Vincent Mathias

Vincent Mathias

Nascimento : 1967-10-07, Paris, France


Vincent Mathias


The Blaze
Director of Photography
Disaster movies tend to inhabit the close-but-not-too-close realm of the ‘what if?’, but Quentin Reynaud’s taut drama evokes a reality that is painfully immediate, as the world combusts around us. Alex Lutz (recently seen as the son in Gaspar Noé’s Vortex) plays a man determined to escape with his elderly father (the ineffable André Dussollier) from a wildfire that is rapidly approaching their forested area of southern France. The pair know all the local roads, and the secret detours, but when they are caught in a dead end, they seem to be running out of possible exits. At once road movie, claustrophobic jeopardy thriller and portrait of a prickly but tender father-son relationship, this finely acted and executed film expertly lays on the heat.
Director of Photography
A female lawyer travels back in time and crosses paths with other women in history who fought for women's rights.
Roberto the Canary
Director of Photography
The death of Roberto, the canary, forces a family to come to terms with their own grief.
My Nudity Means Nothing
As a novelist, actress/screenwriter for François Ozon and director, Marina de Van is fearless, always eager to deal with taboos and expose herself. Mostly home-made and shot under the radar, Ma nudité ne sert à rien is a brave self-portrait of de Van as a forty-something wandering soul, asking herself about her work, body and relationships in the age of dating apps and one-night stands.
Mulheres Armadas, Homens na Lata
Director of Photography
Unidas pelo assassinato acidental do patrão abusivo, as funcionárias da fábrica de atum enlatado Sandra, Marilyn e Nadine encontram uma mala cheia de dinheiro no corpo do defunto. As três estão desesperadamente precisando de grana, e decidem roubar o dinheiro e se livrar do cadáver, enlatando-o. O que poderia ter sido um plano perfeito, transforma-se em uma terrível confusão, quando os gângsteres donos do dinheiro aparecem, e as latas com os restos mortais vão para uma instituição de caridade.
A Extraordinária Jornada do Faquir
Director of Photography
Baseado no best-seller homônimo de Romain Puértolas. Em uma trama mágica, sobre amor e aventura e que percorre três continentes, um narrador conta a história de quando se apaixonou por uma mulher europeia e como acabou deportado para um lugar isolado do continente, junto com um bando de refugiados africanos.
Nos Vemos no Paraíso
Director of Photography
Novembro de 1918. Dias antes do Armistício, Édouard Péricourt salva a vida de Albert Maillard. Estes dois homens não tem nada em comum além da guerra. O tenente Padrelle, ao autorizar um ataque, destrói a vida de ambos enquanto os juntam sob a miséria. Nas ruínas da matança da Primeira Guerra Mundial, os dois tentam sobreviver e enquanto Pradelle está prestes a ganhar uma fortuna com as vítimas da guerra, Édouard e Albert bolam um plano monumental com as famílias dos mortos e com um herói nacional.
Director of Photography
A young woman tries to reconstruct the trip her friend took to Brazil for the Football World Cup. While she has no news of him, she relies on the images he sent her to find his trace.
Última Chamada Para Lado Nenhum
Director of Photography
José Fernandez, agente da polícia francesa, tem uma última extradição a concluir antes da sua tão aguardada promoção para ocupar um cargo no departamento criminal. O detido, de nome Akim, foi vítima de um erro judicial, acusado de ser um potencial terrorista e deverá ser extraditado de volta a Kabul, um local que não conhece e onde nunca pôs os pés! Desta cadeia de enganos nascem momentos hilariantes, com perseguições repletas de inesperadas e explosivas complicações.
A Estudante E O Senhor Henri
Director of Photography
Because of his wavering health, Monsieur Henri can no longer live alone in his Paris appartment. Particularly grumpy, he ends up nonetheless accepting his son Paul's suggestion that he let one of his rooms out to a young female student. Far from falling for her charms, Henri uses her to orchestrate utter family chaos...
Que Mal Eu Fiz a Deus?
Director of Photography
O casal Verneuils tem 4 filhas. Católicos, conservadores e um pouco preconceituosos, eles não ficaram muito felizes quando 3 de suas filhas se casaram com homens de diferentes nacionalidades e religiões. Quando a quarta anuncia o seu casamento com um católico, o casal fica nas nuvens e toda a família vai se reunir. Mas logo eles vão descobrir que nem tudo é do jeito que eles querem.
