis Potter mixed biographical drama with a psychological profile to explore the roots of Dodgson's creativity. Dodgson tells stories to ten-year-old Alice Liddell, leading to recreations of scenes adapted from ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND (1865), designed to resemble the original Sir John Tenniel illustrations.
Martin Delambre
A Maldição da Mosca é a terceira parte da série de ficção científica que começou com o clássico "A Mosca". A história gira em torno da família Delambre, mas desta vez com o filho do primeiro cientista, Henri Delambre (Brian Donlevy), que fica obcecado com as experiências de teletransporte e causa receio em seus dois filhos, que querem viver uma vida normal e esquecer a invenção do avô. Martin (George Baker), filho mais velho de Henri, casa-se com uma jovem que acabou de sair de uma clínica para doentes mentais e Henri é contra esses casamento. Ele sabe que interesses externos podem prejudicar sua pesquisa científica. Quando a nova esposa de Martin descobre seres humanos mutilados em suas experiências de teletransporte, a polícia é chamada e Henri tenta escapar usando a própria invenção. Infelizmente, para o cientista louco, o teletransporte ainda tem defeitos não corrigidos.
Lord Randolph (voice)
A biography of Winston Churchill, shown through re-creations and actual film footage and told by Orson Welles.
Sir Gawaine
In and around the castle Camelot, brave Cornel Wilde (as Lancelot) and virtuous Brian Aherne (as King Arthur) vie for the affections of lovely Jean Wallace (as Guinevere).
Johnny Mansell
Unable to pay his bookie, a man returns to his hometown where his embezzler brother and girlfriend plot a robbery that ends in tragedy.
Anthony, Earl of Dawlish/The Moonraker
After the battle of Worcester at the end of the Civil War, the main aim of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth is to capture Charles Stuart. The future king's escape depends on the intrepid Earl of Dawlish, who as the Moonraker has already spirited away many Royalists. Dawlish travels to the Windwhistle Inn on the south coast to prepare the escape, where he meets Anne Wyndham, the fiancée of a top Roundhead colonel.
Dr. Nigel Barnes
No Time for Tears is a moving, sympathetic portrayal of the challenges faced by all those who enter this most demanding yet rewarding of professions – from routine operations to more serious conditions, from anxious, sometimes hostile parents to workplace romance. The lives of the staff and patients of Mayfield Children's Hospital are inextricably woven together with the laughter, tears and devotion that lie behind the work of restoring children to health and happiness.
A Liverpool gang member wins a singing contest is then called up for National Service where he clashes with another soldier.
Lt. Butler
Based on real events, A Hill in Korea charts the fortunes of a small group of British soldiers serving in the Korean War. Out on a routine patrol, the soldiers find that Chinese troop movements have cut them off from their own lines. They try to fight their way back to safety but with the enemy surrounding them on all sides, the prospects look bleak. Facing almost insurmountable odds, they decide to stand a fight.
Dr Jim Alcott
Following a group of five very different student nurses during their first year of training at an NHS hospital in London called St. Augustine’s Hospital (filmed at Guy's Hospital), where they live in a dormitory. Susan (Belinda Lee) is reliable and sensible; Pat (Delphi Lawrence) is flighty and open; Maureen (Adrienne Corri) is Irish and loud; Ann (Henryetta Edwards) is a typical public school girl; and Liz (Barbara Archer) comes from a typical working class background. As they get to know each other, they bond in spite of their differences.
Steven Marlow
Director William Fairchild's 1956 British comedy takes a peek into the private lives of various performers employed as extras in a new film that's currently shooting.
Joe Harrop
A carnival boss and a little person from the sideshow compete for the same woman.
Flight Lieutenant D. J. H. Maltby, D.S.O., D.F.C.
A história de como os britânicos atacaram barragens alemãs na Segunda Guerra Mundial usando uma técnica engenhosa para lançar bombas onde elas seriam mais eficazes.
Adaptação feita por R.C. Sherriff do livro de Guy Gibson, Costa do Inimigo à Frente, Labaredas do Inferno (The Dam Busters) é um docudrama mostrando a concepção de uma nova arma britânica para destruir as barragens alemãs no complexo industrial do Ruhr e a execução do ataque feito pelo pelo Esquadrão 617, os Destruidores de Barragens (The Dam Busters). (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Bill Randall
After World War II the crew of a motor gunboat join together to buy their old vessel and go into business for themselves. This may sound like a laudable scheme, but the business they choose to go into is smuggling.
When Ex Colonel Merton discovers a burglar ransacking his home, he is shocked to find out that the thief is a former soldier from his tank regiment. When the thief escapes, Merton tries to contact former members of the regiment, in order to find out what set the thief on the road to crime.