Valentin Popescu

Valentin Popescu

Nascimento : 1955-04-04, Braila, Romania


Valentin Popescu


Maria Tănase
Doctor Ivan
Uma jovem noviça sai sorrateiramente de seu convento para tratar de um assunto que não pode ser adiado.
Adrian is a young poet who decides to leave Romania and go live to Spain. He wants to change his life, earn some money and learn Spanish. Upon arriving in Cordoba, he works at a car dealership that sells both old and new cars. During the day he hides in a small caravan in the parking lot of the car dealership. One day, Adrian finds a package with a CD and poster for a tour of one flamenco / jazz band. He is enchanted by the music and by the picture of Maria, who plays a bass guitar in the band. They both meet after a concert on the beach, where they begin their relationship full of passion, problems and surprises.
Fault Condition
Melania, a 15 years old high school student gets pregnant with Emi, a classmate. Melania does not tell anyone she's pregnant, Not even to Emi, or to her parents. The situation is extremely complicated because Emi's mother is the director of the high school where the two lovers study, and Melania's mother is secretary at the same high school. In the fifth month of pregnancy, Melania faints during class hours. She is urgently taken to the hospital by her mother who finds her daughter is 5 months pregnant so it's too late for an abortion. Melanie's mother is forced to tell the truth to Emi's mother. Emi's mother forces Melania's mother to promise to keep the pregnancy secret to everyone, even to Emi. Minor's mothers separates the two lovers and decide to give the baby up for adoption to a family of Romanians living abroad who don't have the right to legally adopt a child from Romania.
Întoarcerea magilor
The Priest
Mihai and Nidala travel the country putting on shows that convey a simple message: there can be hope if there is love and faith.
Toni Erdmann
Arbeiter Ölfeld
Winfried (Peter Simonischek) é um senhor que gosta de levar a vida com bom humor, fazendo brincadeiras que proporcionem o riso nas pessoas. Seu jeito extrovertido fez com que se afastasse de sua filha, Ines (Sandra Hüller), sempre sisuda e extremamente dedicada ao trabalho. Percebendo o afastameto, Winfried decide visitar a filha na cidade em que ela mora, Budapeste. A iniciativa não dá certo, resultando em vários enfrentamentos entre pai e filha, o que faz com que ele volte para casa. Tempos depois, Winfried ressurge na vida de Ines sob o alter-ego de Toni Erdmann, especialista em contar mentiras bem-intencionadas a todos que ela conhece.
The Miracle of Tekir
Expulsa de casa após ter engravidado misteriosamente, uma curandeira decidida a limpar o nome cruza-se com uma mulher que anseia pelo mesmo milagre.
Km 73
Dan and Cristi are both parents. Their sons are best friends. On the way to the Lehliu police station, Dan does not have the courage to tell Cristi the whole truth about his son's accident and the real reason for this long drive.
To Paris with the Identity Card
Police Commander
Drăgan Niță is a humble French teacher from Romania that has always dreamt of visiting Paris one day. To make his dream come true, he saves 1 lei every day.
Aos 42 anos, o engenheiro Viorel toma medidas drásticas para dar um fim ao seu sofrimento após um divórcio devastador.
Floating Things
While working in Europe, Avram comes to realize that Italians are paying good money for trained dogs that can protect them from the waves of immigrants. That's Avram's big-time idea: he returns to Romania to start breeding watch dogs which he can later export to Italy. As it happens, he settles next to a camp of immigrants recently sent back from Rome. Thus, the Italian tension is willy-nilly reenacted on the banks of the Danube. Avram's life gets complicated. He starts having an affair with his own daughter in law, lands in conflict with his ex-immigrant neighbors and his life is literally under threat. The film ends with an unpredictable situation.
The Rest Is Silence
In 1911-12, the Romanian movie director Grigore Brezianu and the financial tycoon Leon Popescu made together the 2 hours long movie "Romania's Independence" - an as faithful as possible screen adaptation of the real Independence War that had been fought in 1877. Now, "Restul e tacere" tells us, in a loose and half-fictionalized way, the story of this movie making.
In a small village in the Danube Delta, where traditions are confronted with new material purposes, a teenage girl is becoming a woman. This is the story of Ryna, a 16 year old girl, working as an motor mechanic in Sulina, who strives to find her identity next to a father who is firmly denying her femininity.
A Roof Overhead
The decision taken by the hospitals council board of early releasing the neurotics and depressed, throw Mona 36 and Cathy 30 in the real world, a world which cannot offer them any place to live except a little house, without a roof , situated at the edge of the country , in the Danube Delta. It's Mona's grandparents house, but both of them are dead. Their arrival triggers weird reactions on behalf of the villagers because they have big plans: to sell the village to a very rich man who own a football team and a political party who wants to turn the place into a luxurious resort. Could Mona and Cathy resist to the villagers reactions? Could they find a place to live in this world?
