Wyott Ordung


O Primeiro Homem no Espaço
A corrida espacial vive seus momentos mais cruciais e os Estados Unidos lançam seu primeiro foguete pilotado por um corajoso homem, o tenente Dan Prescott, que atravessa a atmosfera atingindo quase 300.000 milhas no espaço. A façanha histórica porém acaba trágica quando seu foguete perde o controle após atravessar uma estranha nuvem tóxica. Dado como morto, Dan na verdade sofreu uma terrível mutação, transformando-se num monstro sanguinário que volta à Terra em busca de vítimas.
Walk the Dark Street
Dan (Don Ross) returns to L.A. having fought in the Korean War. He meets with Frank (Chuck Connors) the brother of Tommy who was one of the men killed under Dan’s command. Tommy wasn't happy at being passed over for promotion and wrote to his brother to say that if he died Dan would be to blame. Frank explains to Dan that his heart condition means he can no longer go big game hunting and makes him a lucrative offer to have a ‘hunt’ in L.A. with both men armed only with camera guns. Unbeknown to Dan, Frank replaces his camera round with a live bullet and plans to kill him in revenge for his brother’s death. The two men engage in a two day game of cat and mouse which is complicated by the involvement of Tommy’s wife and a mix up at a sports shop. As the men finally get each other in their sights who will win and who will die?
Walk the Dark Street
Dan (Don Ross) returns to L.A. having fought in the Korean War. He meets with Frank (Chuck Connors) the brother of Tommy who was one of the men killed under Dan’s command. Tommy wasn't happy at being passed over for promotion and wrote to his brother to say that if he died Dan would be to blame. Frank explains to Dan that his heart condition means he can no longer go big game hunting and makes him a lucrative offer to have a ‘hunt’ in L.A. with both men armed only with camera guns. Unbeknown to Dan, Frank replaces his camera round with a live bullet and plans to kill him in revenge for his brother’s death. The two men engage in a two day game of cat and mouse which is complicated by the involvement of Tommy’s wife and a mix up at a sports shop. As the men finally get each other in their sights who will win and who will die?
Walk the Dark Street
Dan (Don Ross) returns to L.A. having fought in the Korean War. He meets with Frank (Chuck Connors) the brother of Tommy who was one of the men killed under Dan’s command. Tommy wasn't happy at being passed over for promotion and wrote to his brother to say that if he died Dan would be to blame. Frank explains to Dan that his heart condition means he can no longer go big game hunting and makes him a lucrative offer to have a ‘hunt’ in L.A. with both men armed only with camera guns. Unbeknown to Dan, Frank replaces his camera round with a live bullet and plans to kill him in revenge for his brother’s death. The two men engage in a two day game of cat and mouse which is complicated by the involvement of Tommy’s wife and a mix up at a sports shop. As the men finally get each other in their sights who will win and who will die?
O Monstro do Fundo do Mar
Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to tell the authorities, no one believes her. She finally teams up with a marine biologist in an attempt to destroy it.
O Monstro do Fundo do Mar
Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to tell the authorities, no one believes her. She finally teams up with a marine biologist in an attempt to destroy it.
Combat Squad
A tough sergeant helps a raw recruit find courage under fire during the Korean War.
O Robô Alienígena
Ro-Man, um alienígena da Lua quer dominar a Terra para o imperador do Universo e para isso se utiliza de uma máquina superpoderosa capaz de enviar raios calcinadores a todas as cidades, aniquilando-as. Misteriosamente ele conserva apenas uma família de oito pessoas para estudo. Ao mesmo tempo renascem dinossauros e outros monstros pré-históricos, que se debatem violentamente em lutas mortais, tudo em meio a enormes cataclismos geológicos.
Baionetas Caladas
Fitz (uncredited)
A história de um pelotão durante a Guerra da Coreia. Um por um os superiores do Cabo Denno vão sendo mortos chegando ao ponto em que ele deve tentar assumir a responsabilidade de comando.