Peter McCarthy


A conversation with Peter McCarthy, Alex Cox, and Jonathan Wacks about the 1984 film REPO MAN.
Harry Zen Stanton
Iconoclastic character actor Harry Dean Stanton talks about his philosophy on both life and acting.
Harry Zen Stanton
Iconoclastic character actor Harry Dean Stanton talks about his philosophy on both life and acting.
Stan Ridgway's Holiday In Dirt
14 short films by 14 different filmmakers, from the music of Stan Ridgway
A disaffected and increasingly disturbed young man journeys through post-riot Los Angeles.
A disaffected and increasingly disturbed young man journeys through post-riot Los Angeles.
A disaffected and increasingly disturbed young man journeys through post-riot Los Angeles.
A disaffected and increasingly disturbed young man journeys through post-riot Los Angeles.
Car 54, Where Are You?
Brash NYC policeman Officer Gunther Toody is partnered with stiff, by-the-book Officer Francis Muldoon to protect an important mafia witness prior to testifying against orgainzed crime in Brooklyn, all the while dealing with their personal lives, overbearing spouses, common criminals, arms dealers, and their officious boss Captain Anderson.
Roadside Prophets
Sid and Nancy screenplay author Abbe Wool makes her directorial debut with this tale of a factory worker name Joe (X front man John Doe) who hits the road on his Harley to scatter the ashes of a co-worker. Joined by wannabe biker Sam (Adam Horovitz of the Beastie Boys), Joe journeys from Los Angeles to Nevada, meeting all sorts of characters (played by the likes of David Carradine, John Cusack, Timothy Leary and Arlo Guthrie) along the way.
Vou Te Pegar Otário
Após a misteriosa morte de seu irmão, Jack Spade (Ivory Wayans) retorna para a sua velha e violenta vizinhança após passar 10 anos nas Forças Armadas. Ao ver a situação em que se encontra o bairro em que cresceu, Spade decide declarar guerra ao crime e, para isso, ele planeja acabar com o reinado do temido Mr. Big (Vernon), o criminoso que comanda tudo. Mas, para isso, ele precisa reunir um verdadeiro exército de valentes homens determinados a limparem o bairro. E, para montar tal exército, Spade convoca o ex-policial John Slade (Casey), seu ídolo de infância e grande nome do combate ao crime dos anos 70. Agora, os criminosos devem ter medo, pois uma improvável equipe de heróis está na área.
Tapeheads-Uma Dupla Muito Louca
The story of Ivan and Josh, two dim witted ex-security guards who love music videos. Out of work, with no job prospects, they form a music video production company. They soon learn the in's and out's of the business in LA and with some help from Mo Fuzz, they soon become hot property. But not all goes smoothly when they try to resurrect the career of their favorite R&B duo, the Swanky Modes.
Tapeheads-Uma Dupla Muito Louca
The story of Ivan and Josh, two dim witted ex-security guards who love music videos. Out of work, with no job prospects, they form a music video production company. They soon learn the in's and out's of the business in LA and with some help from Mo Fuzz, they soon become hot property. But not all goes smoothly when they try to resurrect the career of their favorite R&B duo, the Swanky Modes.
Tapeheads-Uma Dupla Muito Louca
Menudo Fan
The story of Ivan and Josh, two dim witted ex-security guards who love music videos. Out of work, with no job prospects, they form a music video production company. They soon learn the in's and out's of the business in LA and with some help from Mo Fuzz, they soon become hot property. But not all goes smoothly when they try to resurrect the career of their favorite R&B duo, the Swanky Modes.
Tapeheads-Uma Dupla Muito Louca
The story of Ivan and Josh, two dim witted ex-security guards who love music videos. Out of work, with no job prospects, they form a music video production company. They soon learn the in's and out's of the business in LA and with some help from Mo Fuzz, they soon become hot property. But not all goes smoothly when they try to resurrect the career of their favorite R&B duo, the Swanky Modes.
Sid & Nancy - O Amor Mata
Em janeiro de 1978, após seu sucesso na Inglaterra, a banda de punk rock Sex Pistols aventura-se em sua turnê pelo sul dos Estados Unidos. O baixista temperamental Sid Vicious é forçado por seus companheiros de banda e gerente a viajar sem sua perturbada namorada, Nancy Spungen, que se juntará a ele em Nova York. Quando a banda se separa e Sid começa sua carreira solo em uma cidade hostil, o casal turbulento cai de vez nas profundezas do vício das drogas, uma última jornada sem retorno.
Repo Man: A Onda Punk
Em Los Angeles um jovem é contratado para trabalhar como repo man (repossessor), ou seja, sua função é recuperar carros que não foram integralmente pagos. Em uma de suas missões acaba se envolvendo com um cientista louco, que roubou quatro alienígenas de uma base americana e os colocou na mala do seu carro. Quando uma pessoa abre o porta-malas, simplesmente se desintegra.