Anna Unterberger

Anna Unterberger

Nascimento : 1985-09-23, Bozen, Italy


Anna Unterberger


Anni Sulmtaler
In this case, Sascha Bergmann from LKA Graz and his colleague Anni Sulmtaler investigate the death of a young woman who is found by the novice Clemens at the foot of a staircase in the monastery library.
Anni Sulmtaler
Lar dos Esquecidos
Uma mulher volta para sua cidade natal com os dois filhos por conta do casamento da irmã, mas a festa é interrompida por idosos com sede de sangue.
Joe der Film
Anni Sulmtaler
Anni Sulmtaler
Styrian Death
Anni Sulmtaler
Quando a Vida Acontece
Um casal que enfrenta problemas de fertilidade tem seu casamento testado durante as férias em um resort na Sardenha - e a família ao lado só aumenta a tensão.
Das Tal der Mörder
Eva begins to work under a false name on the farm of the Gasser family as a housekeeper. She wants to find evidence to back up her recently deceased mother Alma's allegation.
A 200 Metros
A apresentação de Jordan ao Oscar. Morando entre a Palestina e Israel, um pai cruza a fronteira diariamente para trabalhar e sustentar sua família. Quando seu filho se machucar em um acidente, ele fará de tudo para chegar ao hospital o mais rápido possível. O único problema é que ele está do lado errado da parede.
Eine harte Tour
A mountain hiking tour of friends brings to light unexpected conflicts.
The real life story of East German singer and writer Gerhard Gundermann and his struggles with music, life as a coal miner and his dealings with the secret police (STASI) of the GDR.
Anni Völk
The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.
Freddy Eddy
Painter Freddy lives with his wife and child on Lake Tegernsee and is working on his comeback until one day his life suddenly turns upside down: He is accused of beating up his wife and as a result of which he is said to have custody of his eight-year-old son withdrawn . But Freddy can not remember having committed the alleged acts and protests his innocence. In this grave crisis, Eddy appears, Freddy's childhood friend. Both look confusingly alike and Eddy immediately begins to interfere in Freddy's life, in which worse things happen. Only Freddy knows that he has a doppelganger, an imaginary one at that - how is he supposed to convince those around him that it is Eddy who is to blame for all the disasters? Freddy is slowly losing control of his life...
Die Büffel sind los!
Luis Trenker - Der schmale Grat der Wahrheit
Luis Trenker - South Tyrolean mountaineering legend, actor and director - traveled to the Venice Film Festival in the summer of 1948. He wants to offer Eva Braun's diaries to the American Hollywood agent Paul Kohner for filming. At the same time, the authenticity of these diaries is negotiated before the Munich district court. The director Leni Riefenstahl, ex-lover of Trenker, feels disgraced by the implication that she was Hitler's lover. The story is told in flashbacks of two opportunists who, possessed by the will for artistic success, instrumentalize themselves ...
Krüger aus Almanya
Berlin widower Paul Krüger, a retired ex-GDR stone mason (66), hates foreigner immigrants, especially Muslims. When his beloved, doting granddaughter Annie plans to marry Deniz, an ambitious student and waiter in Ankara who needs a visa for Germany, backward Paul and his buddy, publican Karin, go on Turkish 'holiday' so he can talk her out of it. But Deniz proves her only choice and probably a right one, even if countrymen and family win Paul's heart, as well as a resourceful preteen-thief, who proves an orphaned Syrian refugee. Paul even promises to plead with his counterpart, Deniz's family patriarch, who opposes him marrying a Christian infidel at pain of expulsion from the close clan.
13 Minutos
Baseada em fatos reais, esta história decorre em 1939, em vésperas da 2ª Guerra Mundial, quando Hitler sobrevive à explosão de uma bomba durante um evento comemorativo de seu partido. Entre a saída de Hitler da comemoração e a explosão que o mataria, decorreram 13 minutos. O plano foi engendrado por Georg Elser, carpinteiro e cidadão comum indignado perante a perda de liberdade e os abusos cometidos pelo regime. Considerado traidor da pátria, Elser foi imediatamente preso, mas só executado em 1945, por ordem direta de Hitler, quando a Alemanha já estava a perder a guerra.
Helga Sieber
Um policial sem escrúpulos encurrala o principal suspeito de um assassinato para executar um plano sinistro.
Keep Rollin'
Valentin is pretty p* off. After being confined to a wheelchair because of a snowboard accident, his mother forces him to participate in a theater project for people with disabilities - the diapers in his room and the initially arrogant roommate add insult to injury. The one and only redeeming feature of life at the facility for the handicapped is the lovely caretaker, Mira. Unfortunately Mira is going steady with a local slime-ball, Marc. Valentin decides to enter the fray against his sturdy and prosperous rival, and even carries it a step further: he decides to rob the gas station at which Marc works. With fervent enthusiasm, his house mates Lukas and Titus offer themselves as accomplices. With this the freshly hatched trio, heads off to procure a gun. Valentin discovers that although handicapped, his mates are hardly inept; they not only manage to pull off their heist, they become friends in the process. As we come to a showdown between the gas...
Inspektor Jury – Der Tote im Pub
Daphne Murch
Schneewittchen muss sterben
Nadja Bredow
Measuring the World
Germany in the early 19th century. "Die Vermessung der Welt" follows the two brilliant and eccentric scientists Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Friedrich Gauss on their life paths.
Am Ende des Tages
The successful politician Robert is going on a romantic weekend trip with his pregnant wife Katharina as a unexpected old friend of Robert, Wolfgang, suddenly appears on the surface and starts to stalk the couple.
Jew Suss: Rise and Fall
This intricate historical drama tells the story of actor Ferdinand Marian (Tobias Moretti), who is ordered by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels to star in the 1940 anti-Semitic film Jew Suss. Despite his cooperation, Ferdinand's actions have unexpected costs. Ferdinand's Jewish wife, Anna (Martina Gedeck), is sent to a concentration camp, and as World War II intensifies, he rebels against the Nazis, leading to the destruction of his career.
Mein Kampf
The young, despotic and untalented artist Adolf Hitler comes to Vienna to study art. He befriends the Jew Schlomo Herzl working on a novel with the title "Mein Kampf". Hitler is rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Herzl's concern for the sad young man continues, and leads him to a new career with disastrous consequences for world history.
Last Train Home
Boris beat Inspector Christian in the subway when he asked him for a ticket. Emily, Boris's sister, now has to deal with a reputation as "subway bully sister" and becomes the victim of Christian's revenge.
When a British businessman's daughter is kidnapped in the Italian Alps, a cat and mouse game begins between the abductors and the hired gun sent to bring the girl back home.