Segundo em Comando
Vladimir Norkov
Ele é um ex-soldado da marinha americana com a experiência de combate para proteger os interesses dos Estados Unidos em qualquer lugar. Mas no dia em que ele assume sua nova posição em uma turbulenta nação da Europa Oriental, o comandante Sam Keenan se depara com uma situação sangrenta e caótica: rebeldes muito bem armados tomaram conta da capital do país, mataram o embaixador norte-americano e estão ameaçando eliminar o novo presidente e sua frágil democracia. Keenan rapidamente protege a embaixada norte-americana e oferece asilo ao presidente. Mas faltando horas para que a ajuda das forças norte-americanas cheguem ao local e com a violência se aproximando, Keenan precisa encontrar uma maneira de acabar com a rebelião... antes que a embaixada seja destruída.
Doente de Amor
Mr. Parvulescu
Love. It just happens. No rules. It may look sick, but it's deep and it hurts. For everyone, Alex and Kiki are just good friends. They happen to be two girls experiencing another kind of love. For their family, Kiki and Sandu are sister and brother who sometimes fight. They happen to be lovers. Love Sick is about their stories.
Lost and Found
(segment "Turkey Girl")
Six young filmmakers from Central and East Europe developed shorts about the theme of "generation".
Sherlock: Case of Evil
Early in his crime-solving career, Sherlock Holmes attempts to prevent Moriarty from cornering the heroin market.
Recuperator #1
O filme satiriza a máfia dos serviços de caridade que faz uma mendicância organizada. Pepe é um gênio que dá vida nova aos mendigos de Bucareste, criando novas personalidades e histórias comoventes para atrair mais esmolas. No fim do dia, funcionários de sua organização passam recolhendo o dinheiro nas ruas.
Capul de zimbru
Terente: The King of Swamps
The story takes place early in the 20th century in Eastern Romania, where a famous outlaw lived kind of a Clyde with many Bonnies legend in the landscape of the Danube Delta.
Meurtres par procuration
Lionel suffers from severe memory loss as a result of an accident. Inspector Corona accuses him of the brutal murder of a law student with whom he had a relationship.
Anjo das Trevas
Policeman with Club
‎Uma demoníaca do inferno, Veronica Iscariotes, desinteressada em atormentar as almas dos pecadores condenados, sobe ao mundo acima e encontra nosso mundo cheio de mal e corrupção. Verônica decide que sua missão na vida é punir os maus e maus e continua com uma vingança sangrenta. Ao longo do caminho ela conhece e se apaixona por um médico, Max Barris, que cuida de seus ferimentos após um acidente.‎
Pepe and Fifi
The grim realities of daily life in post-Communist Romania are described in this dark drama, which was filmed on-location in the poorer areas of Bucharest. Pepe & Fifi are brother and sister. Pepe is a struggling boxer, and Fifi is a barfly addicted to Bucharest's sleazy night life. This movie chronicles their daily lives while commenting upon the political and economic situation in Romania.
Luxury Hotel
In an allegorical tale, a luxurious hotel is ruled like a communist country. The ignorant views of leaders and the social stratification are the main focus.
Undeva în Est
Sanda spends all her time working in a plastic factory, raising her two small children and catering to an indifferent husband, leaving little room for herself. A chance encounter with another man may offer her an escape from her daily chores.
The Last Ball in November
The film is the story of Prince Cantacuzin’s hidden love for his pupil he mentored since early adolescence, until her being married by her stepfather. Daria Mazu, coming from an unfortunate family, with an epileptic brother and a drunker stepfather.
A Dream's Bird Ashes
Five high school graduates are followed though their life altering decisions and their consequences.
The Inn Among the Hills
In order to obtain a title, Iordache, recently becoming wealthy, marries his daughter with a noble on hard times, Ștefan. On his way to Iordache's estate, he stops an Mânjoalâ's inn, where he discovers a mysterious world and falls for the innkeeper. Based on Caragiale's novel, "La Hanul lui Mânjoală”. Last film role for Gina Patrichi.
Bătălia din umbră
Werner von Schaft
In WWI a group of Romanian soldiers from Transylvania desert the german army and consitute a resistance commando group.
Dommnișoara Aurica
This movie is about the loneliness of an older lady at the end of WWII, in Bucharest. Her mental faculties are declining and she is increasingly living in her own mind.
Passo Doble
Two friends, closer than brothers, working together, staying in the same room, playing together.
Fără prelungiri
The residents of a retirement home start a football team.