Igor Luther

Igor Luther

Nascimento : 1942-08-05, Banská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia [now Slovakia]

Morte : 2020-06-07


Igor Luther


A Step Into the Dark
Director of Photography
Slovakia's entry for the 87th Academy awards.
Der lange Weg ans Licht
Director of Photography
Frei:Gespielt - Mehmet Scholl - Über das Spiel hinaus
Director of Photography
In 1889, mounted on a small gray horse named Serko, Dimitri leaves his garrison on the Asian borders of the Russian Empire on the banks of the Amur River. After extraordinary adventures, they both arrive in St. Petersburg, at the court of the Tsar. Having covered more than 9000 kilometers in less than 200 days, this young rider has achieved the most fantastic equestrian feat of all time.
Late Night Talks with Mother
Camera Operator
Taking a cue from Franz Kafka's "Letter to My Father," this highly personal film follows Czech director Jan Nemec as he attempts to engage in a dialogue with his deceased mother. While alive, Nemec's mother had a troubled relationship with her son; this rumination seems to be Nemec's public platform for coming to terms with unresolved familial issues. The director embellishes his film by linking personal events with 20th century history.
A Lenda de Suriyothai
Director of Photography
Durante o século 16, quando a Tailândia contende tanto com uma guerra civil quanto com uma invasão birmanesa, uma linda princesa se levanta para ajudar a proteger a glória do Reino de Ayothaya. Baseado na vida da rainha Suriyothai.
Requiem for a Romantic Woman
In the summer of 1807, Clemens Brentano stumbles into the most extreme love affair of his life. The woman, who, aged barely 17-years-old, throws herself at him with such terrifying brutality, is called Auguste Bussmann.
Isca Mortal
Director of Photography
A troubled detective befriends a single woman and her daughter with the intention of using them as bait for a serial killer.
Drei in fremden Kissen
Director of Photography
A comedy directed by Otto W. Retzer.
A Noite do Arqueiro
Director of Photography
Rapaz entra em concurso de arco e flecha em busca de dinheiro para pagar suas dívidas de jogo e acaba acusado do assassinato do milionário organizador da competição.
Inge, April und Mai
The Michael Nyman Songbook
Ute Lemper sings a collection of art songs by Michael Nyman based on texts by Paul Celan, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, William Shakespeare and Arthur Rimbaud. It was filmed at the Musikhalle, Hamburg, 4 February 1992.
Morte na Bósnia
On June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was shot to death in Sarajewo. His assassination caused a chain of events that brought about World War I and the downfall of old Europe. Who is the assassin? Who is GAVRE PRINCIP, a man that fate brought into the center of world attention. The subject of the film is not the historical background but rather the psychological makeup of PRINCIP at the age of seventeen.
A Decadência de uma Espécie
Director of Photography
Em um futuro próximo, a guerra assola o mundo, e a poluição tornou 99 da população estéril. Kate é uma jovem treinada para ser concubina, sendo forçada a manter relações sexuais com um comandante, na esperança de que engravide.
Director of Photography
Um Amor na Alemanha
Director of Photography
In May of 1983, a man turns 49 and, with his 17-year old son, journeys to the village in Baden that he left 40 years before. He wants to discover what happened then, the truth about an affair his mother had with a young Polish prisoner of war, how the authorities came to learn of it, the lovers' arrest, and the aftermath. While his son takes Polaroid photographs, he retraces the steps of his childhood and interviews those who should remember. The story is disclosed in flashbacks that focus on the lovers (Paulina and Stanislaus), on a jealous and conniving neighbor, and on Mayer, the local SS commander who wants to find a way out of inevitable consequences.
Danton - O Processo da Revolução
Director of Photography
Danton and Robespierre were close friends and fought together in the French Revolution, but by 1793 Robespierre was France's ruler, determined to wipe out opposition with a series of mass executions that became known as the Reign of Terror. Danton, well known as a spokesman of the people, had been living in relative solitude in the French countryside, but he returned to Paris to challenge Robespierre's violent rule and call for the people to demand their rights. Robespierre, however, could not accept such a challenge, even from a friend and colleague, and he blocked out a plan for the capture and execution of Danton and his allies.
Krieg und Frieden
Director of Photography
The third episodical film, after Deutschland im Herbst and Der Kandidat, in which notable German film makers reflect on the state of their country.
Fürchte dich nicht, Jakob!
Director of Photography
A psychological interpretation of the opera mixing in references to the history of Germany, Wagner's life, German literature and philosophy. The action is centered around Wagner's death mask. Kundry is the main character - one might read the film as the story of her redemption rather than that of Amfortas.
O Ocaso de um Povo
Director of Photography
Georg Laschen leaves his family in West Germany to go work as a war correspondent in Beirut during the fights between Christians and Palestinians.
Berlin Tunnel 21
Director of Photography
In Berlin in 1961, an American soldier and a German engineer join forces to build a tunnel under the Berlin Wall in order to smuggle out refugees, including the soldier's East German girlfriend.
Das Traumhaus
Director of Photography
The Candidate
Director of Photography
