Anne Fabini

Nascimento : 1969-01-01,


Power of Love
Saara and Robert are living a love that is free from traditional conventions and role models. They set off to an extensive summer holiday on a lonely island in the Finnish archipelago where the tension between them escalates and becomes a fight for survival.
Someday We’ll Tell Each Other Everything
An adaptation of Daniela Krien’s novel, this coming-of-age story set in the 1990s, amidst the last days of the GDR. The 17-year-old protagonist, Maria, lives on a farm with her boyfriend. One day, an older man moves into the neighbourhood. Maria and Henner start a love affair, which takes a tragic turn.
Ten young women who used to live on the streets of Bogotá close their eyes and conjure Alis. This documentation of delicate conversations depicts the imaginary friend evolving into a surface for the projection of personal experiences and a proxy for nascent dreams.
Ten young women who used to live on the streets of Bogotá close their eyes and conjure Alis. This documentation of delicate conversations depicts the imaginary friend evolving into a surface for the projection of personal experiences and a proxy for nascent dreams.
My Name Is Andrea
A rousing portrait of feminist writer Andrea Dworkin, one of the most controversial and misunderstood figures of the 20th century, who fought passionately for justice and equality for women.
The Death of My Mother
Kerstin is in great pain. Her daughter Juliane wants to help her die, but the law forbids it. Jessica Krummacher’s second feature describes the most important of events via tiny details that stay with us and get under our skin.
One of These Days
In the Texan “Hands on a Hardbody” competition, contestants stand around a new pickup truck for days, touching it with one hand. Whoever holds out the longest wins the truck.
Aswang follows a group of people whose lives have been caught up in these events: a journalist who tries to make a stand against lawlessness, a coroner, a missionary brother who comforts bereaved family members, and a street kid with parents in prison and friends in the cemetery. The film is a shocking account of unprecedented violence and the moral bankruptcy of a regime that still enjoys support from voters.
El padre medico
A Lithuanian doctor, priest and a war refugee Alexander Ferdinand Bendoraitis (1919-1998) resettles to the Amazonian jungle in the 1960’s and becomes a local hero: he establishes a boat- clinic network, the first jungle radio, starts the pacification of local indigenous tribes and builds the most modern hospital in Amazonia. However, as he gets involved in a brutal crime, countless fake narratives that he had created around himself begin to resurface.
O Conto
Jennifer (Laura Dern) tem uma ótima carreira como documentarista e professora e um relacionamento repleto de carinho e respeito mútuo com seu noivo, Martin (Common). Porém, quando sua mãe encontra uma história que ela escreveu para escola quando tinha 13 anos contando sobre um relacionamento que teve com dois adultos, ela é obrigada a revisitar um passado traumático e reconciliar suas lembranças com o que de fato aconteceu com ela. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Sobre Pais e Filhos
Talal Derki retorna para sua terra natal, onde ele ganha a confiança de uma família radical islâmica, compartilhando sua vida diária por mais de dois anos. Sua câmera foca em Osama e seu irmão mais novo Ayman, fornecendo uma visão extremamente rara sobre o que significa crescer em um califado islâmico.
If I Think of Germany at Night
A look at five pioneers of electronic music for whom work is their raison d'etre.
Morris from America
Morris, um menino de treze anos amante de hip-hop, se muda para Heidelberg, Alemanha, com o seu pai. Em um lugar completamente estranho, ele se apaixona por uma menina, se torna amigo de pessoas que não se identificaria e navega pelas vias únicas e atribulações da adolescência.
300 Worte Deutsch
Culture-Clash-Comedy about Turkish brides importet into Germany.
California City
The films follows a man through the post apocalyptic environment of the housing crisis in the Mojave Desert. His job is to rid the pools of foreclosed homes of unwanted pests. On the road through this isolated region, he reflects on alternative ways of living and finds himself in his own solitude. CALIFORNIA CITY is a hybrid film which fluidly crosses the borders between fiction, documentary and essay. The form reflects the narrator's state of mind through feature film elements and an impressionistic use of images, photos and narration.
Abelhas e Homens
De há três anos a esta parte as abelhas andam a morrer em todo o mundo. Embora as causas ainda continuem a ser um mistério, uma coisa é clara: está em causa algo mais do que a simples morte de uns quantos insectos e bem mais do que apenas uma questão de mel. Em busca de respostas, o filme embarca numa viagem para encontrar as pessoas cujas vidas dependem das abelhas: de um apicultor suíço que vive nos Alpes até aos gigantescos pomares de amendoeiras na Califórnia, passando por um investigador do cérebro das abelhas em Berlim, uma comerciante de pólen na China e as abelhas assassinas do deserto do Arizona. Todos referem o desaparecimento das abelhas. O filme fala-nos das suas vidas. E das nossas.
Berlin Calling
DJ Ickarus está no auge e conquistando fãs pelo mundo inteiro, mas sua carreira precisa de uma pausa quando ele é internado por causa das drogas.
Berlin is in Germany
When Martin, a former GDR citizen, is released from jail, he lately becomes confronted with the consequences of the German re-unification.
Berlin is in Germany
Short film by Hannes Stöhr that was developed into a feature film two years later.