Jón Ásgeir Jóhannesson


God Bless Iceland
The Icelandic people was born of Norwegian immigrants who would not submit to the tyranny of the king of Norway and established a republican country in the Middle Ages, where social classes were virtually diluted and developed a subsistence economy. After centuries of freedom was first submitted by Norway and then by Denmark until World War II. Iceland has always had a libertarian spirit that is born of its history and of being a place with few inhabitants and always with a rebellious and disobedient spirit.
A Fraude
Executive Producer
O investigador de uma seguradora, Abraham Holt, viaja para uma cidadezinha do interior de Minnesota, a fim de investigar se eles realmente devem pagar o alto prêmio de uma apólice de seguro de vida que está em processo de entrega. Ao chegar ao local onde estão os destroços do terrível acidente de carros que ele tem que investigar, Holt logo começa a suspeitar que algo está errado.