Bradley Stonesifer


Kiss the Future
It showcases the struggle of the citizens of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War and how aid worker Bill Carter's determination resulted in the enlistment of U2 to help shine a light when the world wasn't paying attention.
Meia-Noite no Switchgrass
Director of Photography
Um agente do FBI e um oficial do Estado da Flórida se unem para investigar uma série de casos de assassinato não resolvidos.
Ron Funches: Giggle Fit
Director of Photography
Ron Funches makes a dramatic wrestling-inspired entrance before hitting the stage for an hour that demonstrates his unique style accentuating the positive about a wide range of things he loves and enjoys: vision boarding, losing weight, parenting his autistic son, TV, and wrestling.
Fire on the Hill
Director of Photography
On the edge of Compton, California- a place notorious for gang violence-a hidden band of inner-city cowboys has persevered since the 1800's. Fire on the Hill is the story of the Black Cowboys of Compton and South Central LA, and their fight to preserve their culture by resurrecting an inner city horse stable that was mysteriously burnt to the ground.
Woman Child
Director of Photography
When a teacher at a Christian high school becomes pregnant out of wedlock, she is forced to decide if she should yield to the institution's teachings or fight for her civil liberties.
Call Me Lucky
Director of Photography
An inspiring, triumphant and wickedly funny portrait of one of comedy’s most enigmatic and important figures, CALL ME LUCKY tells the story of Barry Crimmins, a beer-swilling, politically outspoken and whip-smart comic whose efforts in the 70s and 80s fostered the talents of the next generation of standup comedians. But beneath Crimmins’ gruff, hard-drinking, curmudgeonly persona lay an undercurrent of rage stemming from his long-suppressed and horrific abuse as a child – a rage that eventually found its way out of the comedy clubs and television shows and into the political arena.
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground
Director of Photography
Robert Kelly: Live at the Village Underground is a stand-up comedy film that captures the indomitable nightlife and comedy club scene of New York City through Robert Kelly's raucous, savvy and hilarious one-man show.
Relação Explosiva
Director of Photography
Relação Explosiva conta a história de Charlie Bronson (Dax Shepard), um ex-piloto de fuga, que vive sob o programa de proteção à testemunha, e põe sua liberdade em risco para ajudar sua namorada a chegar a Los Angeles. Sua viagem é ameaçada quando seus antigos parceiros - um grupo de gângsteres liderado por Bradley Cooper (Se Beber, Não Case!) - e a Polícia Federal o descobrem e começam a caçá-lo pela estrada.
Deus Abençoe a América
Director of Photography
Com nada a perder, Frank pega uma arma e decide acabar com os mais idiotas, cruéis e desagradáveis membros da sociedade com uma cúmplice nada usual: Roxy, de 16 anos. A menina partilha do mesmo senso de raiva e falta de pertencimento ao status quo e decide se juntar a Frank em uma caçada a estrelas de reality shows e a outras figuras do cenário de entretenimento dos Estados Unidos, alvejando também cidadãos comuns que aparecem em seus caminhos.
Emma is spiraling out of control amidst the crazy abyss of Hollywood nightlife. After her latest night of regret, she finds herself waking up in the morning to yet another drunk disaster of a man. That same afternoon, she decides she is going to check in on her ex-boyfriend that evening. While figuring out what to wear, Emma shuffles through all of her clothes in her closet. Each outfit brings her back to a specific memory of her promiscuous past. Finally, she reconnects with her ex and they share an unexpected moment. Leading her to further evaluate her current disposition.
Director of Photography
Fed up with her relationship with a married man, a young woman decides to meet his wife for coffee.
Corações Instáveis
Director of Photography
Recentemente saído de uma relação, Caleb torna-se desdenhoso em relação às mulheres e faz questão de o mostrar como se fosse uma medalha de honra. Mas a sua atitute é posta à prova quando o seu irmão mais novo Peter chega a casa na companhia da sua nova namorada Emma, de quem Caleb desconfia imediatamente. Os seus esforços para proteger o irmão tornam-se infrutíferos quando ele próprio começa a sentir-se atraído por Emma. Estes sentimentos inesperados forçam Caleb a confrontar as vulnerabilidades que o atormentam há muito...
Basement Jack
Second Assistant Camera
A young serial killer preys on families during lightning storms.
Chekhov And Maria
Camera Operator
Russian playwright Anton Chekhov is ill with tuberculosis and is cared for by his sister Maria with whom he lives in Yalta. He is desperately struggling to complete his play "The Cherry Orchard." With Maria's help, he is able to continue writing, but when Maria discovers that he has secretly married the Moscow Art Theatre actress, Olga Knipper, she feels betrayed and schemes to prevent him from returning to Moscow. When Chekhov discovers how manipulative Maria has been, they have a major confrontation.
In the Spotlight
An aspiring author is offered the chance to be the front person for a literary hoax and discovers a far worse fate than rejection.