Jessica Congdon


Fair Play
Followed by three families on their journey to better balance their home life style. They are fighting problems that affect millions of couples and families across the country and even the globe.
Revista Curve - O Retrato da história lésbica
Revista Curve – O Retrato da História Lésbica, traça o poder da visibilidade e da comunidade lésbica, dos anos 90 até os dias atuais, através da história da fundação da revista.
The Great American Lie
Examines how a US value system built on the extreme masculine ideals of money, power and control has glorified individualism, institutionalized inequality, and undermined the ability of most Americans to achieve the American Dream.
Um Outro Olhar
Inspirado no best-seller do New York Times # 1, o filme The Way I See It, de Dawn Porter, mostra um olhar sem precedentes nos bastidores de dois dos presidentes mais icônicos da história americana, Barack Obama e Ronald Reagan, visto pelos olhos do renomado fotógrafo Pete Souza. Como fotógrafo oficial da Casa Branca, Souza foi uma testemunha ocular da responsabilidade única e tremenda de ser a pessoa mais poderosa da Terra. O filme revela como Souza se transforma de um fotojornalista respeitado em um comentarista ácido sobre os problemas que enfrentamos como país e como povo.
John Lewis: Good Trouble
The timely biopic focuses on John Lewis’ longstanding prominence as a civil rights champion and his continuing crusade for racial and social equality. The documentary illuminates the 80-year-old Congressman’s life as it chronicles the moments on the extraordinary journey that have shaped his place in history and make him such a galvanizing figure today as protests circle the globe. Lewis’ schedule has increased ten-fold as he has become the go-to figure for TV news shows, podcasts and newspapers and magazines from the Washington Post to Vanity Fair, commenting on and leading the way forward through today’s worldwide protests and demonstrations.
Empire on Main Street
Crista Luedtke is a serial entrepreneur. She was born into the restaurant business but didn’t follow her calling right away. She moved to San Francisco, came out as a gay woman, and eventually left behind a safe corporate job to pursue her passion of opening a hotel in the sleepy vacation town of Guerneville, two hours north of the city. A restaurant, a market, and a bar soon followed, and the town began its transformation into a thriving destination. Along the way, she weathered a flood that severely damaged her hotel, saw her marriage fall apart, and faced local resistance. A final project pushes her to the brink and changes her perspective on life, love and empire.
Dolores Huerta bucks 1950s gender conventions by starting the country's first farm worker's union with fellow organizer Cesar Chavez. What starts out as a struggle for racial and labor justice, soon becomes a fight for gender equality within the same union she is eventually forced to leave. As she wrestles with raising 11 children, three marriages, and is nearly beaten to death by a San Francisco tactical police squad, Dolores emerges with a vision that connects her new found feminism with racial and class justice.
A Máscara Em Que Você Vive
Explora como nossa cultural definição limitada de masculinidade está fazendo mal aos nossos meninos, homens e sociedade em geral e divulga o que podemos fazer sobre isso.
A Máscara Em Que Você Vive
Explora como nossa cultural definição limitada de masculinidade está fazendo mal aos nossos meninos, homens e sociedade em geral e divulga o que podemos fazer sobre isso.
A Máscara Em Que Você Vive
Explora como nossa cultural definição limitada de masculinidade está fazendo mal aos nossos meninos, homens e sociedade em geral e divulga o que podemos fazer sobre isso.
Miss Representation
The film MISS REPRESENTATION exposes how American youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality. Explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman. It’s time to break that cycle of mistruths.
Miss Representation
The film MISS REPRESENTATION exposes how American youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality. Explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, and challenges the media's limited portrayal of what it means to be a powerful woman. It’s time to break that cycle of mistruths.
Her Minor Thing
Jeana does IT for the Sacramento Fire Department. She and Tom, a self-confident local TV news reporter, are about to go on a cruise to Rio when he lets slip on TV that she is a virgin. It's a slow news week, so this becomes a story: the media pursue Jeana, she breaks up with Tom and wants the tickets or her cruise money back, and Tom can't believe she's serious. Her path crosses that of Paul, a photographer recently arrived from Texas who's also Tom's cameraman; he's had six serious relationships that have ended with his heart broken. A triangle of sorts develops. Will Jeana end up with either man? Will she end up on the cruise? And what about that minor thing?