Uma Juíza Sem Juízo
Director of Photography
A poderosa juíza Ariene Felder resolve abaixar a guarda e aproveitar a festa de ano novo da firma. O problema é que depois de alguns meses ela descobre que está grávida e não sabe quem é o pai.
Back in Crime
Director of Photography
Inspector Richard Kemp never got around to putting the handcuffs around the Eardrum Slasher, a dangerous serial killer whose rampage began 20 years before. When Hélène, a psychologist, witnesses the Slasher’s latest crime and offers to testify, Kemp falls in love with her at first sight. In a mysterious turn of event, Kemp is suddenly transported back in time to the site of the Eardrum Slasher’s first murder, he realizes that this could provide a second chance to catch the killer...
Sex, Lies and Surgery
Director of Photography
John - conscientious and romantic - and Michael - thoughtless and unfaithful - are surgeons at their father’s private hospital. John felt madly in love with Priscilla, a wonderful nurse. But he is betrayed by Michael who decides to marry her. Shattered by his loss, John moves to Canada. But Michael’s new project to dedicate the clinic to plastic surgery leads them to bankruptcy, forcing John to come back in the hope of saving the clinic...
Fuga Pela Vida
Director of Photography
O filme conta a história de Franck, um assaltante de bancos que foge da prisão para perseguir o seu antigo companheiro de cela, um serial killer que o incrimina pelos seus crimes hediondos. Agora considerado injustamente o inimigo público nº 1 e também perseguido por uma inspetora particularmente tenaz, Franck entra num jogo perigoso de gato e rato onde já não se distingue a presa do caçador.
Os Nomes do Amor
Director of Photography
Baya é uma jovem ativista de esquerda que dorme com seus adversários políticos para convertê-los aos seus ideais, tudo vai bem até que ela se apaixona por um deles.
O Cativeiro
Director of Photography
Carol, uma jovem enfermeira faz parte de um grupo cuja missão humanitária no leste da Europa está chegando ao fim. No entanto, ela e dois colegas são brutalmente raptados por estranhos. São mantidos vivos em cativeiro e logo descobrem com horror as verdadeiras intenções de seus raptores.
Un excellent dossier !
Camera Operator
Whatever Lola wants
Director of Photography
A Brooklyn postal worker follows her Egyptian boyfriend to Cairo where she takes belly-dancing lessons from a legendary but disgraced Egyptian dancer.
Director of Photography
Marc and Emma move into a new house but have no idea that their basement was a gay nightclub. To make matters worse, the club was destroyed by fire, and now the house is haunted by the ghosts of five gay clubbers.
Director of Photography
State secrets, sincere convictions, ecstatic crowds, a regal lifestyle, prying journalists, suspicious disappearances: what goes on behind the scenes in the halls of power or the daily life of a President.
Irène is a beautiful girl working in Paris, she soon meets a manager and hopes a love story with him. But he tells a lie, so she falls in love with a house painter.
Dead Weight
Prison guard Reggio lets Moltes have a weekly lottery ticket in exchange for his suave relationship advice. When Moltes learns that he has a winning lottery ticket, he breaks out of jail to claim his money. However, Reggio's girlfriend, Pauline , has the ticket with her in Africa. The action involves the odd couple teaming up to find the ticket while being chased by Det. Youssouf , along with the vengeful Turk and the Giant.
Director of Photography
A young woman attending a conference in Tangier with her husband is kidnapped and raped, but rebuilds her relationship with her husband on a trip to the south of Morocco.
Anything for John
Director of Photography
An intimate portrait of actor-writer-director John Cassavetes and a loving tribute to his genius for studying and depicting the human character. In-depth, candid interviews with his wife and muse Gena Rowlands as well as his most trusted friends and co-workers like Peter Falk, Ben Gazzara, Seymour Cassel, etc. Clips from Cassavetes' greatest films, and many rare photos illustrate this touching documentary.
En tongs au pied de l'Himalaya
Director of Photography
Les Mouettes
Director of Photography