Lucien Morgan


Shadow Parties
Dr. Ian Stones
A family faces destruction in a long-running conflict between communities that pits relatives against each other amid attacks and reprisals.
The 3 Kings
Three cousins in desperate need of money find themselves targeted by some shady underworld characters when they agree to receive and drop off a package for a notorious drug baron.
The Conversations
Scientist #2
Disillusioned dentist Ali Nawaab hopes to become a stand-up comedian but his attempts to find a voice on stage are hampered by memories of his blonde American muse, Ellie Goldsmith. Driven mad to the point of distraction by love, Ali must confront and exorcise the ghosts of his past in order to make his mark.
Mosquito: A Fistful of Bitcoins
Commander Albert Albermarle
Mosquito: A Fistful of Bitcoins
A virtually invisible cab driver goes through the motions working his route, until one fateful night when a fare invites a chance to connect.
Ortega and his enemies
Richard Darlington QC
An anger management patient John gets his world torn apart when he can not manage his fiancé's adversaries. He is determined to prove himself to be the right man to marry Sara but the pressure from other candidates who had unhealthy interest in Sara takes it's toll. With deceit, brutality and police chase, John soon realises, he cannot marry Sara and remain in the country to face what was coming to him.
Ealing Comedy
Welsh Policeman
Alfie Singh, accountant turned film producer, has a great idea for a film. It's called Ealing Comedy and it's about an accountant turned film producer called Alfie Singh. Alfie will play himself and his real son, Paul, will play his son in the film. Turned down by all the financiers, Alfie vows to make the film himself. His life with his wife and teenage son and his struggles to finance and make films in the UK are all woven together in a series of mad-cap events, resulting in a very British film
Inspector Lewis Reed
A squad of police cars responding to an emergency call races through the streets of Atlanta. Upon arrival at the crime scene, they see complete desolation. Dead bodies are everywhere. And they apparently just missed the killer, though one of his victims, the head of New York's Russian mafia, survived. The family's crime operation then comes to London, but unknown to them, the assassin has also moved there and is working for the police as a pathologist. And while the family is still hunting the assassin, he is on his own mission of revenge.
The Merrihill Millionaires
Man in Cafe
They were a top team - five miners who together had mined a million tons of coal but now they must face up to redundancy.
Uma Luz na Escuridão
Jock (uncredited)
Uma secretária se apaixona por seu novo chefe misterioso e insiste em ir para a Alemanha como espiã da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Olympus Force: The Key
Olympian gods watch the Earth and resolve to fight a group of terrorists who stole a diskette containing a secret that can destroy the world.
Eat the Rich
Banquet Guest
Alex is a disgruntled waiter at a snobby exclusive restaurant who falls on hard times. Forced to deal with the contempt and disgust of the upper class, Alex & cohorts attempt to go on a rampage. Meanwhile, General Karprov and Spider plot to involve the inept anarchists into their plans to derail the prime-minister-to-be's campaign.
Ministery Worker (uncredited)
Um homem perde sua identidade vivendo sob um regime repressivo. Nesta história baseada no clássico de George Orwell, Winston Smith (John Hurt) é um funcionário público cuja função é reescrever a história de forma a colocar os líderes de um país fictício sob uma luz positiva. As escapadelas românticas com Julia (Suzanna Hamilton) proporcionam sua única fonte de distração, mas os políticos desaprovam o relacionamento. Em uma sociedade monitorada de perto, não há como escapar do Grande Irmão.
Um Lobisomem Americano em Londres
Lance Boyle ("See You Next Wednesday" Cast)
Dois jovens turistas americanos, David Kessler (David Naughton) e Jack (Griffin Dune) estão em excursão pela Europa, viajando a três meses. Passando por uma região rural da Inglaterra, são mal-vistos pelos habitantes locais quando adentram uma espécie de bar ou estalagem. Ao saírem, recebem os mais esquisitos avisos: “Mantenham-se na estrada e afastem-se dos pântanos” e “Cuidado com a lua”. Mesmo assim, os jovens embrenham-se na escuridão e não percebem que estão sendo seguidos por uma criatura terrível.