Costume Design
O carcereiro Bill Boss (Dieter Laser) precisa lidar com problemas como rebeliões, rotatividade profissional e a falta de reconhecimento do governador (Eric Roberts) em sua atividade de liderar um grande presídio americano. Vendo que Boss não tem nenhuma perspectiva de resolver esses problemas, Dwight (Laurence R. Harvey), seu braço-direito, surge com uma ideia capaz de revolucionar o sistema penitenciário americano: a criação de uma centopeia humana de 500 pessoas.
Costume Design
A group of college friends are reunited after the death of their very successful friend. The will dictates that each person will receive a large sum of money if they can all successfully stay in his mansion for a week. If one person leaves, everyone forfeits the money.
Costume Design
The screenplay centers on characters Brendan Young and Darryl Jennings who take a trip to the Lake Arrowhead with a group of college friends to celebrate Young's girlfriend's birthday. One-by-one the coeds begin disappearing until a mysterious young visitor arrives and helps them begin to unravel their tangled web of terror.