Made with an eye to the autumn of 1980 when the German parliamentary elections took place, The Candidate examines Germany’s history past and present and Franz Josef Strauß, the man who, as the CDU/CSU candidate, aspires to be elected to the most important political office in the land.
O Tambor
Director of Photography
Adaptação do romance homónimo do Prémio Nobel Gunther Grass. Conta a história da primeira metade do século XX na Alemanha através da odisseia de uma criança precoce que aos três anos decide voluntariamente não crescer, lançando-se pelas escadas, e que com o tambor de que nunca se separa, se torna a testemunha dos sobressaltos da história alemã.
Die Rückkehr des alten Herrn
Director of Photography
Rückkehr (Return) consists of two short films inspired by the director's youth: "Die Rückkehr des alten Herrn" (The return of trhe old lord) is a nostalgic dive into the memories of an old man who entrusts his grandson with stories of his youth. "Mein seliger Onkel" (My blessed uncle) then tells the story of the boy and his adventurous uncle. Both stories take place in a picturesque small town.
Die Eroberung der Zitadelle
Director of Photography
While on an automobile tour of Italy with his mother, the German publisher in this story has an accident which results in her death. He decides to stay and look for work in Italy, rather than return to his responsibilities, and takes a job working on a construction site. His co-workers are similarly displaced men: one is a Greek exile, the other a Basque terrorist. The elaborate house they are working on is to be the home of a wealthy local man.
Three Paths to the Lake
Elisabeth, a forty year old woman, visits her old father in the outskirts of Klagenfurt. There, she reflects about her childhood and her romantic life.
Coup de Grâce
A countess loves her brother's Prussian-officer friend in the 1919 Baltic area.
Die Ohrfeige
Mischa Gallé's first film was made in 1971, but not picked up and shown until 1975.
Chapeau Claque
A man lives a quiet live in a big house thanks to the wealth of his ancestors. Then a young woman arrives.
August Strindberg in Paris divorced from his wife, children and friends. In the company of Parisian artists and writers, including Paul Gauguin and Edvard Munch, but often he feel they ridicule and persecute him. Isolated Strindberg venture successfully in alchemical experiments.
Der Leuchtturm
Director of Photography
A psychological and existential study of a prisoner charged with guarding an isolated lighthouse. If he makes it through two years, the remainder of his sentence for manslaughter in a bar brawl will be pardoned. Nobody before managed to cope with the solitude. One day, a rat makes its way to the island. The sea and the island, the man and the rat, friendship and vendetta.
Pilate and Others
Camera Operator
The trial of Yeshua Ha-Notsri is led by prosecutor Pontius Pilate who believes in the innocence of the accused but is forced to sentence him to death. This biblical story is set in present-day Germany.
Director of Photography
A group of gamblers travels through Europe.
He Who Loves in a Glass House
Igor has a good job as an advertising manager, a nice house, his wife Hanna, and a mistress. He has invited Christine, the mistress, over to his house while his wife is away.
Director of Photography
Uma esquadra americana de quatro homens em patrulha se aproveitam uma jovem vietnamita moribunda e continuam a torturá-la, estuprá-la e matá-la. Um soldado se recusa a participar e relata o incidente.
Eden and After
Director of Photography
A group of French students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games of a mysterious Dutchman. Once they sample his "fear powder" the students experience a series of hallucinations.
Pássaros, Órfãos e Tolos
Director of Photography
Feito sob a sombra da invasão soviética na Tchecoslováquia em 1968, este clássico da 'New Wave' tcheca foi suprimido por mais de 20 anos, sendo liberado apenas em 1990. Este selvagem trabalho de vanguarda, retrata um mundo devastado pela guerra, incidindo sobre dois amigos que moram com um senhorio louco que deserdou a Igreja e acabam se envolvendo com uma linda jovem judia abandonada. Os três tentam criar um sentimento de família e de lar, cada um dedicado a reproduzir o tolo, como meio de se distanciarem do horrores que têm absorvido e da loucura do mundo que os rodeia.
The Man Who Lies
Director of Photography
A man may or may not have betrayed a resistance fighter during World War II. He has supposedly been shot down by the Nazis and wanders into town. Mourning the death of an unseen comrade, he is taken in by the family of the dead rebel. He engages in a superfluous affair and witnesses the lesbian relationship between the man's sister and a female servant. When passions subside, the family has doubts about the reliability of the man's story.
The Prime of Life
Director of Photography
Juraj, a Slovak artist living in Prague, takes stock in his life, realizing that his days pass without purpose. He lives a carefree life. But now he has to choose between two women, between the city and the country, and between creative work and craftsmanship. He has a passion for art but he also has to make a living. Through his relationships with close people, he grows aware of his position and this knowledge helps him to live a more fulfilling and better life.
Forecast: Zero
Director of Photography
A tram pasted with posters travels through Prague. The mounted loudspeakers invite passers-by to a series of concerts of Giuseppe Verdi's masterpieces. On the tram a party of young people is getting drunk.
V páse zlomená
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
34 Days of Absolute Calm
A story about a man in a caravan who checks the suitability and abundance of water wells. A suggestive, sometimes ironic, but always biased portrait of modern Robinson. The film shows the flip side of the modern myth of returning to the bosom of nature.