John Thornton


Eugene Mathewson
The residents of a town displaced by an industrial accident agree to take over a failing mining base on the Moon as their new place to live and work. Their first big test comes in the form of a wave of radiation from a massive solar flare.
De Volta para o Futuro II
Video Game Boy
Uma despretensiosa visita de McFly e Doc ao ano de 2015 revela alguns problemas com a futura família de McFly. Mas quando os dois voltam para casa, logo descobrem que alguém alterou a linha temporal e criou uma terrível Hill Valley em 1985. A única esperança é poder voltar de novo para o ano de 1995 e salvar o futuro.
Conquering Space
Trevor Hamilton
Janet recalls the summer during her teenage years when her family moved yet again for her father's job with NASA, including him teaching her to drive and her meeting her first boyfriend.